Dominate the world

Chapter 840 Jiang Xiaobai's Chapter Answer

"Despicable!" All the people present, one counting the other, scolded loudly.

A majestic saint-level master unexpectedly attacked an emperor-level master!

Xie Guanying, however, seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and waved his palms towards Qin Feng, and they intersected.

With two puffs, Qin Feng and Xie Guanying vomited blood at the same time and retreated, falling from the air.

"Old Xie?" Duan Hong quickly flew up and caught Xie Guanying.

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it, but he still didn't move. The existence living in Qin Feng's soul is too insidious. Who knows if he is cheating?

Sure enough, the moment Qin Feng's body fell to the ground, perhaps because he understood that Jiang Xiaobai would not step forward to catch him, Qin Feng rushed towards the elders and grabbed with his open hand.

Elder Yang Zhong, who was standing at the outermost edge, couldn't react in time, and was immediately sucked over. Fei Yuming and Ye Tiannan, who were standing beside him, reacted very quickly, grabbing Elder Yang Zhong's legs from left to right, but they also Were sucked together.

"Let go!"

On the other side, Duan Hong was about to burst into tears, he didn't expect that the so-called three tricks turned out to be a conspiracy, the man pretended to fight Xie Guanying, and his purpose was to plot against several elders.

"If you want to leave, leave it to me." Qin Feng laughed wildly, opened his mouth and sucked in, Yang Zhong's upper body flew straight into Qin Feng's mouth.

Fei Yuming and Ye Tiannan hurriedly let go, but found that they couldn't let go.

"Get out!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled sharply, and with a throw of his hand, an inch-long Golden Dragon Sword Qi shot away.

The golden dragon sword energy rose against the wind, turned into a golden dragon, opened its mouth and let out a dragon chant, and bit towards Qin Feng.

"Haha, this wave is not a loss." Qin Feng laughed loudly, his breath dissipated, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

Fei Yuming and Ye Tian exerted too much force, and they both fell backwards, doing several somersaults in a row.The two were holding one leg each, but it was gone above the waist.

"Father!" A mournful voice came from afar, and a middle-aged man who somewhat resembled Yang Zhong ran over, holding his two broken thighs and crying loudly.

That was Yang Zhong's son, Yang Yi, who was considered a genius among the younger generation.After recovering his vitality this time, he also broke through to the emperor level.

"I'll kill you." Yang Yi rushed forward frantically, pulled out a long sword, and chopped at Qin Feng's head with all his might.

With a flash of Jiang Xiaobai's figure, he swung his sword to stop Yang Yi.

"Sorry, he..."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how to explain it, and finally heaved a long sigh: "I'm sorry!"

"Elder Jiang is really extraordinary. He killed his son before, but now he kills his father. Hehe, he is very majestic and domineering!" Pan Feng said sadly, and his voice became colder and colder as he looked at the crowd. Bai and the monster colluded, you have seen it now, Yang Zhong is the first, and you and I are next, if Jiang Xiaobai doesn't get out of the Martial Arts Department, our Martial Arts Department will perish!"

Pan Feng's words were full of sympathetic hatred: "Look, this person seriously injured the Great Elder and killed Elder Yang, yet Jiang Xiaobai is still protecting him? He has friends, but we don't? He If our friends can’t die, can our relatives die?”

All the elders were silent, the bloody facts were in front of them, the first elder was seriously injured, the elder Yang Zhong died, and they just crawled out of the ghost gate.

"Actually, it's not Elder Jiang's fault. It's my fault that I touched the divine sense in Qin Feng's soul." All of a sudden, Elder Jin Zhi walked out, facing everyone's questioning eyes, calmly smiled.

"My Lao Jin's life is not short, and he has long been tired of living. Even if his vitality recovers, he may not have the opportunity to enter the emperor class. Living is a waste of food. Elder Yang Zhong can't die in vain, so I will pay for his life."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Elder Jin Zhi in disbelief, his eyes were sore and tears filled his eyes, he really didn't expect that Elder Jin Zhi was willing to die for him.

"Elder Jin?"

Jin Zhi waved his hand to signal Jiang Xiaobai not to speak. He looked very serious: "The world has changed, but has it become better or worse? Many juniors have broken through to the king level and emperor level, but I know the situation is worse Now, human beings are more dangerous. The Martial Arts Department can live without me, but it cannot do without Elder Jiang, only he can support our Martial Arts Department and the entire Huaguo!"

"Indeed, he made a mistake this time, but no one is a sage? He is still a young man who needs to grow up. Isn't the purpose of our lives to protect the younger generation? Let them Is there a chance of trial and error, so that they can find the right way through mistakes?"

Jin Zhi sighed, pointed at Qin Feng and said, "I also heard Elder Jiang mention Qin Feng, he is also a poor child, in order to save Qilu University, he is willing to turn into a demon, if not..."

A sneer interrupted Jin Zhi's words, but Pan Feng said: "What about the more than 300 people who were killed by Qin Feng, did they die in vain? Oh, if those people are not enough, then Elder Yang Zhong of our Martial Arts Department is enough." Come on!"

Pan Feng took out a newspaper and read aloud: "This is a newspaper that has been sent from coastal areas and other places in the past month. Tragedy happened one after another. It must be the work of monsters, but the murderer can't be found. Hehe, Jiang Xiao Elder Bai can't deny that those things were not done by Qin Feng, can he?"

"If what Qin Feng did spreads out, how will the people think of us, how do foreign countries think of us, and how will our Martial Arts Department lead the warriors of Huaguo? Will it be treated as a joke?"

Jiang Xiaobai, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up, and he said seriously: "When senior Qin Feng recovers, he will naturally make up for the mistakes he made."

"Haha, to put it lightly, make up? That's life!" Pan Feng shouted.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were clear, and the grief in his heart had dissipated. He said loudly: "I repeat, those killings were done by monsters, and Qin Feng was just saving people. For the dead, we cherish the memory, and the living And go on living."

"Of course, these remaining problems will not be erased, but we are doomed to face many crises in the future, and we need to face them. If you believe in me, I will do my best to give and take the responsibilities within my ability. I will not Escape, never. Therefore, I will not quit the Martial Arts Department, let alone hide my strength and bide my time. I will only become braver and stronger as I fight, and protect the Martial Arts Department and Huaguo, all elders please supervise."

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai's words, many elders nodded slightly, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a little closer look.They already knew the cause and effect, the more they thought about it, the more they realized that this was a mess.

Was it Jiang Xiaobai's fault?

Or is it Qin Feng's fault?

Or is it Elder Jin Zhi's fault?

They are all wrong, but they are all unintentional. The monsters are too vicious, so it is not today. When they meet in the future, the result is destined to be the same.

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