"Naturally." Jiang Xiaobai responded immediately, but his tone changed immediately, "It's just how can I save senior?"

Perhaps it was because he was about to be free. The voice of the chained man was full of uncontrollable ecstasy. He smiled and said, "If it was before, you really couldn't save me, but after so many years, I am old, and the chains have rotted a lot. You should There are emperor-level soldiers, your soldiers are enough to cut the iron chain."

"Oh, this junior will give it a try." Jiang Xiaobai said, he took out the Tai Chi Star Sword, and slashed at the iron chain.

As if cutting tofu, the iron chain was easily cut off.The chain that was broken in two retreated back to the rock wall in unison. The chain man screamed, and the chain was withdrawn from the shoulder blade, bringing with it a handful of bruised and rotten flesh.

The chain man turned twice in the air, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out.

"Senior, are you alright?" Jiang Xiaobai called, and walked forward quickly, stretching out his hand to feel the pulse on the chain man's wrist.

The man in chains suddenly grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's wrist with a dry palm like a tree root, and his other hand went straight to Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

"Haha, boy, you have been fooled, give me your heart."

The man with the iron chain pulled out nothing, he looked in amazement, the figure in front of him turned into nothingness, but it was an afterimage.

"Heaven's evil is still unavoidable, self-inflicted, you can't live, senior really killed his own life." Jiang Xiaobai's figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, his white clothes fluttering, like a fairy.

He has never believed in this old guy, so he has always been vigilant, and the so-called aggressiveness is just for the old guy to see.In the Zhoutian Xingchen formation, he is the master, as long as he wants, he can move as he wants, and the enemy can't catch him at all.

"You, how is it possible? Well, is this a formation?"

The chained man wiped his face with his palm, his messy long hair and beard fell without wind, and the mud and blood stains on his face fell to the ground like dust, revealing a young cheek.

But Tie Long, the former elder of Huaguo Martial Arts Department, was clearly a young man.

"Hehe, it seems that the story of Tielong is true, but you have changed your identity. Who are you?" Jiang Xiaobai said in surprise. The spells used by the young people are not worth mentioning, but they are quite practical.

The young man snorted coldly, his arms trembled, and the aura on his body quickly rose, quickly breaking through the warrior master king level, and didn't stop until he reached the peak of the emperor level.

"Well, although it hasn't fully recovered, it can be regarded as a recovery."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned. The strength of the peak emperor level is only half of the recovery state. Doesn't it mean that this young man is an emperor level master?

Where can such a genius be cultivated?

In an instant, Jiang Xiaobai thought of those dangerous secret places that flashed in the void when his vitality recovered. Those places should be like places like Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace. They once appeared, and then they were hidden. With the recovery of vitality, he appeared again in the world.

The young man put the index finger and middle finger of his right hand together, tapped lightly on his left hand, a soft moan sounded, and a ring appeared on his left middle finger.

The ring is simple and unsophisticated, full of Taoist rhyme, and it is not extraordinary at a glance.

An ancient robe quietly emerged, and the young man put it on freely, dressed up a little, and turned into a handsome and handsome young man.

"Oh, you haven't escaped yet, it seems that you are very confident in your formation." Young Master Junlang smiled.

Jiang Xiaobai quietly looked at the handsome young man pretending to be x, and said with a sneer, "Now can we tell you who you are?"

Mr. Handsome curled his lips in disdain, took out a talisman with some heartache, and said contemptuously: "Little guy, you should be thankful that you have a formation to protect you, otherwise I will send you on the road now. Now I still have something to do, so I won't let you go." Let me accompany you, you'd better forget about today's events, if you let me hear about today's situation in the future, I will kill you in the end of the world."

After finishing speaking, the talisman paper in Mr. Handsome's hand burned, and a ray of light enveloped Mr. Handsome. The latter closed his eyes, as if waiting to be sent.

Soon, the teleportation talisman finished burning, and Mr. Handsome opened his eyes.

"Hey, why am I still here?"

Jiang Xiaobai rushed forward, slapped him, and slapped the handsome young master heavily on the face, sending him flying against the stone wall.

"I've really endured you for a long time. In my territory, you dare to pretend to be x, and you pretend to be so excessive. You really deserve a beating."

Jiang Xiaobai rushed forward again suddenly, kicking the handsome young master's cheek.

The latter was furious, and punched Jiang Xiaobai's soles with a punch, but he missed the punch again, but because of too much force, his body lost his balance and he tilted involuntarily.

"Slap!" Jiang Xiaobai's figure quietly appeared, and slapped the latter hard on the face again.

"I am the master of my territory, I will fight!"

Young Master Junlang spurted blood from the corner of his mouth, tilted his neck and flew high, hitting the cliff again, smashing the cliff into a human shape.

"Hey, your aura has dropped. Oh, I understand. Your so-called restoration of cultivation is just to scare me." , he was really taken aback.

In the time it takes to speak at this point, Mr. Handsome's realm has already fallen below the emperor level, and he is still falling, falling faster and faster, until he has fallen to the master level, and then he stopped.

Jiang Xiaobai strode forward and slapped the handsome young master on the face.

"This slap, I'll slap you and pretend to be x."

"With this slap, I will hit you and kill the elders of my martial arts department."

"This slap, I'll slap you like a dog."

"This slap, I slap, I just don't like you, you owe the slap!"


Crackling, Jiang Xiaobai slammed his bow left and right, and beat him hard, the handsome boy couldn't be handsome anymore, he turned into a pig's head, his whole body was embedded in the rocks, his head swayed from side to side unconsciously, and couldn't stop for a while.

Jiang Xiaobai fiddled with Mr. Handsome's ring, it turned out to be a storage ring, and it was made in a strange way. He tried to break in with his divine sense, but was blocked outside.

"It seems that this kid was really an emperor-level powerhouse before." Jiang Xiaobai put away the storage ring, thinking that he could let the first elder open it to have a look.

"Don't pretend to be dead, how can an emperor-level powerhouse die so easily, say, what is that treasure?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

Young Master Junlang barely opened his eyes. He glared at Jiang Xiaobai resentfully, with a trace of despair flashing in his eyes. He yelled frantically, "Tell me what your name is? If you dare to insult me, I will never let you go!"

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