The sun was setting in the west, and the sky was full of red clouds, and the corpses of monsters on the sea rose and fell with the waves.The sea water was dyed blood red, echoing the red clouds in the sky, and there was an inexplicably poignant feeling.

Jiang Xiaobai was suspended in mid-air, gently wiping the Tai Chi Star Sword in his hand.

Three hours ago, he encountered this group of sea beasts.Thirteen emperor-level sea beasts take the lead, accompanied by hundreds of king-level sea beasts, with extraordinary strength.

The moment they saw Jiang Xiaobai, these monsters killed him without saying a word.

Ever since the creatures in the sea became monsters and gained intelligence, human beings have gradually become insulated from the sea, and the sea has completely become the territory of sea beasts.

Human beings clearly know that there are rich treasure materials and endless opportunities hidden in the ocean, but under the threat of sea beasts, they have to look at the ocean and shrink back on the land.Even a master at the imperial level would not dare to enter the depths of the ocean easily by himself.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai is different.

In the past week, he has been heading east all the way, facing the sun, and blood flows like rivers wherever he passes.He didn't even need to look for sea beasts. With the bloodstains he left behind, the sea beasts could be found all the way.

Over the past week, he has been using Liuhe swordsmanship and Ba Dao continuously, gradually becoming more familiar with them, and the power displayed is getting stronger and stronger.

"Well, the storage space is almost full, it's time to go back."

As the ocean deepened, Jiang Xiaobai found that the strength of the sea beasts was also gradually increasing. The strongest monsters he had seen in the past few days were only in the middle stage of the emperor level. He even ran into a few monsters at the peak of the super level.

After a lot of hard work, Jiang Xiaobai still killed those sea beasts at the peak of the emperor level, and he has a more real understanding of his own strength. Right now, he can fight against the peak of the emperor level, but he is still far from the emperor level. Expert opponent.

"Ding, kill five hundred emperor-level monsters, and reward Zhou Tianxing with a large array."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a reward came from Taiji Yuanpan.Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded for a moment, and he couldn't believe it. During this period of time, he had killed five hundred imperial monsters?

After the surprise, Jiang Xiaobai's heart was even more awe-inspiring. He only flew for a week, and there are [-] sea beasts living in this sea area?

How wide the current global ocean is, unless you are an emperor-level master, you can't tell at all.You know, according to the statistics before the recovery of vitality, the five hundred emperor-level masters are already half of the human emperor-level masters.

But this number is just a drop in the bucket for sea beasts.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, the base of sea beasts is so strong, how many emperors will there be?Will there be monsters of the holy level or even higher realms?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai broke out in a cold sweat, human beings still have a long way to go!

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to stay here anymore. Among these sea beasts, there is a peak emperor-level monster, so don't attract an emperor-level monster because of this, then he will be sadly urged.

Flying far away, Jiang Xiaobai began to check the rewards given to him by the Tai Chi Disc.

"Zhoutian Xingchen formation? This is a formation, hey, the power can destroy the emperor-level master!"

Jiang Xiaobai flew and studied all the way, and soon understood the mystery of the Zhoutian Star Formation.

Use the law to find a suitable place, and arrange a large array of stars in the sky next week.Then use the secret method to activate the formation. Once the formation is activated, the formation will automatically operate the formation with the power of the stars.The stronger the person in charge of the formation, the more stars in the sky that can be linked by the formation, and the stronger the power of the formation.

"Need to find a suitable place? Don't be in the depths of the ocean, that would be ridiculous." Jiang Xiaobai laughed at himself.

Jiang Xiaobai pinched the Fa Jue, and a burst of vitality flew out of the Fa Jue, condensing into a nimble bird.After the bird spun three times above his head, it flew straight to the north, and Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly followed.

Three days later, Asuka arrived at a sea island, cooed three times, turned into a ball of vitality, and dispersed between heaven and earth.

"It's here."

This is an extremely desolate island. The size of the island is not small, but there is almost no green, mostly gray-brown rocks, with thin vitality and almost no life.

"I really didn't expect such an island to be a suitable place." Jiang Xiaobai sighed with emotion that the world is impermanent, and landed on the island.

He dissipated his divine sense and examined it carefully.This place looks desolate, so there may not be any secrets.After all, after the recovery of vitality, there are still such small islands with thin vitality. Perhaps this in itself means that this place is extraordinary.

After some inspections, Jiang Xiaobai frowned involuntarily, there were actually people on this small island.

It is also because of the boldness of Yigao, Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid, and flew directly to the position where the man was.

In a small cave, Jiang Xiaobai saw that person.

The man was obviously imprisoned here, a black iron chain protruded from the rock, pierced through the man's two shoulder blades, and then drilled back into the rock.

The man's long hair was curled up on his head in a mess, mixed with mud and dirty water, it had hardened into a ball, his beard was scruffy, and he couldn't see his true face clearly.

But when he saw Jiang Xiaobai, the man let out a whooping sound excitedly, and waved his arms vigorously, making the iron chain rattle.

"Who are you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, approaching slowly.Maybe it was because of his imprisoned cultivation, but Jiang Xiaobai couldn't see the latter's cultivation realm.

The man in chains opened his mouth vigorously, and it took him a while to finally speak: "Help!"

"Tell me first, who are you? Why are you imprisoned here? How many years have you been here?"

The man in chains was panting, and sat down on the ground. Obviously, the action just now took a lot of strength from him.

"You are so young, and you are already at the late stage of the imperial class. If I think about your accent, if my guess is correct, you should be from Huaguo, right? The elder of the Martial Arts Department?"

"Your Excellency?" Jiang Xiaobai asked noncommittally, his expression gradually becoming serious.

To be able to call out his realm in one breath, this person is at least in the late stage of the emperor level at the peak period, or even at the peak, it may not be impossible for an emperor level master.

The chain man cried sadly: "I am also from Huaguo. I am Tielong, the former elder of Huaguo Martial Arts Department. I went to sea because I was looking for materials, and the trip went smoothly. On the way back, I ran into a young casual cultivator. , the latter is young, and his realm is actually comparable to mine. I love talents and invite him to go back to Huaguo with me. Who knows that he sneaked up on me halfway and knocked me out, and imprisoned me here until now. .”

Jiang Xiaobai took a few careful glances at the man in chains. He also knew that there was indeed an elder named Tielong in the Huaguo Martial Arts Department, and he had indeed disappeared mysteriously after going out to sea as the person said.

But this person?

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