Dominate the world

Chapter 835 Linlang Cave

"You are a ghost..." Jiang Xiaobai screamed strangely, his body disappeared in place, and appeared in the distance.

With a bang, Young Master Junlang blew himself up.

Jiang Xiaobai walked forward speechlessly, and said with a wry smile: "No, what is this? I have been aggrieved for at least tens of hundreds of years, and I slapped myself before blowing up. The psychological pressure is too bad!"

On an island tens of thousands of miles away from here, this is a paradise like Yuxu Palace.In a huge mountain gate hall, on a row of altars, a natal jade tablet suddenly exploded into pieces.

A desperate roar sounded from the void: "...I'll never let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

The young disciple who was in charge of guarding the natal jade token was taken aback. He hurriedly ran outside the main hall and slammed the bell vigorously.

In the sky, figures flew towards them rapidly, and on the ground, there were also many figures running frantically, gathering in front of the hall.

"Huiming, what's going on? Do you know that it's nothing important to ring the bell, but you're going to be expelled from the island?" A middle-aged man with long black beard landed on the ground and shouted in a deep voice.

The young disciple's face was pale, and he said anxiously: "Elder Gu, Martial Uncle Qian Yu's natal jade tablet is broken."

"What, is it Nephew Qianyu?" The black-bearded man rushed into the hall quickly, other imperial masters also entered the hall, and the rest of the disciples spontaneously guarded the front of the hall to prevent anyone from entering.

The black-bearded man came to the altar and saw a broken natal jade tablet.

"It's indeed Martial Nephew Qian Yu's. It seems that he blew himself up. Brothers and sisters, let's activate the Heavenly Secret Mirror together and look back at the scene of Qian Yu's death." The man with black beard looked left and right and suggested.

"it is good!"

More than a dozen people popped out a piece of real energy, and shot it towards an ancient bronze mirror above the jade tablet.

With a soft buzzing sound, the bronze mirror shone several rays of light, and gradually the light faded, a small cave emerged, and then a figure appeared.

"Hey, why did Martial Nephew Qianyu fall into such a mess?" Looking at the pickled prisoner in the mirror of heavenly secrets, someone still revealed the identity of the latter.

The black-bearded man suddenly said: "That is the Yuanyuan lock, and it pierced through the pipa bone of Martial Nephew Qian Yu. This is abolishing Martial Nephew Qian Yu's cultivation!"

"someone is coming!"

"Hey, why can't I see the figure of the latter?"

"Senior brother Gu, what's going on here, someone can block the spying of Tianji mirror?"

The black-bearded man said in a deep voice: "There is only one reason, that is, that person has a secret treasure on him, and his rank is still higher than the Heavenly Secret Mirror, so the Heavenly Secret Mirror cannot detect it. Needless to say, take your time, Nephew Qianyu The talent is extraordinary, once he comes out in 300 years, he definitely can't die so vaguely, we will definitely seek justice for him."

In the secret mirror, scenes evolve rapidly. If Jiang Xiaobai can see it, he will be shocked. There are such treasures in this world?

Finally, the picture in the Tianji Mirror disappeared, and the crowd, headed by the man surnamed Gu Heibeard, fell silent.

"Nephew Qianyu has gone through many hardships, and finally used the Huanyang Pill. It is reasonable to blew himself up. But no matter what, the Martial Arts Department of the Hua Kingdom has a lot to do with the death of Nephew Qianyu!"

A woman in a palace costume frowned, and she said with a little worry: "Hua Guo Martial Arts Department? Brother Gu, I'm afraid this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. The latter inherits the destiny of a country, and we are enemies with it, which means If we want to fight against the luck of a country, our Linlangdongtian may not be invincible?"

"Hmph, why does Junior Sister Yun need others' aspirations to destroy her prestige? What about the luck of a country? After all, it is only a secular place. Even if there is luck, how much luck can there be? When we fly to the sky, the worldly people still They only know how to ride donkeys and horses, and even the emperor would kowtow to pay respects to some of the flashes of light we left behind, saying that they must be called immortals, so what if their luck is strong?" An old man curled his lips in disdain, and said Full of ego.

"Could it be that Junior Sister Yun doesn't want to avenge Senior Nephew Qianyu? That's right, Junior Sister Yun and Senior Brother Bai were childhood sweethearts, but who would have known that Fairy Yue would interfere, Junior Sister Yun..."

"Enough!" The black-bearded man shouted, he glared at the little old man angrily, and said coldly: "Junior Gong, don't mention some things after they have passed, Junior Sister Yun has a kind heart, and treats Qian Yu like her own child, why not Will sit back and watch him be murdered."

The old man Gong smiled embarrassingly, and stopped talking, and the woman in palace costume surnamed Yun flung her temper resentfully, and walked straight out of the hall.

The black-bearded man said in a deep voice: "Nowadays, the world is undergoing major changes and vitality is recovering. I have heard that several big cave heavens and blessed lands are preparing to be born to compete for the luck of heaven and earth. Naturally, our Linlang Cave Heaven will also have a share, not to mention anything else. , Junior Brother Gong, you don’t have much lifespan, do you?”

The old man Gong said to himself: "Ten years at the most, if you don't break through to the emperor level, you may turn into a piece of loess."

"Yeah, if you don't reach the emperor level, you will be an ant. It's just a pity that Junior Brother Bai and Fairy Yue, with their talents, if they don't have tragic accidents, or if they don't absorb the luck of the earth, they can also achieve the emperor level. One family of three emperors, I How could Linlang Cave Heaven be deceived by other Cave Heavens and live in this remote and bitterly cold place? And how could Qian Yu act out of anger and end up being poisoned?"

Elder Gu said bitterly, punching the void with his fist, breaking a passage and disappearing.

In the main hall, a group of elders looked at each other, then sighed together and retreated.

Nameless desert island.

Jiang Xiaobai actually felt frightened for a while, but the palpitations disappeared in the next moment, and he asked in horror: "Brother Pan, what happened just now?"

He also didn't expect Brother Pan to answer, he didn't expect Taiji Yuanpan to actually send out a message: "There is a secret treasure watching, it has been covered by it, don't worry."

Secret treasure?

Jiang Xiaobai thanked him, tried his best to recall the previous scene, and thought of some mythology and strange novels he had read, he suddenly realized, maybe this is the true meaning of that kid's self-explosion?

"It seems that we need to be more careful in the future. Those people in the dangerous secret realm have extraordinary supernatural powers. In terms of danger, they may not be lower than those sea beasts." Jiang Xiaobai reflected on himself.

He hid in the big formation and waited for a few more days, but unfortunately the person who trapped Young Master Junlang never showed up.Jiang Xiaobai didn't waste any more time, this trip to the sea took a long time, he calculated the time, it was almost a month before and after, and it was time to go back.

Now, his skill has been greatly improved, and he directly casts the Flowing Light Immortal Shadow body technique, which travels thousands of miles in an instant. Two days later, he returned to land.

This is a coastal city in the southeast, referred to as Haishi for short.

Jiang Xiaobai originally wanted to fly directly back to the Martial Arts Department, but suddenly he landed on a whim, and just as he landed, a somewhat familiar figure fell into his sight.

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