Dominate the world

Chapter 84 What to do if the credits are too few?

After Zhang Chulan left, Zhao Chong looked at his back and said quietly.

"This guy must have been hit, and he is probably going to be a bad person again."

Zhang Chulan looks elegant, but if he works hard, only Jiang Xiaobai can fight him.

"Aren't you under pressure?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"What pressure do I have? You are my brother, and I am very happy that you are strong." Zhao Chong said with a look of reason.

"You don't want to practice hard?" Jiang Xiaobai felt a headache.

"I think so! But talent doesn't allow it." Zhao Chong said after thinking for a while, "I'd better learn how to forge weapons well, and then become the legendary master of forging weapons."

"It's like what Zhang Chulan said about governing people and governing others. If I become a master of refining weapons, even warriors at the master level will kneel in front of me to please me!"


After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, he was speechless.

But after thinking about it carefully, Zhao Chong is right, but there is a very important premise.

Can he really become a master craftsman?

This is the most important question.

"Did you use those low-level pills to get promoted?" Liu Dou'er was still full of doubts.

She clearly saw that what Jiang Xiaobai bought was only low-level Qi and Blood Pill and Body Tempering Pill, and only one Peiyuan Pill.

Peiyuandan Liudou'er used it before, and it is impossible to have such an effect.

But those low-level pills did not allow him to improve so much.

"Yeah!" Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to reveal his secret, so he nodded and said, "I haven't used the Peiyuan Pill yet? I don't know how it works."

"You are really beautiful!" Liu Dou'er supported her forehead.

"You go out first! I'll try the effect of Peiyuan Pill." Jiang Xiaobai picked up Peiyuan Pill in his hand and said casually.

He has only tried the upgraded Body Tempering Pill and Qi and Blood Pill. As for the effect of Peiyuan Pill, he still needs to try it.

Otherwise, what is the difference between these two pills?

If the effect of Peiyuan Pill is good, it will be an absolute loss for me.

Six qi and blood pills were exchanged for one top-quality qi and blood pill, which was already a price of 120 credits.

Zhao Chong and Liu Douer did not leave, they still stood aside, watching Jiang Xiaobai take the Peiyuan Pill.

After Pei Yuan Pill entered his body, Jiang Xiaobai felt the vitality in his body flowing, flowing through his limbs and bones.

But this kind of effect, no matter it is compared with Qi Xue Pill or Body Tempering Pill, the effect of Peiyuan Pill is far worse.

"Sure enough, the effect is far inferior." Jiang Xiaobai felt the power in his body, and it didn't improve at all.

Compared with the Body Tempering Pill, the Peiyuan Pill does not directly increase the strength of the body, but needs to absorb vitality to temper the body, which is a relatively slow process.

Of course, the Body Tempering Pill cannot always improve the body's strength.

After all, the human body has a limit, and strength needs to be supported by various organs of the body. It is not just taking the body quenching pill to improve the body strength.

If that's the case, someone might be able to break through to the level of a ninth-rank martial artist, or even a grand master, just by taking drugs.

The cultivation of warriors requires pills such as Body Tempering Pills, and more importantly, it requires the exploration of one's own potential, as well as the tempering of various organs of the body.

Otherwise, it can only cause the body to collapse and die in Huangquan.

"It seems that the Tai Chi disc is still useful." Jiang Xiaobai was not disappointed because the Yuan Pei Pill had little effect.

After all, Peiyuan pill is worth [-] credits, while Qixue pill and quenching body pill are relatively cheap.

For the remaining [-] points, Jiang Xiaobai directly exchanged all of them for Qi and Blood Pill and Body Tempering Pill.

Zhao Chong and Liu Dou'er saw Jiang Xiaobai's operation in their eyes, and showed puzzled eyes.

Five hundred credits of Qi Xue Pill and Body Tempering Pill?

Twelve Body Tempering Pills, Thirteen Qi and Blood Pills?

This kind of elixir has little effect in Qilu Wuda, but it can be used by some freshmen and first-rank warriors.

Those who are above the second-rank martial artist would not take such low-level pills at all.

Even if they have very few credits, they will still save them in exchange for Peiyuan Pill.

"Are you crazy?" Zhao Chong said after a long time.

"What?" Jiang Xiaobai asked after closing the mall.

"So many Qi and Blood Pills and Body Tempering Pills, what use are you for?" Zhao Chong asked in astonishment. "Five hundred credits, others are reluctant to use them, but you don't feel sorry for them at all? Go buy these things?"

"You don't understand that." Jiang Xiaobai showed a mysterious smile, "I have my own magic for these things."

Naturally, he wouldn't share the secret of the Taiji disc, as if one less person knew about it, he would be more secure.

"It's just that the credits are not enough!" Jiang Xiaobai was a little worried.

A thousand credits seems like a lot, but it won't last long, and it's only been less than a month, and the credits are gone.

"Not enough?" Liu Dou'er rolled her eyes, "You're such a prodigal."

A thousand credits is almost the cost of a year for an ordinary freshman, but Jiang Xiaobai only spent less than a month.

Who can withstand this speed?

It is estimated that the number of points is useless.

"It's not impossible to earn credits. You can go to receive the mission, enter the wilderness trial, and after completing the mission, you can get the corresponding credits." Liu Dou'er still said to Jiang Xiaobai. "However, this way of earning points is very dangerous, and the mortality rate is extremely high. Generally, freshmen will not choose this method, but choose to participate in some jobs arranged by the school to obtain meager points."

"High risk, high return?" Jiang Xiaobai nodded after hearing this.

The things in the Qiluwu University Shopping Mall were not created out of thin air, they were naturally provided by someone, so the school naturally let the students use them for nothing.

"Generally speaking, there are very few candidates." Liu Dou'er persuaded, "If you want to earn points, I suggest you go out to practice after your sophomore year. It's too early now."

"Sophomore!" Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, there is still more than a year left?

Now that the credits have been used up, it is estimated that I will not be able to wait until my sophomore year.

If you wait until the sophomore year, I'm afraid there will be a long time.

"What's the sound outside?" Jiang Xiaobai was about to ask when he suddenly heard a loud noise from outside.

"Is there someone?" Zhao Chong immediately pricked up his ears, "Go out and have a look."

After the three of Jiang Xiaobai walked out, they found that more than a dozen people had gathered in the martial arts field.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and looked around with hatred in their eyes.

When they saw Jiang Xiaobai coming out, the crowd immediately became excited.

"Yes, that's him." Someone pointed at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted, "He's the one who defiled our goddess."

After Jiang Xiaobai heard this, his eyes widened immediately: "What?"

Defiled the goddess of these people?

Could it be Liu Douer?

"You have to apologize to our goddess because you have blasphemed our goddess."

"You actually walked with our goddess? Are you worthy? You are not worthy!"

"Leave our goddess, or we will let you know what it means to have no regrets."

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