Dominate the world

Chapter 817 Suppressing Monster Beasts

Jiang Xiaobai looked back at everyone in the academy. At this moment, everyone had already taken their positions, either manipulating the organs, or guarding dangerous places, with swords, guns, swords and halberds tightly clasped in their hands, sharp eyes, exuding an aura of fearlessness.

Three figures flew up and stood side by side with Jiang Xiaobai. They were Lin Xiao, Kong Xuan and Bai Yu.

"Principal Jiang, these monsters are just monsters derived from the spout of vitality in the city, and the more powerful ones are still outside the city." Bai Yu reminded.

Kong Xuan nodded in agreement: "Exactly, we need to kill these monsters as soon as possible to guard Luocheng."

Lin Xiao drew out the long sword behind his back, the sword was silver white, with a blood-red halo under the sunlight, he looked down at the monster below, and suddenly smiled and said: "Dean Jiang, why don't we have a competition to see who is the best?" Killed more monsters."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "It's exactly what I want."

Kong Xuan and Bai Yu looked at each other, and said in unison: "In this case, we are naturally indispensable."

"Kill!" The four shouted at the same time, turning into four beams of light and killing the monster in front of the academy.

Below, all the people of Qilu Wushu gathered their momentum together, gathered into long spears, and followed the four people in the sky to kill the monsters.

"Kill!" A few rough voices sounded from among the monsters, and a dozen or so emperor-level monsters jumped out at once.

Jiang Xiaobai stood in the air, and shouted coldly: "The emperor-level masters come out and stop them together."

He flipped his palm, and a long sword appeared in his hand. It was a three-thorn sword. With a flick of his wrist, the tip of the sword was dotted with cold stars, covering three imperial monsters.

These three monsters are not too big in size, but they are about the size of a calf, and they look like rats that have become bigger and mutated.Their fur is dark, and each hair is so fresh, shining with cold stars.

And their eyes were filled with hatred, evil and other negative emotions. Jiang Xiaobai took a look, and felt a wave of nausea in his chest.

In just an instant, the feeling of nausea disappeared, but his sword could not help but slow down, and the three mouse emperors retreated nimbly, easily dodging his ultimate move.

"Hey, human beings who can't control themselves, the second child, the third child, kill him." The mouse emperor with half a meter long fangs outside his mouth screamed, his voice was sharp and harsh.

The three mouse emperors rushed up together, sharp nails protruding from their short forelimbs, the nails were black and translucent, like small daggers.

The fingernails cut through the air, leaving behind black lines, making a chi-chi piercing sound, and a sweet smell diffused.

Are these nails poisonous?

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to be careless. After all, these three mouse emperors were demon emperors born after the recovery of vitality. In terms of strength, they might not be inferior to the previous emperor-level monsters. superior.

He directly displayed the killing move of Wuyun swordsmanship, one sword is like wind, one sword is like rain, one sword is like mountain, one sword is like forest, one sword is like thunder, five swords are chained, and the moves are interlocking. One person hits five people momentum.

The sword's force was like a cold star, and it swung down like rain, stabbing precisely on the fur of the three mouse emperors.

Clanking, clattering, and electric sparks flickering, the needle-like black hairs on the backs of the three mouse queens fell all over the floor, revealing their fleshy bodies, like three fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered, but in the end they stopped Under this trick.

"Hahahaha, what a shaving swordsmanship." Not far away, Bai Yu's teasing laughter came faintly.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look sideways, and there was already a royal-level monster screaming and bloody under his palm, and it was completely defeated, and it was only a matter of time before it was beheaded.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't want Bai Yu to take the lead, so he raised his sword again, ready to make a contribution in one fell swoop.

After all, the three mouse emperors had not been emperors for long, and they were not fierce enough. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's mighty sword, how could they dare to be tough with Jiang Xiaobai, so they turned around and ran away.

"If you want to run, stay here." Jiang Xiaobai yelled, and with a movement of his divine sense, it turned into a large net of divine thoughts and came out.

In the void, a sky net shining with purple light appeared out of thin air, covering the three fleeing mouse emperors.

"Mie!" Jiang Xiaobai said softly, he couldn't believe that he had caught three imperial monsters so easily.

The net of spiritual thoughts shrunk rapidly, and the purple light suddenly became brighter, and the mesh crossed, piercing the three imperial-level monsters.

The sharp screams sounded just now, and then stopped abruptly. The sound was full of panic and fear, and it made people feel cold when they heard it.

Whether it is a human fighter or a monster, they can't help but look towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw lumps of minced meat raining down from the sky, equal in size and neatly arranged.

With a thud, the minced meat fell to the ground. Only then did the humans and monsters come to their senses, and they all looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Those were three imperial-level monsters, not cats or dogs, but they were beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai in an instant?

"This is the divine mind like a net, how is this possible? How did he do it?"

"He is only at the middle stage of the emperor's level, and his divine sense is like a net, and he should be at the peak of the emperor's level!"

"Kill!" Bai Yu snarled, and raised his heavy hand again and again, and the imperial-level monster that was already lingering under his hands was smashed into pieces amidst sobbing.

In other places, Kong Xuan and Lin Xiao didn't hold back any more, and used all their tricks.Jiang Xiaobai killed three imperial monsters by himself, if they couldn't kill even one, it would be too shameful.

Zhao Chong swung a big hammer, which was his newly refined imperial magic weapon, and it hit a bull-like imperial monster with pain.

Bang, bang, the sound was endless, almost forming a musical note, graceful and elegant.

Lan Yingying's long sleeves fluttered, her figure was graceful, and her long sword was flying. Her posture was indescribably beautiful, but her sword moves were also terrifyingly fierce. The imperial monster in front of her screamed again and again, and from time to time there was an extra small gap in her large body. The hole came, and the blood was soaring.

Seeing that the emperor-level masters had the upper hand and suppressed the attacking monsters.The students of Qiluwu University also no longer stick to the school gate, and all of them rushed out bravely, fighting against generals, soldiers against soldiers, fighting with all their strength, regardless of their own lives.

"How dare you!" Jiang Xiaobai once again stopped the two imperial-level monsters from fighting, and with a glimpse of his eyes, an imperial-level monster secretly rushed towards a group of students whose strength was not higher than the master level.

With a loud shout, he pushed back the two emperor-level monsters with a single sword. In a flash, he appeared in front of the emperor-level monster. .

Bang, only then did Jiang Xiaobai's voice break through the air.

"General against general, soldier against soldier, dare to defy, kill!" Jiang Xiaobai sternly shouted.

Over the past few days, he has been wandering around, his vision has gradually expanded, and his mind has gradually become more complete.He knew that he was no longer alone. He was the dean of Qilu Wuda University. While protecting the college, he also wanted to promote the growth of the students.

Right now, these monsters are not that strong, and they are the best training targets.

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