Dominate the world

Chapter 824 After the War

Qilu Wuhan University, conference room.

Looking at the empty conference room, the 13 people sitting in the conference room sighed in unison.

Kong Shang died in battle, Du Pingyuan died in battle, Qi Yuan died in battle, and almost all the senior directors and mentors died in this defense battle, but many young people survived.

Jiang Xiaobai silently cupped his hands towards the empty space. He knew that they were all protecting the students and willingly gave their lives.

"Zhao Chong, from today onwards, you are the dean of Qiluwu University of Weaponry."

"Zhang Chulan, you have become the dean of the Academy of Arts."

Zhao Chong and Zhang Chulan stood up straight, and said loudly, "Yes!"

There was a hint of grief and heavy in the voices of the two of them. They looked at the vacant seats and sat down slowly, as if they just had a little more burden on their shoulders between standing and sitting.

"Li Chan, Lan Yingying, the two of you have to take care of each other and support our Qilu Martial Arts University. After all, I am the head of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department, and there will be more and more places that need to be taken care of."

The four of them responded together: "Don't worry, just leave the academy to us."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, he was naturally relieved of the four of them.

"Wu Sheng, don't be sad. Although Yang Chengbin is dead, you are still alive. I hope you will serve as the president of the academy's martial arts club. Now that you have the strength of the emperor, I hope that in your hands, the The Martial Arts Club has flourished."

Wu Sheng nodded heavily, rubbed his red eyes, and said slowly: "I will not let the seniors down."

In the following time, Jiang Xiaobai arranged some affairs again, and then returned to his dean's office. He had to personally sign each death notice, which was a respect for every teacher and student who gave their lives for the school.

At dusk, the call from the Martial Arts Department finally arrived.What happened this time was too mysterious, Jiang Xiaobai knew that the Ministry of Martial Arts would definitely summon him.

Taking the martial arts fighter, Jiang Xiaobai went to the martial arts department.

The entire capital was in a state of desolation. In fact, Jiang Xiaobai had already noticed that the larger the city, the heavier the casualties, and it was full of mourning and mourning.

The Ministry of Martial Arts is covered with white cloths to commemorate the heroes who died in the war.

Elder Tang Shanhai still greeted him at the door, seeing Jiang Xiaobai no longer welcomed him as before.


Jiang Xiaobai nodded lightly and asked, "How are all the elders?"

Tang Shanhai hummed, and sighed: "Elder Jin Zhi almost died. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the monsters withdrew, and his life was saved. He is already old, and he may need to be recuperated later. It’s been a while. Fortunately, my vitality has recovered again, and it should be able to recover, so I won’t just retire.”

"Xiaobai." Tang Shanhai suddenly became serious, and his tone became more serious than ever, "I'm not talking to you as an elder, but asking you as an elder."

Jiang Xiaobai's face was also serious, and he said sincerely: "Elder Tang, just ask."

This time, the war caused by the recovery of vitality made Jiang Xiaobai see too many things that he hadn't seen before. For example, people from the Martial Arts Department escorted his family to a secret place to ensure their safety.

During the fight, countless powerful mentors sacrificed their lives to save the weak students, especially the sacrifices of Kong Shang and Du Pingyuan, which made Jiang Xiaobai fully aware of the selfless dedication of the older generation.

The reason why they can travel lightly is that the older generation supported them.

Tang Shanhai praised: "Okay, I'm afraid you won't be able to listen now. You have to remember, especially at this stage, you have to hide your strength and bide your time. After all, this time the matter is too big. If it was before, you would at most be one A rising star, a younger generation, but after this incident, you have become the most watched hero in the world."

After a pause, Tang Shanhai continued: "But this is not a good identity. Only dead heroes are respected, and living heroes are calculated by others."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded seriously: "Elder Tang, I understand."

Tang Shanhai coughed and said with a smile, "Okay, Elder Jiang, let's go in."

"Elder Tang, please."

When he came to the meeting room of the Ministry of Martial Arts, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at everyone, the great elder Xie Guanying still hadn't arrived, but the other elders did.Most of the people's faces were smiling, Ye Tiannan's expression was calm, but Pan Feng's eyes became more and more gloomy.

"Hey, Elder Pan Feng was unlucky, the eldest son Pan Wei died in the tide of monsters." Elder Fei Yuming beside him said quietly.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head speechlessly, and his vigilance against Pan Feng tightened up a bit.

The second elder, Duan Hong, looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile, his eyes full of praise. This time Jiang Xiaobai made a great contribution, saving the entire Luo City, and even the entire Qilu Province.

Jiang Xiaobai had practiced for less than five years, but he was able to enter the realm of the emperor and made such great contributions.

And Luo City, this ancient cultural city, survived two attacks by monsters and beasts, and survived.

Even in the world, everyone began to praise it.

The thousand-year-old city of Los Angeles is fortified with iron walls.

"I suggest that you all bow to Elder Jiang Xiaobai, and thank Elder Jiang for his contribution to our Huaguo Martial Arts Department." Pan Feng suddenly stood up and suggested with a smile.

Everyone was taken aback, and the atmosphere in the conference room became awkward.

If these words were spoken by other people, everyone would naturally respond one after another, but when Pan Feng pointed them out, it was strange.

Pan Feng smiled lightly: "Why, Elder Jiang Xiaobai used his secret magic power to summon the Tiangu Chiyue, which changed the situation when many cities were about to collapse. It is precisely for this reason that our human warriors We were able to counterattack and resisted the monster's attack. Shouldn't we thank you? Although I, Pan Feng, have a feud with Elder Jiang Xiaobai who killed his son, I naturally know what to choose in front of big right and wrong. It's possible that you don't believe me. "

"Of course not, Elder Pan Feng is serious."

"Elder Jiang has done a lot of hard work, and we should really bow down and thank you."

The elders talked about the scene, eased the atmosphere, and stood up together.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Pan Feng, feeling furious in his heart, this guy clearly had ulterior motives.Just now he felt a little bit sorry for Pan Feng, but in the end the old boy gave him another go.

Jiang Xiaobai is an unruly person, he felt sorry for the contribution of the older generation before, and wanted to calm down, not to mention that Tang Shanhai reminded him to hide his strength and bide his time, but this old boy jumped out and was disgusting.

"Elder Pan has lost his beloved son and is restless. Don't attend this meeting. Go back. Come and help Elder Pan go back." The second elder, Duan Hong, suddenly spoke coldly, without showing any affection for Pan Feng. noodle.

Two king-level powerhouses came in, stood beside Pan Feng, one on the left and one on the right, and said coldly, "Elder Pan, please."

Old Pan Feng's face was flushed red, he didn't dare to blame Duan Hong, but just gave Jiang Xiaobai a hateful look, then flicked his sleeves and strode out.

"Okay, the extra people are gone, let's continue talking about business." Duan Hong said.

Pan Feng, who had just walked out of the door, suddenly staggered, his vitality circulated, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

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