Qilu Wuda.

Zhao Chong slapped the table heavily, and cursed bitterly: "Hmph, some people are really dogs and can't change their eating shit. Good humans don't do it, but they want to be licking dogs for monsters."

Over the past few days, the arrest warrant issued by the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor has spread all over the country, and with Jiang Xiaobai's silence, some strange voices revived again.

"We should coexist peacefully with monsters. War will only hurt others and ourselves. Peace is the only fundamental solution to the problem."

"Is this our God of War? The only way to hide in the face of the threat of monsters? How does this make monsters think of us humans, and how does this make foreign friends think of us Chinese?"

"The so-called No. [-] God of War in China is just blown out. It is used to comfort us ordinary people. The monsters are powerful. We are doomed to perish. There is no hope for the future."


Zhang Chulan sat on the chair calmly and smiled lightly, Zhao Chong was even more angry after watching this scene.

"Zhang Chulan, are you still smiling at this time? Maybe Xiaobai is injured, and he is recuperating in a certain place. We need to find him as soon as possible!"

Zhang Chulan's fingers burst into green air, and he wrote the word calm in the void.The two big characters were solid and heavy, and with the flick of Zhang Chulan's finger, they flew towards Zhao Chong.

"Calm down." Zhang Chulan said speechlessly, "You are now the dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, and you are no longer an ordinary student. Your words and deeds will have a great influence on the students."

Zhao Chong split the word calm into two with a single knife, but the two broken characters automatically formed two clear streams and penetrated into Zhao Chong's body.

Zhao Chong raised his big knife in the air, and then he put it away. He sat down on the chair angrily, and shouted: "Okay, I calm down."

Lan Yingying was angry and laughed, and punched Zhao Chong bitterly. Zhao Chong quickly apologized and showed his affection in front of Zhang Chulan on purpose.

"Think about it, why didn't the Ministry of Martial Arts speak up?" Zhang Chulan's eyes were clear, turning a blind eye to Zhao Chong's deliberate provocation.

Lan Yingying pushed Zhao Chong away vigorously, her cheeks were still flushed.She asked puzzledly, "You mean, this is the Ministry of Martial Arts deliberately contributing to the flames? Are they afraid of Jiang Xiaobai?"

Zhang Chulan rolled her eyes involuntarily: "Sure enough, the IQ of a woman in love is zero. The Ministry of Martial Arts is so afraid!"

He was so angry that he was so good-tempered.

As soon as Lan Yingying opened her mouth, she knew that she had said something wrong. She glared at Zhao Chong and decided that it was Zhao Chong's fault.

Zhang Chulan said seriously: "Jiang Xiaobai is too popular, so he will naturally make countless enemies. After all, the tree attracts the wind. Especially the legendary scene of the dog eating the moon has caused a very far-reaching impact in our Huaguo, and even in the whole world , We are young and can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

"But this time, the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor let the words go, and the Ministry of Martial Arts did not speak out in defense, so it may have meant that they did not test the folks. As a result, you have seen that moths are everywhere, and people's hearts are unpredictable!"

Zhao Chong waved his hand and said, "I'm too lazy to listen to those big truths, I just care about Xiaobai's safety?"

Zhang Chulan suddenly felt tired for a while, what reason could he reason out with a man who practiced literary spirit and a blacksmith?

Isn't this a scholar who meets a soldier, and it's hard to explain why it's reasonable!

"He's going to be fine. He's always been plotting against others. When has he been plotting against others?" Zhang Chulan threw out a word and walked away with a wave of his hand.

"Why are you going?" Zhao Chong asked.

Lan Yingying pushed Zhao Chong on the chair, feeling a little ashamed.

"But it's been a month, where is Xiaobai?" Zhao Chong sighed, his face full of melancholy.

On an unnamed small island in the East China Sea, the tide suddenly rolled over that day, and the tyrannical aura centered on the small island shot out in all directions, stirring up a wave tens of meters high, and rushed far away before hitting it hard. , The trembling sound lasted for a long time.

"In the late stage of the imperial class, it's really extraordinary." Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly, he punched out suddenly, bombarded in the void, a space crack appeared quietly, but disappeared quickly.

The Bajiu Xuangong is really extraordinary, Jiang Xiaobai is confident that his physical strength has definitely surpassed the peak of the imperial level.Of course, the emperor level and the emperor level are a natural moat, and Jiang Xiaobai does not dare to be conceited to think that his physical strength can be compared with that of an emperor level master, but if he enters the peak of the emperor level, he will definitely have the strength of an emperor level master .

Jiang Xiaobai called up the properties and checked it.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation: late emperor level

Cultivation method: Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu third level (1%)

The Fourth Volume of Taoism (27%)

Tactics: Streaming Immortal Shadow (10%)

Liuhe swordsmanship (2%)

One inch of Golden Dragon Sword Qi (10%)

Tyrant Sword (3%)

Supernatural powers: Divine thoughts become a network

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu has broken through the third level, no wonder the power of the physical body has increased so much all of a sudden.This period of time is the main study of Taoism, and the improvement of Taoism is naturally not slow.

He thought that with the improvement of his skill, he could comprehend by analogy, and his understanding of the tactics of warfare was also more profound.Liuhe swordsmanship and Ba Dao need to be practiced, and there is not much improvement.The movement method Flowing Light Immortal Shadow and the Golden Dragon Sword Qi have each increased to 10%, which made Jiang Xiaobai very satisfied. The stronger the combat method, the stronger the power displayed will naturally be.

"Come out, I found you a long time ago." Jiang Xiaobai restrained his joy, and said lightly.

Two imperial sea beasts jumped out of the sea water, and standing in front of Jiang Xiaobai, they were two giant crabs as huge as mountains.One is golden and the other is crimson. Both of them have monster bodies, but their heads have been transformed into human shapes.

"Human, you are so brave. How dare you go into the sea alone, and it will be our dinner." The big red crab stepped forward, waved its sharp claws, and cut towards Jiang Xiaobai.

The other golden-yellow crab also refused to lag behind, and the golden-yellow crabs cut it together.

"It turns out that you didn't recognize me, so you're out of luck." Jiang Xiaobai said, turning his palms over, and the Taiji Xingchen Sword made a move.

He used the Flowing Immortal Shadow movement technique, leaving an afterimage on the spot, the real body had already landed between the two crabs, the sword tip slashed, the two heads rolled down, and the blood spurted from Lao Gao's neck.

With a bang, the huge bodies of the two crabs fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

Jiang Xiaobai washed the golden crab casually and grilled it. At least it was a sea beast in the early stage of the imperial class. The flesh and blood were full of vitality and the taste was quite good.

After a feast, Jiang Xiaobai put away the other crab and gave it to Tong Xiaoyu when he was about to go to Yuxu Palace again. It's hard to get a monster at the beginning of the imperial level.

Now that he's here, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't plan to leave just yet.Whether it is the Liuhe swordsmanship or the tyrannical sword, only a powerful opponent can sharpen it. What else is more suitable than a powerful and endless sea beast?

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