"Me too!"

Panicked voices sounded from the crowd, and everyone looked at the blue moon in the sky, their faces full of panic.

"The monsters are attacking!"

The monsters didn't give everyone time to regroup, and they didn't even have time to worry or fear. The moment the red sun completely fell into the horizon, the monsters came roaring.

There was a rumbling sound, it was the sound of countless monsters' soles stepping on the ground, chaotic but powerful, better than thunder.

The sound waves came clamoring, as if the heaven and the earth began to shake, and the already incomplete city walls began to shake, and might collapse at any time.

"Students of the Confucian family, kill!" Kong Xuan yelled violently, and he was the first to come out of the crowd, rushing forward to face the vast group of monsters and beasts.The momentum is strong, and he is not afraid of death.

All the people in the Confucian Mansion burst out streaks of cyan aura, enveloping them.As they ran, they quickly changed their formation and evolved into a blue arrow.

Under the night, the arrow flashed a dazzling blue color, exuding a strong power.

Lin Xiao's movements were also not slow, he immediately shouted and greeted: "Jixia Academy, go!"

The Jixia Academy has always been as famous as the Confucian Mansion in Qucheng, and they all have a burst of literary spirit.But different from everyone in the Confucian Mansion, their style of writing is a little sharper, and they hold a long sword with vertical and horizontal sword intent.

Although the cyan color of Wen Qi is a little weak, the sharpness of the sword intent is even higher than Wen Qi.

"After the saints of the Confucian Mansion, the Jixia Academy has also been passed down for thousands of years. They are not afraid of death. Don't we people in the Martial Arts Department fear death? Come on!"

Perhaps inspired by Kong Xuan and Lin Xiao, Bai Yu couldn't maintain his previous indifference at this moment. His eyes were hooked, his left hand was a knife, his right hand was a sword, and his whole body was full of breath, as if he had turned into a killing god.

"Kill!" Everyone in the Martial Arts Department roared loudly, and followed Bai Yu to kill them.

Their formation was a bit chaotic, but their momentum was not weak either. They yelled and formed a third arrow.

The three arrows were evenly matched, and rushed towards the oncoming wave of monsters together.Compared with the huge wave of monsters, the three arrows were extremely weak, but they carried an absolute power. They ran faster and faster, and finally rushed into the wave of monsters.

"Dean?" Kong Shang called out.

He didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai didn't move.

All the teachers and students of Qiluwu University stared at Jiang Xiaobai closely, waiting for the dean's order, and the turmoil in their hearts could hardly be suppressed.

Finally, Jiang Xiaobai let out a long laugh, and shouted: "We also charge!"

The masters and students of Qiluwu had waited too long, but they believed that Jiang Xiaobai would not back down, otherwise he would have rushed out with Kong Xuan and others.

At this moment, after hearing Jiang Xiaobai's order, the group of people used their strength to fully exert their vitality, and frantically rushed towards the wave of monsters, waving their hands, gnashing their teeth, and their faces were ferocious.


Jiang Xiaobai flew high in the sky, waved one hand, and a bright long sword appeared in his hand, and the long sword was full of stars.

Tai Chi Star Sword!

This is the killer weapon that Jiang Xiaobai forged with the Tai Chi Disc after fusing many treasures!

At this moment, the two sides have been completely mixed together, there is me in you, and you in me. Looking around, there are almost no human beings, and they are all covered by the huge body of monsters.

But the sound of killing shook the sky, blood splattered, shredded meat and shin bones flew, and the breath of death spread everywhere.

In just a few seconds, Jiang Xiaobai saw more than a dozen people from Confucian Mansion stabbed to death by the fangs of monsters, then swallowed their backs into their stomachs, and disappeared into this world without bones.

Some monsters were also beheaded, but immediately there were more substitutes, making human fighters suffer from the enemy.

He had to bear it down, unless he completely resisted these monsters, saving himself would only lead him to fall into the tide of monster attacks.

"The emperor-level powerhouse listens to the order and kills the emperor-level powerhouse first. I need the heads of seventy-seven and 49 emperor-level monsters!" Jiang Xiaobai mobilized his vitality and screamed on the battlefield, and his reputation was heard hundreds of miles away.

This is the method of defeating the enemy given by the Tai Chi Yuanpan just now. Tai Chi generates two instruments, Yin and Yang alternate, the anode generates Yin, and the cathode generates Yang.Today's blue moon changes because of vitality, and it can also change because of vitality.

The great road is fifty, the sky is four and nine, and people are one of them.

This is the principle of heaven and earth, the only chance for human beings.Relying on Brother Pallet's strength, relying on the strong vitality absorbed before, after paying homage to the 49 heads of the emperor-level monsters, the escaped one will appear, and that is their vitality.

"Okay!" Bai Yu was the first to respond.

Then, the emperor-level powerhouses present responded one by one. At this moment, they believed in Jiang Xiaobai without hesitation.In an instant, nineteen emperor-level warriors flew out of the crowd.

"Don't worry about us, kill the imperial monster!" Kong Shang shouted loudly.

Du Pingyuan vigorously brandished the several-meter-long saber, slashed a path of blood, and gathered the students and instructors who were besieged by monsters one by one.

"Warriors below the imperial level must gather together and don't fight on their own!"

In the group of monsters, the emperor-level monsters gathered at the rear, and they haven't been dispatched yet.In their view, such a number of monsters is enough to drag down human fighters, and they don't need to do anything.

At this moment, hearing Jiang Xiaobai's appeal, these imperial monsters became angry.

A five-meter-tall golden lion roared, "Human beings who are overwhelmed by their own strength, go and kill them."

Following the roar of the golden lion, the imperial-level monsters crawling beside it quickly flew up, one by one roaring wildly and rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

"He's mine." The golden lion kicked its feet, and its body appeared in front of a group of imperial monsters as if teleporting.It raised its front palm and pointed it directly at Jiang Xiaobai.

The other emperor-level monsters scattered one after another, killing their respective opponents.

"A monster at the peak of the emperor?" Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

He felt the power of the golden lion, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of fear, and a strong fighting spirit rose in his heart.He has long wanted to experience the power of a half-step emperor-level master.

The golden lion roared, and the lion's roar resounded throughout the battlefield. The violent power stunned the people and monsters in the battle for a moment.

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his ears so hard that his ears were almost deafened.

"Screaming so loudly, scaring your father, you should hit him!" Jiang Xiaobai cursed, his ears were still buzzing, and he couldn't hear anything.

With a dodge, he dodged the pounce of the golden lion, and raised his sword from bottom to top.

The sound of chi chi sounded, as if the space had been cut with cracks.The golden lion reacted extremely quickly and jumped away lightly, leaving a ball of hair fluttering in place.

"What a powerful sword!" Jiang Xiaobai was pleasantly surprised. Brother Pan's products are indeed high-quality products.

The golden lion was completely angry. What it liked most was this fur, which was shining golden and extremely majestic, but now it was destroyed by this human being.

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