Dominate the world

Chapter 819 Blue Moon

Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaobai led a group of teachers and students from the Qilu Martial Arts University, together with members of the Confucian Mansion Jixia Academy and the Ministry of Martial Arts, to the Los Angeles Wartime Headquarters. welcome up.

The huge changes in Luocheng, all kinds of information about monsters, all kinds of chaos inside the city, and other documents have all been presented to him, which has already exhausted him physically and mentally.

The Los Angeles military department has infinitely overestimated the recovery of vitality, hoarded various materials, and arranged personnel arrangements to the maximum extent, but now it seems that the preparations made are still a drop in the bucket.

The city of Los Angeles has expanded nearly ten times, which means that the area they need to guard has expanded ten times.However, due to the enlargement of the area, manpower is already stretched, not to mention the collapsed city walls gave the monsters more opportunities to take advantage of.

As a last resort, Sheng Le could only continue to divide his troops, allowing limited soldiers to defend against almost infinite monsters.As for the dangerous places and monsters that breed inside the city, he is powerless.

As a last resort, he could only turn to Qilu Martial Arts University for help, even though he knew that the latter had already attracted most of the monsters in the city.But he never expected that Qilu Wuda would chop melons and vegetables in one morning and annihilate all the monsters in the city in one fell swoop, and even all the staff would come out to support them.

"Thank you!" Sheng Le's eyes filled with tears, and he bowed deeply to everyone.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly stepped forward to lift General Sheng Le up, and said sincerely: "General Sheng Le is too far-fetched, we are members of Luo City, and it is our duty to defend the border."

General Sheng Le held Jiang Xiaobai's hands tightly, and couldn't help but be speechless for a moment.

"General Sheng Le, come, let me introduce some heroes to you." Jiang Xiaobai said, introducing Kong Xuan, Bai Yu, and Lin Xiao solemnly.

General Sheng Le's eyes lit up, and he said with great joy: "It turns out that they are young heroes from the Confucian Mansion in Qucheng, Jixia Academy and Martial Arts Department. All three of them have become emperor-level masters. They really are heroes. With your help, I believe Luo City will definitely be able to resist the invasion of the Monster Beast Sect."

Kong Xuan and the others hurriedly expressed their thanks modestly and exchanged a few simple greetings.

Jiang Xiaobai said: "General Sheng Le, if we are grateful, let's talk about it after the victory. Please tell us the specific situation."

Sheng Le nodded again and again: "That's the truth, please follow me."

With that said, Sheng Le flew up to the top of the city, and everyone followed.

Standing at the bottom of the city, I didn't realize it, but when I landed on the top of the city, I realized that all kinds of monsters had already gathered for several miles, and far away in the sky, there were even countless monsters flying towards this side in an endless stream.

"Before, the monsters feigned an attack. We relied on the organs and the soldiers to fight back the monsters. At least I thought so before, but these monsters gathered after retreating. It seems that there is something else Calculate."

Sheng Le said worriedly, the monsters they had resisted before were not too many, and they were already tired of running around.Right now, there are several times as many monsters gathered outside Los Angeles, and the threat is as great as one can imagine.

"How about the city wall?" Jiang Xiaobai asked. In the past three days, he has witnessed various changes in the land of Qilu.

Sheng Le cried with a smile: "It's God's blessing, it's not too bad. Several high mountains and big rivers formed a natural moat, which was enough to stop the monsters for a while. But it still caused the collapse of two sections of the city wall, forming two gaps If we divide our troops, our army can only hold one place at most, and the other place will be powerless."

"Needless to say, leave the other place to us." Jiang Xiaobai agreed.

Kong Xuan and the three praised in unison: "That's right."

"I'm sorry." General Sheng Le said.

Jiang Xiaobai flew up in the air and glanced at the group of monsters, but saw the monsters lazily lying on the ground, crawling among the rocks, snoring faintly, as if they were resting.

Do monsters need to sleep?

Inexplicably, Jiang Xiaobai felt a palpitation in his heart, as if some great danger was coming.

"Bai Yu, what did you notice?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking, looking at Bai Yu and the others.

In his heart, Jiang Xiaobai also tentatively asked Taiji Yuanpan, but unfortunately the latter did not respond.

Bai Yu frowned and shook his head: "No, why did you find something?"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't answer, but just looked at Kong Xuan and Lin Xiao, but they also shook their heads in surprise.

"No, this feeling is very bad, but I can't guess what it is, maybe I'm thinking too much?"

Zhao Chong stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "Xiaobai, trust your intuition, otherwise I would have died in Kunlun."

Lan Yingying suggested: "Since we can't figure it out, we might as well go to the guard place first, maybe where we get there will inspire you?"

"That's fine, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai bid farewell to Sheng Le, and led the crowd towards the guard office.

Half an hour later, the group arrived at the place pointed out by General Sheng Le.The sergeant guarding here left quickly after leaving.

In the distance, there are two sections of the city wall, which meet for dozens of miles.Between the two sections of the city wall, there are gullies and ravines, with jagged mountains and rocks, some rising hundreds of feet, or sinking tens of meters deep underground. The sound of rushing water flows from the gullies, forming mountain streams.

In the mountain stream, there is a lot of vitality, scattered and rising, reflecting several rainbows of seven colors, which is extremely beautiful.

"Everyone has worked so hard, hurry up and rest." Jiang Xiaobai said loudly, he suddenly thought of the resting monsters, maybe when those monsters rested, it was time to attack , They should also recharge their batteries as soon as possible to restore and improve their strength.

Time flies, and the sky gradually darkens.

"Dean Jiang, look at the moon." The instructor who arranged the guards suddenly called out.

Everyone woke up and looked towards the sky together.

However, the sun and the moon in the sky are juxtaposed on the east and west sides. The sun is dim and is about to set, but the full moon, which should be silver and white, is an orchid as a whole, exuding a breathtaking blue charm.

Involuntarily, everyone at the scene fought a cold war, and their expressions couldn't help but panic.

"Dean?" Some students exclaimed, looking at Jiang Xiaobai expectantly.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, he finally understood why he felt palpitations before, and the source was on the moon.

Sure enough, the next moment, there was a roar of a monster beast in the distance, and then a strong wind blew up, with a stench, just like the tone of monster beasts, which made people want to vomit.

"What's the matter, my realm has fallen?" A female student suddenly shouted, she broke through to the king level before, but now she has fallen back to the peak of the master.

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