It turned out that the two seniors came here deliberately to point out the future path for themselves!

Jiang Xiaobai bowed his hands respectfully to the sky, and said sincerely: "Jiang Xiaobai is very grateful for the teaching from seniors, and I will never forget the great kindness of Ming Dao."

Both of them had disappeared, and Jiang Xiaobai found that he hadn't noticed the direction the two seniors were fleeing at all. Obviously, it was leaked on purpose for him to investigate.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head mockingly: "I'm still a little drifting, the so-called God of War, I'm still far behind!"

Jiang Xiaobai flew to yesterday's entrance, and a boy hurried to meet him.The little boy is only eight years old, and the horns are still tied on the top of his head. Some of the baby's fat cheeks are white and rosy, very cute.A pair of big eyes are pure and translucent, but some of them have reached the late stage of king level and are about to break through the peak and become kings.

"You are Jiang Xiaobai's brother, right? Grandfather asked me to take you out." The boy looked at Jiang Xiaobai curiously, as if he was trying to remember Jiang Xiaobai's breath.

Is this pointing again?Tell yourself not to be arrogant?

Jiang Xiaobai was grateful, and seeing the boy's eyes soften, he took out a king-level weapon at random, gave it to the boy, and said with a smile, "I'm Jiang Xiaobai, what's your name, little guy? Who is the grandpa?" Senior Tong Fangyuan?"

Xiaotong blinked his big eyes, glanced around secretly, quickly put away his weapon, and couldn't hide a happy smile from the corner of his mouth, "Hello, Brother Xiaobai, my name is Tong Xiaoyu."

Then, the little boy frowned: "Grandpa is grandpa, who is Senior Tong?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing, this little guy is so much fun.The little guy's surname is Tong, so the grandfather is naturally Senior Tong Fangyuan.

"Xiaoyu, you can send brother out. I will bring you a gift when brother Xiaobai comes next time." Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

Tong Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "Really? Brother Xiaobai, can you bring some sea monsters? Xiaohe said that she likes to eat them very much, but the sea monster meat here is not good."

Xiaohe?Could it be the crane?

Jiang Xiaobai stared at Tong Xiaoyu's aura, but found that he couldn't see anything.But Jiang Xiaobai was even more certain that the little crane that Xiaoyu was talking about should be the same as a crane. Xiaoyu's heart is pure, so perhaps he was taken care of by the crane.

It's normal that he doesn't have the aura and aura left by the crane, the crane has its own way to erase it, maybe even Senior Tong Fangyuan doesn't know about it?

"Okay? Next time I come in, I'll bring a delicious sea monster." Jiang Xiaobai promised.

Tong Xiaoyu swallowed her saliva, and said shyly, "Brother Xiaobai, you have to remember, don't forget, Grandpa Gongsun always said to bring me gifts, but he always forgot."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Let's pull the hook."

Tong Xiaoyu quickly stretched out her little finger and pulled the hook, two dimples appeared on her satisfied face.

He typed out the formula quickly, and a portal appeared.

"Brother Bai, goodbye."

"Goodbye, little fish." Jiang Xiaobai stepped out.

Turning around and looking again, Jiang Xiaobai found that he was already in a garden of the Ministry of Martial Arts. The garden was huge and criss-crossed, like a maze.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't be troubled by this, he let go of his divine sense, only to find that there was another person in the garden, and it was Elder Pan Feng.

The latter stood in front of a seven-color lotus flower in a daze, muttering something in his mouth, with tears flowing down his face.The moment Jiang Xiaobai released his spiritual thoughts, Pan Feng also noticed Jiang Xiaobai.

"So it's Elder Jiang, why is Elder Jiang still enjoying the flowers?" Pan Feng's voice was somber, not to mention how harsh it was.There seemed to be a hint of madness hidden in a pair of Danfeng eyes, and she didn't want to look again just after taking a look.

Jiang Xiaobai let out a cry of bad luck, seeing Elder Pan Feng's sentimental appearance, a trace of pity rose in his heart.In any case, this old man had given everything to the Martial Arts Department, and the death of his two sons was even more pitiful.

Maybe there must be something hateful about a poor person, this opening is really not to be seen.

"Excuse me." Jiang Xiaobai said, turning around and preparing to leave.

When flying in the air, Pan Feng's voice came from behind again: "Boy, it's not that you won't report, the time has not yet come. You have murdered your son, and now your owner has already released a word to kill you to avenge your son. Hmph, isn't the old man Your opponent, but you shouldn't have provoked an emperor-level powerhouse, and you're going to suffer on your own, playing with fire and setting yourself on fire, hum, hehe, hahahaha!"

Amid wild laughter, Pan Feng flew away.

"I'm sick." Jiang Xiaobai cursed, and said in a deep voice, "This old boy is not a person who speaks out his words. The emperor-level powerhouse said he wanted to kill me. He should be the father of the Thunder Snake. Razer?"

Jiang Xiaobai twitched his lips: "As a veteran soldier, who is afraid of whom?"

Jiang Xiaobai chatted with Elder Tang Shanhai for a while, and after explaining some things, he flew out of the Martial Arts Department.The emperor-level Thunder Snake was under a lot of pressure, and Jiang Xiaobai knew that he should find a place to improve his realm.

Now that the vitality is recovering, it is much less difficult for warriors to improve their cultivation bases. There are many reports in the news that many warriors have made great progress in their cultivation bases, one level per day.

I am the number one pride of China, the number one god of war, and it has been almost half a month since my vitality recovered.The realm hasn't improved yet, so it's not enough to make people compare!

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai went to the East China Sea. Compared with the inland area, the vitality in the sea is more intense.Moreover, there are many sea monsters, and in the spare time of meditation, I happened to catch some sea monsters as gifts from Tong Xiaoyu.

This time it was a retreat, Jiang Xiaobai naturally didn't intend to make a big fuss, he restrained his breath and didn't attract anyone's attention.

A day later, Jiang Xiaobai chose a small island.The small island is not big, the distance from north to south is only a few hundred meters, but the island is lush and lush, with flowers everywhere, and its vitality is not much worse than that of Yuxu Palace.

In particular, there is a freshwater waterfall slanting across the Qianchuan River, and the water pours down into the clear pool, which does not have a sense of emptiness and tranquility, making it very easy to enter meditation.

Jiang Xiaobai fell in love with this small island at a glance. After setting up the formation, Jiang Xiaobai started this meditation next to Zizi Waterfall.

His accumulation has long been enough. In the three days when his vitality recovered, the vitality he absorbed was comparable to the total amount absorbed by a small country. An extremely high stage, and now it is just a leap away.

The tide of the sea rises and falls, and the waves spread to the island in the morning, and the tide recedes again at dusk.

Time flies and it has been half a month. In the whole of Huaguo, people suddenly found that the number one God of War in Huaguo had disappeared, and no one knew where the latter had gone.

And in this eerie silence, a rumor slowly flowed out, Jiang Xiaobai got scared and hid!

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