Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to let go of his speed, for fear of scaring the crane away.

He approached slowly, and finally attracted the attention of the cranes.

There are five cranes in this group, all with white feathers, showing a sense of holiness and purity.The two ends are slightly larger, the height is almost three meters, and the spread of the wings is more than 20 meters wide.

The other three are slightly smaller and seem to be immature, about two meters tall, with wings of fifteen to six meters.But compared to the two larger cranes, the three small cranes have a more ethereal feeling, which is extraordinarily amazing.

"Gah—" two adult cranes yelled at Jiang Xiaobai, their voices were not pleasant, with a hint of threat.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to move forward, he was suspended in the air, and slowly started to run the Taoism scriptures.

The two adult cranes froze, flapping their wings slowly, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with less rejection.And the three underage cranes flapped their wings and looked at Jiang Xiaobai blankly, as if they were trying to identify something.

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, speeding up the operation of the exercises, gradually a trace of mysterious dao rhyme floated around him, these dao rhymes startled Jiang Xiaobai, he was sure that there was no such effect before, it should be in Yuxu Palace Unique miraculous.

The three little cranes called softly, and suddenly the smallest crane came out of the crowd and flew towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"Crack!" An adult crane whipped the young crane's wings and knocked the latter back.

The adult crane held its head proudly, sending out a wave of divine thoughts, but it was a female voice: "Boy, if you want to subdue the crane, hum, come again after becoming an emperor."

After finishing speaking, the crane swept its wings, and Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a surge of force, and he couldn't help but fly backwards far away.

Jiang Xiaobai finally stood still, but saw five cranes in the distance had drifted away and disappeared into the mountains.

"Okay, I'll wait until I become an emperor." Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, these cranes definitely knew something.

"Little friend is very ambitious, why don't you come and talk about it." An old voice quietly appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's ear, the voice was ethereal, and it was almost imperceptible.

Jiang Xiaobai immediately understood that the owner of this voice should be the Supreme Elder that the Great Elder said.

Is this testing yourself?

Jiang Xiaobai felt it quietly, and quickly flew towards a high mountain in the west.

It was a shining, verdant peak with a snow-white peak that looked like it was wearing a white hat.At the top of the peak, two old men with white beard and hair were playing chess. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai flying, one of them smiled and put down the chess piece.

"Elder Jiang is indeed extraordinary. His reputation as the number one God of War in the Hua Kingdom is worthy of his name. He is a formidable future generation!" The old man in Taoist robes smiled.

Another old man sized up Jiang Xiaobai, and said with emotion: "Xiao Xie said that you understood the emperor's book and learned the real name of the exercise. Now it seems that this statement is true, your skill is still good, when you practice the emperor's book The days are getting shorter, and the Dao Yun on my body has already shown signs. My little friend, you are a person with great luck!"

Jiang Xiaobai landed slowly, cupped his hands and bowed to the two of them: "Boy Jiang Xiaobai, I've met two seniors, and seniors praised me absurdly."

Daoist Lao Tzu stroked his beard and said: "Wu Dao, those who have mastered it first, maybe you will be one of us in a short time, and the title of senior can be avoided. My surname is Gongsun, and my single name is a dragon. You call me Gongsun Lao!" That's fine, this is Tong Fangyuan Tong Laoer."

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly taken aback, but he caught sight of the teasing in the corners of the eyes of the two old people. He was an open-minded person, but luckily he recognized it instantly.

"Since the two brothers insist, then Jiang Xiaobai has met Brother Gongsun and Brother Tong."

"Hahahaha!" The two elders laughed in unison.

Gongsun Long said with a smile: "Little friend is interesting. Every time a newcomer comes in, our two hometowns will recruit them and ask the question just now. You are the first person to borrow a donkey from the slope."

Jiang Xiaobai could not help but smile, these are still two old urchins.

"In the eyes of the two old brothers, am I good or bad?"

Tong Fangyuan took a sip: "You have a thick skin. But it's good to be thick-skinned. Martial arts practice is all about expressing your feelings. You can say whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want. You can eat meat if you want to, eat meat if you want. Drinking, where are there so many rules, the prisoner is very serious!"

Tong Fangyuan changed his previous fairy-like appearance, raised his thighs, pouted his beard, and said foul language, looking like a commoner, which made Jiang Xiaobai dumbfounded.

Gongsun Long smiled: "Leave him alone, he just looks like that, and he claims that this is the real man of temperament."

Tong Fangyuan smiled complacently: "So, I am the first person to communicate with the crane. Of course, this kid is the second."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tong Fangyuan curiously, but he heard Gongsun Long unceremoniously dismantling the stage: "You wanted to steal the crane because of your cultivation, but you were beaten up by the crane, just to exchange farts."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed suddenly, and gave Tong Fangyuan a thumbs up: "Brother Tong is mighty and domineering, and then what?"

"Then, I broke through and became an emperor-level master." Tong Fangyuan laughed shyly, "Others laugh at me for being crazy, but I laugh at others for not being able to see through it!"

That's fine too, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Gongsun Long for proof, and the latter nodded speechlessly.

"Little friend, do you know why?" Tong Fangyuan suddenly asked seriously.

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a moment, a flash of wisdom flashed in his mind, and he blurted out a sentence: "Is this luck?"

Tong Fangyuan proudly shouted: "That's right, this old man is the only one who hasn't become an emperor-level master by relying on the luck of the whole country!"

Gongsun Long said: "For a long time, everyone thought that Xie Guanying was the only emperor-level master in Huaguo, but in fact, Tong Laoer became an emperor-level master earlier, with stronger strength, and a farther road to go."

Tong Fangyuan became serious: "In my opinion, you are more talented, more lucky, thicker-skinned and easier to shame than Xiao Xie, so I hope you don't take the road of accumulating luck, but It is a way to create luck. Now that the vitality is recovering again, the luck of all countries has also increased. It is expected that a small country is enough to cultivate an emperor-level powerhouse, and a big country like Huaguo can produce dozens. Hundreds of them are no surprise."

Tong Fangyuan changed his tone and continued: "However, the accumulated luck is the luck of the earth after all, not your own. It is like a rootless duckweed, which looks beautiful but lacks vitality. Xiao Xie said the Taoist scriptures However, it is a pity that he no longer has the potential to continue to improve, unless there is another recovery of vitality, it can be said that on the current earth, except for me, no one can break through the emperor level and break out of the earth."

Gongsun Long nodded silently, with a heavy face: "Those who know this, you are the fourth person."

"Therefore, only by creating luck can you keep your own luck flowing, otherwise, if you absorb the luck of the earth, it will stay forever."

After saying that, the figures of Tong Fangyuan and Gongsun Long had disappeared.

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