A few hours later, Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the conference room blushing.

Second Elder Duan Hong actually told him that the Ministry of Martial Arts was very satisfied with his performance this time, and even named him the number one God of War in China.In a few days, the Great Elder will rush back to crown him specially and choose him as the successor of the Great Elder.

The post-disaster reconstruction started quickly, and Jiang Xiaobai's name became a well-known hero with the publicity, which confirmed his reputation as the number one God of War in China.

All kinds of Jiang Xiaobai's past were dug up by the media, and the records were disclosed to the public again and again. Only then did the public discover that all the records of Huaguo's martial arts practice had been broken by Jiang Xiaobai over and over again.He even created a very high standard, which is amazing.

It was only then that the media discovered that there were too many topics about Jiang Xiaobai. The programs about Jiang Xiaobai were broadcast one after another, and the ratings skyrocketed, quickly spreading all over the world.

But when the outside world was hustle and bustle, Jiang Xiaobai followed First Elder Xie Guanying, tirelessly absorbing all kinds of insights and understanding of martial arts taught by First Elder.

Jiang Xiaobai knew that his martial arts progressed too fast. Even with Brother Pan's help, his foundation was solid, but his understanding and perception of each realm was still superficial.

Xie Guanying's preaching led him to walk the road of practice again, and his understanding of martial arts became more and more profound, and he also gained some new insights.

Xie Guanying's face suddenly became serious, and he said via voice transmission: "Next, I will teach you the top exercises of Huaguo, except for some elders, only you and I practice this set of exercises, even Duan Hong has never practiced this set of exercises. Practice. It is impossible to know what the real name of this exercise is, but after a certain senior realized it, he had a feeling in his heart, and he became emperor one day, so he named it the emperor's book."

Emperor book?Such a domineering name.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to be careless, and said in a deep voice: "Xiaobai understands, the way should not be passed on lightly."

Xie Guanying nodded and said: "The emperor's book has no words, only perception, how much you can comprehend depends on you."

Saying that, Xie Guanying raised his index finger, with a flash of spiritual light, and lightly tapped on Jiang Xiaobai's brow.Jiang Xiaobai focused his attention on comprehension, and only felt that this exercise was vast and profound, with endless connotations, making it difficult for people to understand.

"You should understand well, I'll go first." Xie Guanying said with a smile, set a restriction, and walked away lightly.

"It seems that we can only rely on Brother Pan." Jiang Xiaobai knew very well that his talent was mediocre, and by himself, he might not be able to comprehend it completely in his entire life.But with Tai Chi discs, anything is possible.

Waiting quietly for the decipherment of the Taiji disk, Jiang Xiaobai once again recalled the various experiences taught by the great elder.Three days later, Jiang Xiaobai finally woke up. He let out a long sigh of relief and performed his exercises. His previously flamboyant aura suddenly became restrained.

At this moment, in the eyes of a warrior, he is like an ordinary person, with almost no vitality fluctuations on his body.

"Bai Yu, you are really good." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but admire.

Jiang Xiaobai sensed the realm, although it didn't increase, but it was obviously solidified a lot, and it was no longer as vain as before.

Ding, a soft sound suddenly sounded in my mind, Brother Pan's update was completed.

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, and quickly called out his attributes.Taiyue's true solution can be cultivated to the emperor level, and further improvement requires better exercises.Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art is indeed mysterious, but it is difficult to practice, and it takes too much time to cultivate to the top.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation level: mid-stage royal class

Cultivation method: Taiyue True Solution (100%) will be covered soon and will no longer be revealed

Bajiu Xuangong second level (30%)

The fourth volume of Taoism (1%), the original name of "Emperor Book", got one and the other eight.

Tactics: Streaming Fairy Shadow (1%) Evolved version of Ghost Shadow

Liuhe Swordsmanship (1%) Wuyun Swordsmanship Upgraded Version

Golden Dragon Sword Qi One Inch (1%) Upgraded Silver Snake Sword Qi

Overlord Sword (1%) Nine Hell Lightning Sword Upgraded Version

Supernatural powers: Divine thoughts become a network

Jiang Xiaobai swallowed a mouthful of saliva. When he felt the so-called "Emperor's Book", Jiang Xiaobai knew that this exercise was not simple. Who knew it would be so extraordinary.

Daojing, just by hearing the name, you can know the extraordinaryness of the latter.

There are nine volumes of the Taoist scriptures, and now this one should be an emperor-level volume, which can be cultivated into an emperor-level volume, but it is only the fourth volume, and there are five volumes to come, God knows what extraordinary state it will be.

Martial arts practice starts from martial artist, then master, then king level, then emperor level, then emperor level, and then the realm after that, Jiang Xiaobai never thought about it at all.

He always thought that the emperor level was the end, but after the Tiangu appeared, and now this Daoist scripture, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the road is long and the road is long, and he is still far behind.

"Does the Great Elder know?" Jiang Xiaobai said to himself, "I'll ask later. Brother Pan said that there are nine volumes in this exercise. I don't know if there are other volumes in the Martial Arts Department?"

Withdrawing the restriction, Jiang Xiaobai came out, thanked the guards outside, and asked, "Is the Great Elder still in the Martial Arts Department?"

"Reporting to Elder Jiang, the Great Elder has already left. But yesterday Lei Ze City sent a letter asking for help, and I heard that there was a monster attack."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes turned cold, and his aura turned cold: "Lei Ze City?"

The guard was rushed by Jiang Xiaobai's aura, and couldn't help backing back again and again. He was horrified, he was also the strength of Wang Jiwu, and he couldn't stop Elder Jiang's aura.

Is this the number one master of the younger generation, the number one God of War in China?

Jiang Xiaobai apologized, and said in a sentence: "If someone is looking for me, just say that I went to Lei Ze City."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Xiaobai's figure had disappeared into the sky.

Some time ago, after the tide of vitality passed, the parents returned to live in Lei Ze City, and they had already gotten used to the life in Lei Ze City.

The monsters did not attack other places, but attacked Lei Ze City. Jiang Xiaobai was burning with anxiety. Could it be that those monsters came for him?

A few hours later, Jiang Xiaobai came to Lei Ze City.

Before he landed, he heard a mighty voice from afar, the latter's voice was hoarse and full of provocation.

"Haha, is this the number one god of war in your country of Hua? His parents were besieged by the emperor, and he didn't dare to show his face. It's really embarrassing. What are you bragging about, being the number one in talent for thousands of years, shit No, if you have the guts, give it to my son?"

Jiang Xiaobai was suspended in the air, and saw a group of monsters and beasts gathered around a Thunder Snake, brazenly singing praises to the Thunder Snake and bragging about it.

Thunder Snake spread out its body arrogantly. It is a full [-] meters long. Its body is as thick as a house. A small bump is slightly raised on a huge head. There are thunders flickering and crackling on it from time to time, and its power is frightening. .

"As you wish, I, Jiang Xiaobai, are here."

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