Dominate the world

Chapter 827 Yuxu Palace

Jiang Xiaobai waved at the crowd and flew into the city.

After simply comforting everyone, Jiang Xiaobai hurried to the house, knowing that his parents must be worried.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back, and the monsters outside have retreated." Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly when he came to the villa area where his parents lived.

Although monsters are terrifying, what makes people even more chilling is the sarcastic remarks of others.

This time, Thunder Snake came because of him, even with his current status, someone would definitely take his anger out on his parents.Parents are soft-hearted people, and they are bound to feel uncomfortable, which is definitely not what Jiang Xiaobai wants to see.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's voice, many people came out of the house, Jiang Xiaobai greeted a few times politely, and came to the front of the house.

More than a dozen guards jumped out from the darkness, saluted Jiang Xiaobai, and then disappeared into the darkness again.These people include people from the Martial Arts Department, the military department, and people from Lei Ze City. They were ordered to protect Jiang Xiaobai's parents. It was these people who forcibly persuaded Jiang Yuan and his wife to go back.

If something happened to the two of them, they couldn't bear Jiang Xiaobai's anger.

This villa was rewarded by Qiluwu University, and the conditions in all aspects are the best.Jiang Yuan and his wife walked out quickly, seeing that their son was safe and sound, the family embraced happily.

"Dad, Mom, as long as you're fine." Jiang Xiaobai hugged his parents tightly. He was used to seeing life and death, and Jiang Xiaobai cherished the time with his parents and relatives even more.

Benefited from the explosion of vitality, the two of them were visibly much younger, and they both became warriors unknowingly. Although their realm was not high, they were also physically strong and full of energy.

"Xiaobai, your mother and I know what you have done in the past few years. You did it beautifully. Dad is proud of you." Jiang Yuan said happily. In the past few years, whenever he heard about his son's heroic deeds outside, he would Proud.

Especially those big figures who used to be aloof, they took the initiative to meet him several times, which made his face greatly improved and his life became easier.

Tears welled up in Jiang's mother's eyes, and she held Jiang Xiaobai's hand tightly. The mother who traveled thousands of miles was worried. Although she was happy for her son's growth, she was even more worried.

"Mom, don't worry, my son is very strong. To put it bluntly, unless it is some legendary characters, my son is not afraid of anyone. Even if they make a move, my son is capable of escaping."

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's affirmation, Mother Jiang felt relieved: "That's good, that's good."

Jiang Xiaobai was chatting and laughing with his parents, but his mind turned to thinking that this is not the way after all.Along the way, he has offended countless people, and the monsters he offended will only become more and more serious.

If the enemy can't deal with him, he will definitely find a way to harm his parents.

At that time, where will he go?

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he hurriedly ran out of the room, feeling a familiar and powerful aura.

"Jiang Xiaobai pays homage to the Great Elder!" Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the house, and sure enough, he saw Xie Guanying, the Great Elder of the Martial Arts Department descending from the sky.

Xie Guanying smiled and landed on the ground.

"That's right, that's right, your vitality has been condensed a lot, maybe after a while you can try to break through to the late stage of the imperial class." Xie Guanying praised.

Jiang Xiaobai said politely: "It's still thanks to the Great Elder for clarifying the confusion, I am very grateful. The Great Elder came to see me, right? Is there something wrong with the Martial Arts Department?"

Xie Guanying pointed to the Jiangyuan couple who came out, and said kindly: "I'm here for them."

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly introduced Xie Guanying to his parents, and when he heard that this fairy-like old man turned out to be the great elder of the Martial Arts Department, he actually passed No.1, the two were flattered and hurried forward to meet him.

Xie Guanying smiled and helped Jiang Xiaobai's parents up: "We should say thank you, thank you for raising such an excellent child as Jiang Xiaobai."

The Jiang Yuan couple blushed and became more and more proud.

"It's like this. The incident with the monster this time made the Martial Arts Department realize that we haven't protected your parents enough, so this time I'm here to take them to a special place."

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, he was still worried about this problem before.

"Elder, please come in."

Jiang's mother quickly prepared all kinds of spiritual fruits, and she and Jiang's father were about to step back and let their son talk with the elder.

"Mom and Dad, this matter is also related to you, let's listen together." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Both parents sat down suspiciously.

"You two, I am going to invite you to a place called Yuxu Palace, and I will settle down there from now on."

"Yuxu Palace? Could it be that there is also a Biyou Palace?" Jiang Yuan asked in amazement. Now that he has plenty of time, he has read a lot of books on mythology and strange things in order to pay attention to his son's situation. He once saw it in a book. The legend of Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace.

Jiang's mother was quite curious, and Jiang's father quickly explained.

"Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace are the top secrets of our Martial Arts Department. There are some elders living in it. It's a small world. The two of you live in it, and your safety can be guaranteed..."

Jiang Yuan interrupted Xie Guanying: "We are willing to move in."

"Dad?" Knowing a son is like a father, and Jiang Xiaobai has never known what his father thinks.

"Son, although Dad doesn't have the talent to learn martial arts, I also understand that what you do is a big deal, something that is meaningful to the country and the people. Mom and Dad can't support you, as long as you don't become your burden and concern."

Jiang's mother nodded again and again, her eyes were full of care for the child.

"Okay, your mother and I are going to pack up, you two talk first." Jiang's father said, pulling Jiang's mother to go to the inner room.

Xie Guanying looked at the back of Jiang's father and Jiang's mother leaving, and said with emotion: "I finally understand, what kind of parents can raise a child like you."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, looking serious: "Elder Elder, can you tell me about the Yuxu Palace?"

"Of course." Xie Guanying responded, "As I said just now, Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace are the top secrets of our Martial Arts Department. Unless you have been the head of the Martial Arts Department for 20 years, you will not be told. Of course you Is an exception, your progress is too fast."

"It can be said that there is a small world inside. Although there is no sun and moon, it is full of vitality, much more abundant than the outside world today. You can practice. Maybe the next time you go to see them, they will have become masters."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded again and again, this is the best, "Then the origin of Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace?"

Xie Guanying said sternly: "It should be the two palaces in the legend. It is said that a long time ago, an elder of our Hua Kingdom found it from a ruin. But unfortunately, the elder died of serious injuries shortly after returning. And that ruin also disappeared mysteriously, and there is no trace of the latter."

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