"There are 48, and there is one more." Li Chan shouted in the distance, and as her voice fell, a headless emperor-level monster fell to the ground.

Jiang Xiaobai happily said: "Okay, let's kill another one!"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." A Confucian mansion emperor-level master pointed forward and smiled wryly.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look, but saw more than 20 imperial-level monsters gathered together, looking like an enemy.

"Hahahaha, they are afraid of being killed." Bai Yu laughed loudly, he had never felt so happy like today.He looked at Jiang Xiaobai, Kong Xuan, and Lin Xiao, and heaved a sigh of relief while deeply admiring them.

In the past, he was the only one in the vast China. He constantly competed with the younger generation from other countries and shouldered heavy responsibilities. Now he knows that he is no longer alone, and he has companions to share the burden with him.

"Kill!" At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was covered in blood, some of which were his own, and more of them belonged to monsters.

He held the Tai Chi Star Sword in one hand, and a dragon tendon in the other, which was pierced with the heads of twelve monsters.At this moment, he felt a little sorry for the golden lion. Brother Pan was too powerful, and the latter exploded with nothing, otherwise it would be enough.

More than a dozen imperial-level powerhouses rushed towards the imperial-level monsters together, a few of them were gnashing their teeth, their strength was slightly weaker, and they were suppressed by Lan Yue, and a single emperor-level monster had not been hunted yet.


A monster in the shape of a scorpion yelled bitterly, it also has the strength of the middle stage of the emperor's level, and now it is blessed by the power of the blue moon, almost reaching the point of the emperor's level.

But the strange death of the golden lion before completely shocked it. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai rushing, how could it dare to fight Jiang Xiaobai?

All the emperor-level monsters complained in their hearts. Who is the monster? Human beings are simply crazier than them!

"Don't run!" the crowd roared, chasing quickly.

At this moment, the difference between human beings and monsters was completely revealed. A relatively weak emperor-level monster was attacked by three monsters jointly, and it was seriously injured at the end.

Everyone frantically operated, and the imperial-level monster had no room to resist, and was easily beheaded.

"You guys protect me for the rest of the time." Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

"Leave it to us." Everyone agreed in unison, surrounding Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Brother Pan, it's up to you."

He took the heads of the imperial monsters that were handed over by everyone, and threw them in the air.Rubbing his hands together, a vitality mirror appeared in his hand.

As soon as the mirror appeared, the heads of 49 monsters exploded one after another, turning into pools of vitality and flesh, and flew into the mirror.

The light of the blue moon in the sky suddenly dimmed, and the next moment, a ghostly blue moonlight shone down, filling the entire mirror.

Jiang Xiaobai let out a muffled snort. At this moment, the vitality mirror was as heavy as a mountain. He almost exhausted all his strength to hold it up and not let the vitality mirror shatter.

There was a gust of wind howling, and the wind churned and the clouds were shattered, and vitality gathered from all around, pouring into the mirror one after another.

The mirror shone, and then unexpectedly resisted the faint blue moonlight illuminated by the blue moon, holding up the moonlight bit by bit, forcing the moonlight back.

"Stop him!" The scorpion-like imperial monster screamed.

The blue moon blesses their power, once the blue moon changes, their invasion is doomed to fail this time.

An order was issued, but the emperor-level monsters hardly moved.

The scorpion monster was furious, looked sideways, but saw that these bastards did not dare to go forward, but just drove their subordinates to attack.

"Whoever dares to delay any longer, it will be your fate." The scorpion monster shook its scorpion tail violently, and pierced into the head of a king-level monster.

The latter had no power to resist, and his body turned into a ball of rotten flesh, which was swallowed by the scorpion monster.

The imperial level monsters were frightened by the ferocity of the scorpion monsters, and the majesty of the race level made them dare not resist at all, and rushed towards humans one by one roaring.

There are more than 20 emperors today, but there are a few more than human emperors, and the advantage is not too big.

But after fighting for a while, the monsters gradually became arrogant again. They found that without Jiang Xiaobai, other humans were not so powerful.

The monsters became more and more courageous in the battle, and the emperor-level masters gradually became dangerous.If Bai Yu and the others had been taking care of the surrounding partners continuously, several people would have already become innocent minions of monsters.

Even so, they couldn't last a few more minutes.

Jiang Xiaobai saw everything in his eyes, but at the moment he was already distracted and powerless.The blue moonlight was forced to rise gradually, but the escaped one hadn't appeared yet.

"My big brother, how long will it take? We can't hold on anymore." Jiang Xiaobai called out eagerly in his heart.

"Ah!" With a scream, an imperial-level expert from the Martial Arts Department was accidentally bitten by a monster watching from the side, and died.

All of a sudden, it was as if the dominoes were pushed, and the already unstable circle instantly shattered, and three people in a row died tragically at the same time.

The circle is finally broken!

"Protect President Jiang." Kong Xuan yelled, he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and quickly wrote a war poem: I smile to the sky from the cold sword, go and save Kunlun!

A cold knife suddenly appeared from the air, Kong Xuan's body flashed, he chopped open three imperial monsters with one knife, rushed out from their encirclement, stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai, swung his knife across the sky, and blocked The tail stab of the scorpion monster.

With a bang, the cold knife exploded, Kong Xuan sprayed a mouthful of blood, and fell backwards.

"Brother Xuan!" A female emperor hurriedly followed Kong Xuan, but saw three wounds appeared on Kong Xuan's body out of thin air, and blood spattered randomly.It was because of the injuries suffered by the three emperor-level monsters, but they were sealed by the war poem.

Now that the battle poem is shattered, his injuries have completely exploded.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were bloodshot, he didn't expect Kong Xuan to block a fatal stab for him.

"Scorpion, I will kill you later!"

The body of the scorpion monster trembled, a pair of red eyes flickered twice, Jie Jie laughed strangely: "Hehe, kill me? See if I kill you first? I want to see, who else can help you block it again? "

The scorpion monster pouted its hind legs violently, and the venomous stinger on its rear gleamed with a faint blue light, and stabbed down again.

"And me!" Bai Yu snorted coldly, his figure changed, and he appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai.He no longer had a weapon in his hands, but directly met the tail stab of the scorpion monster with both arms.

With a snort, the tail thorn pierced directly into Bai Yu's arms.

"Lin Xiao, don't do anything yet." Bai Yu gritted his teeth and shouted, his face turned blue in just a moment.

A beam of sword light seemed to cut down from the sky, and landed heavily on the scorpion monster's tail.At the same time, a clear voice sounded: "Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. This sword is named Galaxy!"

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