Dominate the world

Chapter 837 Holy Divine Sense

Speeding all the way, Qin Feng woke up several times, Jiang Xiaobai didn't talk nonsense, and directly knocked Qin Feng unconscious.

Finally, the Martial Arts Department appeared ahead, and Jiang Xiaobai landed.

"It's the God of War, Elder Jiang, who has returned!" In the courtyard of the Martial Arts Department, some young warriors shouted excitedly after seeing Jiang Xiaobai.

Some people ran over happily, and asked with concern and anxiety: "Elder Jiang, are you not injured?"

Jiang Xiaobai said puzzledly: "What injury did I suffer, who can hurt me?"

"Emperor-level master!" A young king-level master said carefully.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said: "You mean the father of the short-lived Thunder Snake? I haven't met it. I went to the ocean to practice."

"But Elder Pan said..." The latter just said, and quickly covered his mouth.

Jiang Xiaobai's face darkened, and he asked in a deep voice, "What did he say?"

"Elder Jiang, I have to practice, I'm leaving first." The latter turned into a streamer and ran away quickly.

Several other people also slipped away quickly when they saw the opportunity, and the huge yard was empty in an instant.

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it, but gave up the idea of ​​dragging these people back.In his heart, he didn't care too much. Conspiracies and tricks are paper tigers in front of strength, vulnerable to a single blow.

When he came to the Artifact Refining Department, Elder Jin Zhi was closing his eyes, thinking hard about something. After seeing Jiang Xiaobai, Elder Jin Zhi smiled and said: "You kid has been hiding for so long, and you are finally willing to take the lead? Oh, your strength has improved to the level of the emperor. It's the late stage of the first grade, and the younger generation is formidable, the old man is inferior to you."

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands and said: "If Elder Jin is not obsessed with refining weapons, how can this boy be able to surpass him? My admiration for Elder Jin is like a continuous river, and..."

"Go, go, where did you learn to flatter and ask for a beating, tell me what's the matter?"

Jiang Xiaobai gestured to the monster at hand, and said: "Elder Jin, you are a great master of crafting. You have refined many emperor-level warriors from the bodies of monsters. You understand monsters very well. You should take a look at him first. "

Jin Zhi took a closer look, opened his eyes involuntarily, and exclaimed, "He's a human!"

"Exactly, he is my senior, the president of the Martial Arts Club of Qilu Wuda University, Tianjiao Qin Feng." Jiang Xiaobai said happily.

Jin Zhi put his palm on Qin Feng's forehead and began to feel it attentively.Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to speak out, for fear of disturbing Elder Jin Zhi.

After a few breaths, Jin Zhi suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "No!"

He raised his hand and was about to withdraw, but Qin Feng, who was in a coma, opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were extremely black, and even appeared extremely clear, but the look of disdain in them, let alone Jin Zhi Even Jiang Xiaobai has a feeling of looking up from a high mountain.

"Humanity, court death!" Qin Feng shouted, opened his mouth and spit out, an air arrow flew out, disappeared in a flash, and appeared in front of Jin Zhi's eyebrows the next moment.

Jin Zhi was too late to react, but Jiang Xiaobai had already reacted, and he kicked out in time, kicking Jin Zhi away.

With a soft chirp, the air arrow pierced through the hall behind Jin Zhi, followed by another bang, and then an explosion, and a cloud of mushrooms rose into the sky.

A violent air wave gushed out from the hall, blowing Jiang Xiaobai and Jin Zhi far away.

"Elder Jin Zhi, is there a bomb buried in your hall?" Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded, the mushroom cloud was really spectacular.

Fortunately, it is only spectacular, and the damage is not too great, otherwise the entire capital will be wiped out.But this has already shocked the entire capital. Almost all citizens walked out of their homes, looking up at the mushroom cloud that shot straight into the sky, shivering involuntarily.

"That's my black gold refining cauldron, it exploded!" Elder Jin Zhi's face was full of bewilderment, as if he had aged a hundred years.

"It's also a good thing I pushed you away, otherwise the air arrow... Oh no, where is senior Qin Feng?" Jiang Xiaobai wanted to say something naughty to ease Elder Jin Zhi's mood, but suddenly realized that he and Jin Zhi Blown here by the air waves, but what about Qin Feng?

At this moment, Elder Jin Zhi was no longer confused. He swallowed his saliva in fear, and said in a trembling voice: "I seem to have discovered a divine thought locked deep in Qin Feng's soul just now. Not the opponent of that divine sense."

"That's a divine sense at the level of a great sage!" Jiang Xiaobai said bitterly, that was just a divine mind at the holy level, powerful enough to destroy the world.

Jiang Xiaobai threw down a sentence and quickly flew towards the core of the explosion. He needed to find Qin Feng back, at least to stop him from doing evil.

Boom, another burst of violent aura exploded, clearing most of the previous mushroom cloud, revealing two figures.

One is the great elder Xie Guanying, and the other is Qin Feng.

The two were suspended in the air, facing each other from a distance, pulled by the air machine, as if there was an air field separating everything around them.Jiang Xiaobai tried his best to fly over, but found it extremely difficult.

"Don't come in, this is a battle of emperor-level masters, all retreat." Xie Guanying shouted.

Jiang Xiaobai was anxious in his heart, but found that the spiritual thoughts could not be transmitted at all. In desperation, he could only shout in front of everyone: "Great Elder, please don't kill him, he is my friend."

"Hmph, Jiang Xiaobai, you really are with monsters." A shout came from behind, and Jiang Xiaobai turned around, only to see Pan Feng brandishing a long spear, stabbing straight at his back.

At this time, the other elders of the Martial Arts Department had also arrived, wondering what was going on at this moment, but seeing that Pan Feng was actually fighting with Jiang Xiaobai, he hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"Elder Pan Feng, stop!"

"Elder Jiang, show mercy."

Just glanced at it, and everyone saw that Jiang Xiaobai had broken through to the late stage of the imperial class. Although Pan Feng was old, he was still in the middle stage of the imperial class. Who could be Jiang Xiaobai's opponent?

Jiang Xiaobai was furious, just now Pan Feng dared to sneak attack him, if not for his supernatural mind, he would have been seriously injured by Pan Feng.Pan Feng's soldier is called the Soul Eater Spear. It is not only sharp, but also has the supernatural power to damage the soul. It is extremely powerful.

Unexpectedly, the latter actually used the Soul Eater on him!

"Old man Pan Feng, you asked for it." Jiang Xiaobai shouted. He has never been a generous person. He still believes in the style of repaying kindness with kindness and repaying grievances with grievances.

Jiang Xiaobai grasped the palm of his hand, and a net of spiritual thoughts quietly emerged, rolling towards Pan Feng, if he didn't make a move, it would be fine, if he made a move, it would be a thunderbolt.

"Hmph, this trick of yours is effective for others, but under my Soul Eater Spear, it's nothing to be ashamed of." Pan Feng snorted coldly, and he brandished his long spear to stab at the Divine Sense Net.

With a soft chirp, Pan Feng pierced through a hole in the always infallible divine sense net.

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