Jiang Xiaobai pumped up his vitality recklessly, with murderous intent, his whole body was like a meteor falling, hitting heavily in front of Emperor Thunder Snake.

With a scream, Jiang Xiaobai trampled the head of a royal monster into pieces.

"Jiang Xiaobai?" The monsters exclaimed.

"The No. [-] God of War in Huaguo, Jiang Xiaobai has finally come." Lei Ze City's guards also shouted. This domineering appearance immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the soldiers, and they cheered for Jiang Xiaobai loudly.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and waved to the soldiers guarding Lei Ze City, turned his head to look at Lei Ze, and shouted sharply: "Rai Ze, you dare to besiege Lei Ze City, you really want to die!"

Thunder Snake laughed, and shouted rustlingly: "The body is not bad, let me swallow you, it is definitely a great tonic."

"Killing you, stewing a pot of snake soup is also good." Jiang Xiaobai replied, although the improvement of Bajiu Xuangong is slow, but the miraculous effect is extraordinary. Jiang Xiaobai is confident that with his current physical strength, he is no better than ordinary emperors. Peak difference. ,

Thunder Snake laughed loudly: "It's kind, since that's the case, let's have a fight, my son weighs in on the so-called No. [-] God of War in Huaguo."

"God of War, be careful, don't agree. This Thunder Snake is powerful, and even more insidious. Many emperor-level seniors have ruined its poisonous hands before." Someone reminded anxiously from behind.

Thunder Snake snorted and called out, "Noisy!"

It flicked its long tail violently, and the snake's tail rose hundreds of meters at once, fiercely pulling towards the city wall.The people watching the battle behind the wall screamed, just feeling the power a little bit, they knew they couldn't stop it.

With a flash, Jiang Xiaobai appeared in front of the city wall, fisted with both hands and struck out in a row, towards the whipped snake tail hammer.

Crack, crack, crack, a series of rushing noises, almost forming a line.

The voice receded, Jiang Xiaobai stood proudly beside the city wall, and Thunder Snake retracted its long tail. Everything was calm, but the trees on the ground fell, and the sand and stones flew away, recording the brutality of Jiang Xiaobai and Thunder Snake's fight in an instant.

"What a powerful fist." Thunder Snake snorted coldly, and it flicked its tail gently to ease the pain in its flesh.

"What a strong body." Jiang Xiaobai joked casually. At that moment just now, he punched at least a thousand punches, but he didn't expect the Thunder Snake to block them all.

This guy calls himself the Emperor of the Thunder Snake, and he is indeed quite powerful.

Thunder Snake is cruel by nature, and Jiang Xiaobai's strength has aroused the ferocity in its bones. It roared viciously: "Stop talking nonsense, bet or not? If I don't bet, I will bloodwash this city of Lei Ze!"

"How dare you!" Jiang Xiaobai responded straight away, "Since you are looking for death, I will grant you, bet!"

"Okay!" Thunder Snake laughed wildly, "There are three rounds in total, one bet on the body, the second bet on the divine mind, and the third bet on the supernatural power, how about it?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, this Thunder Snake insisted on gambling, it was obviously a fraud, it might be dangerous for others, but in his view, it was just some tricks.

Razer chuckled: "In the first round, we each punched each other. We couldn't resist, so we had to hold on. I'll come first."

"Zhanshen Xiao..." On the wall behind him, the worried voice sounded again.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand to signal the back to stop talking. This Thunder Snake is not a friendly person. It is really urgent. The Thunder Snake will attack the city desperately, which is bound to cause a lot of casualties.

"Hmph, I'm kind." Thunder Snake hecked, his eyes flashed fiercely, "Take me for a punch."

Its figure changed instantly, turned into a human form, and punched Jiang Xiaobai with a fist in the chest.

This punch brought a rush of wind, it was extremely heavy, and the surrounding monsters suddenly felt that their breathing was suffocated, as if the air was taken away by Thunder Snake's punch.

Jiang Xiaobai stood proudly on the spot, straightened his chest, and showed no fear.Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu has already been running at full strength, and at this moment, his physical body is comparable to that of a king kong.


Thunder Snake slammed Jiang Xiaobai's heart hard with a fist, and thunder flashed under the edge of the fist, and a faint blue cold light shone faintly.

"Hahahaha, it's an idiot to be the number one god of war in Huaguo. I don't bother to bet with you. You think I'm competing with you in the flesh. Hmph, I'm poisoning you! You've got me Snake venom, all the power in your body has been turned into nothingness, how can you fight me?"

On the city wall, countless warriors wept sadly, feeling sorry for Jiang Xiaobai.They had already seen how powerful the venom of the Thunder Snake was. In just a few seconds, it turned an imperial master's vitality into nothingness, and turned him into an ordinary person, ready to be slaughtered.

Thunder Snake laughed wildly and stepped forward, grabbing Jiang Xiaobai's neck with one hand, his movements were frivolous, and he already regarded Jiang Xiaobai as a dead person.

"It's my turn!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly raised his head and punched Razer.

The Thunder Snake was shocked. It saw strong sarcasm in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes. What made it even more frightened was that Jiang Xiaobai's body was full of vitality and dignified, and there was no sign of being melted by the snake's venom.

"You deserve to play tricks with us humans?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and punched Thunder Snake directly in the head.

With a loud bang, Razer could no longer maintain its human shape and showed its original shape.On the huge snake's head, the bulging little packets of thunder scattered and became a mess.

"This is the source of your strength, right?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, took out the Tai Chi Star Sword, and slashed heavily at the snake's head.

The Thunder Snake was severely injured, and for a while it couldn't even restrain the thunder and lightning wandering in its body. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai cut it down with a sword, it was completely frightened, "My father is an emperor-level powerhouse, how dare you kill me? ?”

The strength of the long sword in Jiang Xiaobai's hand remained undiminished, and he chopped off the head of Emperor Thunder Snake to the ground.

"Emperor-level powerhouse? Even if your father is Li Gang!"

Jiang Xiaobai casually picked up the Thunder Snake's head and wanted to throw it in front of the crowd of monsters to frighten them, when the Tai Chi disc in his body suddenly sent out a reminder.

"Ding, I found pure lightning energy, which can be absorbed."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, and grinned at the group of monsters who were baring their teeth and roaring loudly, and screamed inwardly: "Absorb."

There was a roar of thunder, and streaks of thunder were extracted from Thunder Snake's brain and entered Jiang Xiaobai's body.

And Razer's head quickly withered and became smaller. After a few seconds, Razer's head turned into a mass of black ash.Jiang Xiaobai blew casually, and the black ash fell down.

Many monsters screamed, this scene is simply a replica of their monsters devouring humans, only more brutal and terrifying.

With a palm of his hand, Jiang Xiaobai sucked the corpse of the Thunder Snake on the ground into his hand. After the same operation, when the corpse of the Thunder Snake was completely annihilated, none of the monsters dared to stay behind, and quickly fled away.

"God of War, God of War!"

In Lei Ze City, the survivors cheered loudly in surprise.

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