Dominate the world

Chapter 838 3 trick

Pan Feng laughed loudly, waving the Soul-Eating Spear again and again, stabbing at the Divine Sense Net continuously: "I broke your Divine Sense Net, let's see what you can be arrogant about in the future."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart. If he was poked by Pan Feng in such a random way in the middle of the imperial level, his spiritual sense would definitely be damaged, but now his spiritual sense is strong, and he is still above the ordinary peak of the imperial level. It's just a few small waves poked in the rapids.

"Okay, Elder Pan is really powerful, then try my heaven and earth net, go!"

A network of spiritual thoughts took shape, sweeping towards Pan Feng from all directions.One is broken, and the other emerges quickly, as if it is endless.

"How is it possible? How could your divine sense be so powerful?" Pan Feng waved the Soul-Eating Spear vigorously, only feeling that there were more and more divine sense nets wrapped around the Soul-Eating Gun, getting heavier and heavier, as if stirring into Into the asphalt, no longer waving motionless.

In less than half a minute, Pan Feng was completely restrained by the net of spiritual thoughts, unable to move.

"Elder Jiang, please be merciful." A group of elders hurriedly begged for mercy.

Tang Shanhai and Jin Zhi also flew over, begging Jiang Xiaobai for mercy.

"You kill me!" Pan Feng yelled, "At least you don't have to watch my Huaxia Martial Arts Department be destroyed by your Jiang Xiaobai."

A figure flashed past, and Duan Hong's voice emerged: "Pan Feng, shut up! Elder Jiang, stop for now."

After he finished speaking, he flew directly into the aura that blocked everyone, and fought side by side with First Elder Xie Guanying.

"Second Elder has broken into Emperor Rank!" Several elders shouted excitedly.

Jiang Xiaobai also breathed a sigh of relief, the two emperor-level masters should be able to subdue Qin Feng at the moment.There should be some emperors in Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace, but those are the trump cards of the Martial Arts Department and should not be exposed easily.

"Pan Feng, for the sake of the elders, I will spare your life." Jiang Xiaobai said, his spiritual sense was tightened, and Pan Feng fell into a coma.

Jiang Xiaobai also retreated to the elders and watched the confrontation between the three emperor-level masters.

"Your Excellency, what you are relying on now is just a divine sense, you are not our opponent." Xie Guanying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly.

Qin Feng snorted coldly, raised his finger, and pointed at the crowd: "But it's enough to kill them."

With a flash, Duan Hong stood in front of a group of elders.

There was a trace of joke on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth: "Hehe, human beings are so hypocritical. The strong always protect the weak. You are on the wrong path."

Xie Guanying said loudly: "There are thousands of roads, who can be sure that what they are walking is correct, existence is the truth. We may die, but there will be a new generation that will continue to grow up, and each generation will be stronger than the previous generation."

Qin Feng let out a sigh: "It's a bit courageous, anyway, you take my three palms, and I will continue to sleep after that, or all of you will die."

Duan Hong snorted: "Your Excellency, I'm afraid you only have the strength to make three moves?"

"Hahahaha, yes, the old man's soul has not yet awakened, and he does have the strength to make three moves, but so what? You don't have to accept it." Qin Feng said proudly.

"Okay, I'll take it." Xie Guanying agreed.

Duan Hong frowned: "Old Xie, you..."

"Needless to say, you have just entered the emperor level, and you haven't completely consolidated your realm, so you can't stop it."

Duan Hong was silent, he knew that Xie Guanying was right.

"Your Excellency, come on." Xie Guan responded.He clasped his hands together, as if holding a ball in front of his chest, and stared at Qin Feng, concentrating on it.

Qin Feng suddenly shouted out of fear: "Tao Sutra? Unexpectedly, on such a small planet, there is still the inheritance of Tao Sutra. Maybe you can block my three tricks."

Jiang Xiaobai's complexion changed, he noticed that Xie Guanying's eyes were also looking at him, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but scream, the existence of Taoism scriptures should be the biggest secret of the Ministry of Martial Arts, even in Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace Above, unexpectedly, he was called out by the existence parasitic on Qin Feng's body.

"Oh, this little friend has also practiced Taoism. Hey, the bone age is less than thirty, isn't this talent the best?" Qin Feng suddenly smiled, his eyes were full of teasing, he did it on purpose.

A small place with mediocre strength unexpectedly obtained such an existence as Dao Jing by chance and coincidence. Everyone is innocent and guilty, and the Ministry of Martial Arts is destined to be troubled in the future.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai one after another, there are envy, jealousy, indifference and resentment, Jiang Xiaobai stood there blankly, it was really wrong to bring senior Qin Feng to the Martial Arts Department this time!

"Don't you think it's disrespectful for you to use such despicable means with such a cultivation level?" Xie Guanying shouted.

Qin Feng laughed loudly: "Despicable, for the sake of the end, don't compromise the means, isn't it the motto of your human beings, and I am just applying what I have learned."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it." Xie Guanying shouted.

"Okay, let's take the move." Qin Feng raised his right hand and grabbed it in the air. His vitality quickly gathered, and the dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered, and the sky and the earth suddenly dimmed.

Qin Feng shook his head slightly: "The vitality is still a little thinner, let's go!"

He flicked his hand casually, and a yuan balloon flew out from between his fingers, and it quickly grew in size as soon as he made a move.Thunder descended from the dark clouds, continuously bombarding the yuan balloon.

The speed of the yuan balloon is not fast, but its volume is rapidly becoming larger, shining, attached to the thunder, and making a buzzing sound.

Xie Guanying didn't dare to be careless, he kept moving left and right like clasping his hands, and gradually, a yuan balloon appeared in his arms, but compared to the yuan balloon played by Qin Feng, the former was obviously much thinner.

"Go!" Xie Guanying also shouted, pushing out the yuan balloon in his arms.

The two primordial balloons collided with each other, stalemate for a moment, and quickly pressed towards Xie Guanying.

Xie Guanying had expected it to be like this, he quickly shot out streams of pure vitality, and injected them into the origin balloon he swung out.

"Okay, it is indeed the first classic of human martial arts. It really has two tricks. Although it lost to my Hunyuan Ball, it was able to keep it from being swallowed. You took the first move."

Qin Feng opened his mouth and inhaled, and actually inhaled two yuan balloons into his mouth together. There was a crackling sound in his body, and the breath on his body was obviously improved a lot.

"Take my second move, a group of monsters dancing wildly!" Qin Feng shouted.He played with ten fingers separately, as if he was playing a piano, but as his fingers shook, one after another monsters condensed in the void.

Each of these monsters has the strength of an emperor, and none of them look the same. They each hold strange-looking weapons and besiege Xie Guanying.

Xie Guanying frowned slightly. Although these imperial monsters were powerful, they were not strong enough to threaten him.He casually slapped a monster to death without feeling anything strange.

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