
After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, he was speechless.

Platinum-level skills are extremely powerful, but so far only one person has successfully cultivated them?


When the Nine Prison Thunder Knife first appeared in Qilu Wu University, it was strongly sought after.

But later they discovered that the Nine Prison Thunder Knife is extremely difficult to practice, and only the first three layers have to be practiced for several years to succeed.

Compared with other exercises, the progress is so slow that many people give up.

Over the next few years, fewer and fewer fighters chose the Nine Prison Thunder Saber. In desperation, Qilu Wuda had to sell several Nine Prison Thunder Sabers separately.

But this is only to make those freshmen be deceived.

"You can try it, after all, you are so talented!" Liu Dou'er encouraged, "Maybe you can master the Nine Prison Thunder Saber? If you master it, your strength will be greatly improved."

"That has to be practiced well." Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly, "Anyway, I have to try, otherwise the two hundred credits will be wasted."

"That's right!" Liu Dou'er said with a smile, "I think you may succeed!"

"By the way, why did you buy so many Body Tempering Pills and Qi and Blood Pills? At this time, Peiyuan Pill should be more suitable for you. Only Zhao Chong would use these low-level pills."

Zhao Chong, who was practicing at the side, suddenly sneezed, and then continued to practice.

"I'm buying it for fun." Jiang Xiaobai said flatly.

"Buy for fun?" Liu Dou'er looked at Zhao Chong suspiciously, with a bewildered look.

Jiang Xiaobai ignored Liu Douer and walked towards a training room with the box in his arms.

Naturally, Liu Douer couldn't let Liu Douer know about the use of the Tai Chi disk to cheat.

If Liu Douer knew about it, Lan Yingying would know about it, and probably the entire Qiluwu Metropolis would know about it.

At that time, I am afraid that I will become a guinea pig and let the so-called research institute dissect me. The best result is that I will become a device that provides pills to others.

After coming to the secret room, Jiang Xiaobai put six Qi and Blood Pills and Body Tempering Pills in his hands, and following the rhythm of his mental power, the pills immediately appeared on the Tai Chi disc.

With the rise of a beam of light, the twelve pills became two, quietly suspended on the Tai Chi disk.

The qi and blood pill like red agate, the crystal clear body quenching pill, and the two pills, one red and one green, look very attractive.

"Brother Pan is amazing!" Although Jiang Xiaobai already knew the result, he was still excited after seeing the result.

The only question now is how effective the Qi and Blood Pill and Body Tempering Pill are.

If it is possible, then this will undoubtedly become the most guaranteed path to promotion for him.

Jiang Xiaobai held the Body Tempering Pill and Qixue Pill in his hand, he slowly picked up a Qixue Pill, and swallowed it directly.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai felt a heat in his abdomen, and powerful forces rose from his body.

Hot, domineering and full of turbulence hovered in his body.

So strong!

After Jiang Xiaobai felt this force, he immediately sat cross-legged and began to practice the basic cultivation method.

Use the vitality absorbed by the basic cultivation method to neutralize this violent force in the body, otherwise for Jiang Xiaobai, it will hurt the root.

After taking and absorbing the Qi and Blood Pill, it immediately turned into the most primitive power of Qi and blood, rampaging through Jiang Xiaobai's body.

The basic Qi and Blood Pill would not have such an effect at all, but after being tempered by the Tai Chi Disc, the quality of the Qi and Blood Pill has improved dramatically, which is not the same as before.

It is even stronger than the ultimate Qi and Blood Pill!

The price of the Ultimate Qi and Blood Pill is extremely expensive, and it takes more than 100 credits to buy one.


A roar came from Jiang Xiaobai's body, and at the same time, he could vaguely see a huge amount of blood emanating from his body.

"Body Tempering Pill!" Jiang Xiaobai swallowed the remaining Body Tempering Pill, still maintaining a trace of clarity.

Jiang Xiaobai's body was already crumbling. Despite the neutralization of vitality, Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to use the Body Tempering Pill because the Qi and Blood Pill was too strong.

As soon as the Body Tempering Pill was taken, it melted instantly and merged into Jiang Xiaobai's body.

Muscles and cells are slowly changing and constantly being strengthened.


Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help roaring, bursts of powerful strength erupted from his whole body.

Others in the Martial Arts Field also heard this roar.

"What is Xiaobai doing in there? Didn't he do something indescribable?" Zhao Chong said wretchedly after wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"What? What indescribable thing?" Liu Douer's eyes widened, "You know?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chulan also asked curiously, "Aren't you practicing?"

"..." Zhao Chong saw two people looking at him like curious babies, and suddenly felt that the car couldn't start.

"This guy won't break through again!" Liu Dou'er suddenly realized something, "I remember that what he took in were some elementary pills, and the effects were very ordinary!"

For a while, Liu Douer was also a little puzzled.

It is obviously some low-level pills, how could it be possible for Jiang Xiaobai to be promoted?

With doubts, several people walked into Jiang Xiaobai's practice room.

Jiang Xiaobai also woke up, and saw Liu Douer and others standing in front of him.

"Is it cool?" Zhao Chong asked first.

"Cool?" Jiang Xiaobai squinted at Zhao Chong, "Do you want to try?"

"I'll forget it, let Doudou come." Zhao Chong chuckled, "Although we have a good relationship, I don't like you."

"What?" Liu Dou'er asked innocently.

"It's nothing, this guy is an old driver." Jiang Xiaobai said angrily, "Why did you come in?"

"You got promoted?" Zhang Chulan asked directly.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai didn't hide anything, and said directly, "Now he should have a strength of [-] catties!"

Five thousand five hundred catties?

Just five hundred catties away from being promoted to rank three martial artist?

Liu Douer and Zhao Chong were stunned, and everyone showed surprised expressions.

Has this guy become the focus of Qilu Wuda?

Less than a month after entering school, there is a tendency to be promoted to the third rank.

Of the two, Zhao Chong was the most shocked. He was only a first-rank martial artist, but Jiang Xiaobai was going to be promoted to third-rank.

They were at the same level a few months ago.

The progress is too fast!

"Xiaobai, are you on drugs?" Zhao Chong still didn't recover from the shock, "Why are you so violent?"

"..." Every time Zhao Chong spoke, Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to talk to him, but this guy's brain circuit was different from others.

"It seems that I have to work hard too!" After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, she left the training room.

When he came to Qilu Wuda, Zhang Chulan wanted to surpass Jiang Xiaobai. For this reason, he gave up the invitation from Kyoto Wuda, and followed Jiang Xiaobai to Qilu Wuda resolutely.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's improvement in strength, he didn't have any jealousy in his heart, but was full of fighting spirit.

If Jiang Xiaobai was simply overtaken by himself, that would be his greatest disappointment.

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