Before the golden lion could counterattack, Jiang Xiaobai had already trampled on him.Now is not the time for teasing. It doesn't take a second longer, and one more student may die below.

Instinctively, Jiang Xiaobai resorted to Wuyun swordsmanship which he is best at. This set of swordsmanship has penetrated into his bone marrow.

With a chirping sound, the golden lion screamed, and pieces of golden lion fur flew all over the sky.

The Taiji Star Sword was too sharp, there was no need to stab the golden lion at all, the air was stimulated by the sword's intent, and became so sharp that the golden lion couldn't dodge it at all.

"As expected of a monster in the late stage of the imperial class, this agility is really fast." Jiang Xiaobai was secretly awe-inspiring, and he didn't dare to be careless. He looked like he had more power, but in fact he had exhausted all his strength.

The golden lion looked embarrassed, but in fact it was not injured.

The sword qi slashed across, but left white spots on the golden lion's skin, which couldn't penetrate at all.

The golden lion flashed again, but it didn't want to crash into a big purple net.

"Spiritual thoughts are like a net? How is that possible?" The golden lion was shocked. He only realized this supernatural power a while ago, and he was not very proficient, but now he was shown by this human who was only in the middle of the imperial class.

Jiang Xiaobai wielded the Tai Chi Star Sword and stabbed down quickly, taking advantage of its illness to kill it. The golden lion is already half-step emperor level, and the next sneak attack probably won't work.

This sword finally did not disappoint, the Tai Chi Star Sword finally pierced the skin of the golden lion, and the tip of the sword penetrated deep into the internal organs.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly poured in his vitality, preparing for an explosion of vitality. Once he was hit, the golden lion would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

The golden lion wailed in pain again and again, and its four claws pounced again and again, pulling out a gap in the net of spiritual thoughts.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai felt a pain in his head. He knew that the network of spiritual thoughts was damaged, and his body was backlashed. Fortunately, his spiritual thoughts were strong enough, and the pain subsided quickly.

The golden lion saw the opportunity quickly, turned over, and withdrew the Tai Chi Star Sword from the body. The lion's blood splashed three feet high, but it took the opportunity to jump out from the net of divine thoughts.

"Oh——" The golden lion didn't notice it for a while, and was seriously injured. It really became more and more fierce. Instead of running away, it turned around and threw itself at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Human, how dare you hurt me, go to hell!" It opened its mouth wide, as if devouring the sky and the earth.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that the world was completely dark, and his vision disappeared completely.Instinctively, Jiang Xiaobai's body exploded back, but a suction force suddenly rolled out from the darkness, like a snake tightly wrapped around Jiang Xiaobai, pulling him forcefully into the darkness.

"Hmph, you're taking your own life." Jiang Xiaobai sneered, "Brother Pan is in your hands."

In the outside world, many people watched Jiang Xiaobai being swallowed by the golden lion in one mouthful, and were stunned.

"Hahahaha, it's just a human being, so what if it has some talents, it's not just a piece of my blood." The golden lion laughed and praised.

The monsters congratulated loudly: "The lion king is mighty!"

"Dean Jiang!"

Heart-piercing mournful voices sounded, and no one thought that Jiang Xiaobai would die here.

"No, Xiaobai won't die." Zhao Chong shouted, his eyes were bloodshot, and he held up the sledgehammer he forged with his own hands, and bravely threw it at the golden lion.

"You spit out Xiaobai!"

Lan Yingying was terrified, Jiang Xiaobai was no match for the golden lion, how could Zhao Chong stand in the way?Isn't it a waste of life?

"Zhao Chong, come back quickly!"

But Zhao Chong, who had already been filled with grief and anger, could not hear Lan Yingying's pleading. He shouted loudly, his arms surged three times, and he slammed down on the golden lion's forehead.

"Hmph, let's come in together!" The golden lion smiled contemptuously, and opened its mouth wide.

But the next moment, the golden lion's body froze, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood, spurting Zhao Chong aside.Lan Yingying hurriedly supported Zhao Chong who was struggling in mid-air, and looked curiously at the golden lion.

"Ah—" the golden lion howled miserably, rolling in the air, rolling over and over again.

And its body shone again, the rich golden color was even more dazzling than when the hair was dense before.Soon, a ray of light penetrated the skin of the golden lion and shot straight into the sky.

The second way, the third way...

The golden lion turned into a sieve and was penetrated by rays of light. The light became more and more shining, and under the night, it was as bright as a small sun.

"Back, back!" Bai Yu shouted violently.

Everyone also realized that it was obvious that the golden lion was about to explode.

"Ah—" The golden lion's screams came to an abrupt end.

With a loud bang, the golden lion was completely shattered into pieces, teeth, bones, flesh, and flesh were flying in all directions, and an extremely powerful force roared out of the golden lion's body, rushing in all directions.

The vitality was surging, and some low-level warriors and monsters were rushed back again and again.

"Dean Jiang!"

In the crowd, everyone shouted, and many people even burst into tears, weeping with joy.At this moment, people still didn't realize what happened. It was clearly Jiang Xiaobai who rushed out of the golden lion's body.

Jiang Xiaobai's body was suspended in mid-air, dressed in white, spotless, under the blue moonlight, as if a god came to the dust.He waved his hand to the crowd and shouted loudly: "Humanity will win!"

"Humanity must win!"

One after another voices of echo sounded, the voices were scattered in various places, and gradually gathered together, the morale was greatly boosted, and the momentum was like a rainbow.


Jiang Xiaobai's figure is like lightning, and he kills another imperial monster.

"Kill!" The crowd was deeply encouraged, and they also followed to kill the emperor-level monsters.

Lan Yingying supported Zhao Chong, and said softly, "Are you still capable of killing?"

"Haha." Zhao Chong spat out blood and shouted, "No problem."

The two supported each other and flew up, and once again killed an imperial monster.

The blue moonlight became brighter and brighter, and the strength of the monsters increased faster and faster.From time to time, there will be a sudden change of breath, becoming stronger and more strange.

The roars of the monsters were gradually connected together, everything was sealed off, and no human voice could be heard anymore.

Only by watching monster beasts moving ferociously towards certain places can we know that human beings are still resisting and have not been completely defeated.

"How many?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted sadly.

He had already beheaded twelve imperial-level monsters, and the Taiji Xingchen Sword was covered with blood from monsters, and it had never been drained, and it kept dripping blood.

"I have seven." Bai Yu shouted.

"I have six." Kong Xuan shouted.

"I have six." Lin Xiao shouted.

Zhao Chong and Lan Yingying said in unison: "We have ten here!"

One after another voices sounded, full of fatigue, but showing off arrogance.

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