Dominate the world

Chapter 833 Traveling in Space

The man in the chain said sadly: "You can ask me anything, and I can answer it. But my time is running out, this chain has been depriving me of vitality, you should be able to see that I have no vitality left in me, Become an ordinary person, maybe I can't even survive tomorrow."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded secretly. This is true. After seeing the iron chain, Jiang Xiaobai felt the energy around him quickly melt into the chain.

Presumably it was the reason for this chain that this small island was so barren.But this old family said that he would not be able to survive tomorrow, Jiang Xiaobai absolutely did not believe it.

"Senior, you guessed it right, I am indeed the newly promoted elder of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department." Jiang Xiaobai said, responding to the previous chain man's question.

The chain man laughed loudly: "The sky will not kill me, the sky will not kill me, hahahaha!"

Laughing, laughing, the cloudy tears in the chain man's eyes welled up, and then he burst into tears.

"Just let me go."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, and said casually: "Senior, I temporarily assume that you are Senior Tielong, but the problem is that your story just now has too many problems, which makes this junior very curious."

"You say, you say, I can explain." The chain man said anxiously.

"Okay, let's talk about it, junior." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "Assuming that what senior said is true, and you are also senior Tielong, then please let this junior see the treasure in your hand. I think that treasure must be very important , and it was on the senior, so that person imprisoned you."

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and glanced at the back, and said: "Perhaps that person will come from time to time to press for the secret of the treasure, but the senior has not said it all the time, that's why you saved your life, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands and said with a smile: "So, seniors, why bother to talk routinely, make arrangements, and pretend to be weak, that will only make the younger generation fearful, and directly take out benefits, and the younger generation uses other people's money to eliminate disasters for others What's the harm in saving the senior's life?"

The Iron Chain Man didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to say everything directly, his eyes turned cold: "I can't guarantee that you will spare me after I take out the treasure. Wouldn't it be more convenient to send me on my way?"

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "Well, it depends on the choice of the seniors. Whether you choose to continue to live like a dog, life is better than death. Or choose to fight everything, maybe die and end your life, maybe win a chance, and the rest of your life Live."

"It's up to you to choose. I'll give you a day to think about it. I'm just passing by this small island to take a rest. I'll leave again after finishing up."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he strode away.The chain man stretched out his hand, causing the chain to shake for a while, but the latter couldn't make Jiang Xiaobai stop after all.

Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the small cave, inspected the island again, and after confirming that there were no other people, he began to arrange the Zhoutian Xingchen array.

Once the Zhoutian Xingchen formation is activated, the formation can automatically operate with the power of the stars, and there is no need for him to guard it here.

Then this small island became his "three caves of cunning rabbits", a base camp that could resist powerful enemies at the emperor level.It just so happens that you can also suppress the chain man, and guard against the person who suppressed the chain man here.

Jiang Xiaobai took out the formation props, and put the vitality into it.With the continuous input of Jiang Xiaobai's vitality, the array props rapidly grew in size until it covered the entire island.

Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his hands in satisfaction, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and operated the secret method. Soon the formation shone, and rays of light flowed and condensed on Jiang Xiaobai's body.

Jiang Xiaobai's field of vision suddenly changed, as if his soul had come out of his body, he quickly went upwards, broke through the clouds, and continued to break through the sky without slowing down at all.

Finally, the azure blue sky disappeared, and the four fields turned into dark curtains with countless cold stars dotted on them.Jiang Xiaobai looked down, and there was a blue planet at his feet, so huge and so round.

"This is the earth? I'm in space now?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted excitedly, but found that he couldn't even hear what he was saying.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and thought: "By the way, this is space, there is no air, and sound cannot be transmitted, so naturally you can't hear anything."

"Wow!" But at this moment, the crisp dog barking sounded in my mind


Jiang Xiaobai quickly looked around, but the space is so vast, trying to find a puppy in the vast starry sky is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that he couldn't see far at all, probably because of his limited strength, he was able to see the stars in the universe.

The tengu barked twice and then disappeared.

Inexplicably, Jiang Xiaobai felt a little lonely and desolate, which made him smile bitterly.

He shook his head, what kind of cultivation is he now, is it useful to think so much?It's more important to concentrate on hooking up with the stars!

Jiang Xiaobai collected his mind and concentrated on sensing the stars.Perhaps it was because of his strong spiritual sense, Jiang Xiaobai soon connected to a planet, which was a green planet, full of vitality.

I don't know if it's an illusion or what, Jiang Xiaobai felt as if after connecting to the planet, a special breath entered his soul.

But it disappeared in a flash without leaving any trace, making him not sure if it was true or not.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai continued to run the method of linking stars, the second, third, and tenth, and Jiang Xiaobai stopped.

He was sure that something had indeed entered his soul, but there shouldn't be any harm. He felt that his soul was extremely refreshed.

But the spiritual sense was insufficient, and after resting for a while, Jiang Xiaobai hooked up with a planet again.This is a star, and the power of the star is obviously much stronger.

Jiang Xiaobai felt his soul sink and landed. The next moment, he felt his vision returned to normal, as if he had never left.

But the previous memory made Jiang Xiaobai understand that he had indeed traveled into space just now.Jiang Xiaobai played the last spell, the formation roared lightly, then flickered a few times in a row, and then the breath dissipated and disappeared in the air.

Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual sense clearly felt that the formation has been activated and is completely under his control. As long as he thinks, the formation can be activated immediately.

"Boy, I've figured it out, where are you, answer me!" A desperate roar came along the breeze, it was the voice of the man in chains.

Jiang Xiaobai responded, and came to the cave again, but heard the chain man growl: "Three days, you made me wait for three days!"

It turned out that three days had passed!

Jiang Xiaobai didn't feel the passage of time at all, he apologized: "That's the junior's fault, can you think about it, senior?"

"Hmph, I choose to live!" Chain Chain said humanely, "But you have to let me go first! Hehe, you're not afraid of me, a good-for-nothing old man, are you?"

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