Dominate the world

Chapter 828 Crane

Jiang Xiaobai nodded knowingly, feeling fascinated for a while.

Yuxu Palace, Biyou Palace, and even the Tengu that appeared, could it be that there really was a mythical world in the past?

Xie Guanying smiled, when he heard about these two palaces for the first time, he was just like Jiang Xiaobai now.

"It's a pity that many things have been buried in the long river of history, and we need to explore slowly. The situation of the Tiangou eating the moon some time ago can be regarded as a complete realization of the truth of those myths. You don't know, these days, many Foreigners have begun to frantically study the myths of other Chinese countries, and you are the first to bear the brunt, and challenges will be indispensable in the future."

Jiang Xiaobai said complacently: "Don't be afraid, the soldiers will cover the water and soil. On my way to the summit, the more stepping stones will come to my door, the better."

"You're quite confident." Xie Guanying smiled, "By the way, how do you feel about "Emperor's Book"?"

Jiang Xiaobai said quickly: "Elder Elder, I was just about to ask you. I realized something. It turns out that this exercise is not an imperial book. Its real name is Taoism."

Xie Guanying raised his white eyebrows and pondered: "Taoist scripture? Such a domineering name, are you sure?"

Jiang Xiaobai affirmed: "That's right, and this exercise is only the fourth volume of the Taoist scriptures. There are nine volumes in all the exercises. Elder, do we have other volumes in our Martial Arts Department?"

"Nine volumes?" The Great Elder, who had always looked like a fairy, changed his face in astonishment. He shook his head, "I don't know, this exercise is the one handed down from Yuxu Palace. There is only one volume, but It’s too mysterious, but it’s because of this Daoist scripture that Huaguo has the current situation.”

Xie Guanying changed his words, which obviously meant that he recognized the name of Taoism.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little bit regretful, but he also felt normal. It was already amazing that such a powerful thing was lucky enough to get a roll, and he was more greedy.

"By the way, Great Elder, the fourth volume of the Dao Sutra corresponds to practicing from the emperor level to the emperor level. Do you know the subsequent strength level?"

Xie Guanying smiled wryly again: "If I didn't know it from you, I wouldn't know the origin of this book is so extraordinary. As for the subsequent division of realms, according to the classics I have read, after the emperor level, it should be the saint level, but the saint level I don't know after that."

"According to the information I read, I made an inductive guess that a saint-level master should be able to rush out of the planet and fly freely in the starry sky without restraint."

After a pause, Xie Guanying added another sentence, his ruddy face was full of yearning.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head involuntarily, looked at the starry sky through the window, rushed out of the planet, and today's technology is nothing more than that.

"That day the dog should be a master at the holy level or above." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Xie Guanying nodded: "It's probably the case. It's a pity that those high-level dragons don't see their heads and tails, so they don't have the chance to see them. Our realm is still too low."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded again. In the eyes of outsiders, they, the old and the young, are already in a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, but after reaching this realm, the two of them know that they are still far behind.

"Okay, it's almost time, it's time to go." Xie Guan replied.

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but said, "Elder Elder, don't you wonder how I lured the Tengu out?"

Xie Guanying smiled: "That's your secret, and it's also the secret of the Martial Arts Department. If that's the case, why should I know it?"

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai was in awe, he quickly stood up, and bowed respectfully to Xie Guanying.No wonder the attitude of everyone in the Martial Arts Department towards him was the same as before. No one questioned him, and some reminded him. Now it seems that most of the elders gave him an order in advance.

"Let's go." Xie Guan responded.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother had already made preparations, Xie Guanying punched casually, opening a passage, and the opposite was the Huaguo Martial Arts Department.

Jiang Xiaobai walked with his parents by his arm, and the next moment he appeared in the Martial Arts Department. This scene surprised the two elders alike.

"Mom and Dad, you have to work hard to cultivate in the future, and my son still wants to become a fairy with you." Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

Mother Jiang glared at Jiang Xiaobai: "What nonsense, Mom just wants you to be safe."

Jiang Yuan chuckled: "Fucking mother, what my son said is right, we should also cultivate. If you don't want to become a fairy, you can live for hundreds of years!"

"Wouldn't that be old and immortal?" Mother Jiang laughed as she spoke, but there was also a trace of yearning in her eyes.

Xie Guanying smiled slightly, listening to the family of three talking and laughing, suddenly, he also missed the child a little bit.

He hastily waved his sleeves and opened one after another of the restraints, and the four of them appeared in front of a huge palace. On the palace, there was a shining plaque made of purple gold wood, with three large characters written on it - Yuxu Palace.

"Come on, let's go in." Xie Guanying pushed open the door casually and walked in with the family of three.

After one step, the field of vision changed drastically, as if returning to the mountains and forests again, everywhere was full of vitality.

Jiang Xiaobai blinked, trying hard to distinguish whether everything was true or not, but he found that he couldn't tell the difference.In the distance, the mountains are vast, the trees are forested, and the river is surging, majestic and magnificent.

He felt the vitality for a while, it was so strong and terrifying, if he practiced here, he would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

"Ah, is that a crane?" Mother Jiang suddenly called out.

Jiang Xiaobai followed his mother's fingers and saw several white cranes flying in the sky. They were all snow-white and graceful, soaring in the sky, which was too beautiful to behold.

Xie Guanying said with a smile: "It can be said that they are cranes. After we got Yuxu Palace, we found that there were cranes here, so we let them live in it, and we gradually became familiar with them in the past few years, otherwise they would not be there at all. Appear before us."

"Let's go, let's settle down first."

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's residence is a wooden villa, but there are no electrical appliances and modern appliances, but the two are very satisfied, and they have made up their minds to practice hard.

"Son, you can go at ease, don't worry about us. When Dad succeeds in cultivation, I will teach them for you." Jiang Yuan laughed loudly.

Jiang's mother rolled her eyes speechlessly, and Jiang Xiaobai laughed and replied, "That's right, if the son can't win, of course he has to find his parents."

Xie Guanying had a lot of work to do, and it was quite rare to spend so much time with them, so he ate some spiritual fruits and went.Jiang Xiaobai was worried about his parents, so he stayed overnight, making sure that this place was beneficial and harmless, so he left.

Flying in the air, Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he flew towards the distant crane. He didn't want to do anything at all, just try his luck, maybe he won't get the goods.

He had a wild guess in his mind, the Taoist scriptures were obtained from Yuxu Palace, maybe these cranes know something?

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