Dominate the world

Chapter 841 Rewards and Punishments

Especially thinking that before, Jiang Xiaobai found a solution when the Great Elder was in a desperate situation and saved the life of the Great Elder.They were even more convinced that Jiang Xiaobai might be wrong, but their hearts were never crooked.

It is definitely a huge loss for such a young hero to give up just like that.

Seeing the reactions of the elders, Pan Feng's expression changed drastically.He pointed at Jiang Xiaobai, his lungs were about to explode. He managed the atmosphere for a long time, said so many things in a tearful voice, and managed to mobilize everyone's emotions. In the end, Jiang Xiaobai whispered a few words. It was resolved.

"Hmph, what a sharp tongue, but do you think you can erase everything with a few flirty words?" Pan Feng was furious, "You can't erase it."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Pan Feng's clown-like behavior indifferently, and said with a sneer: "Pan Feng, you don't need to stir up everyone's emotions, right and wrong are just and easy for people's hearts. What's more, you have to understand that I feel sorry for many people, but I never owed you anything, and I don't owe you anything, your son's death is your own fault."

"What about my father?" Yang Yi suddenly roared, "He has devoted his whole life for Huaguo, but now he can't even get a whole corpse?"

Fei Yuming sighed, he had the best relationship with Yang Zhong, but his century-old friend died before his eyes, but he was helpless.

"Xiaoyi, your father is a hero, he..., hey, Elder Jiang doesn't want to. Xiaoyi, you always know the general situation, and Elder Jiang..."

The corners of Yang Yi's mouth twitched again and again, and he cried again: "Uncle Ming, don't talk about it, my father taught me to treat people with kindness since I was a child, and you all know that I am not a person who will take revenge, and I will not let Elder Jiang or Elder Jin do it for me. Daddy pays for his life. It's just, it's just that I feel aggrieved, I'm not angry!"

Yang Yi said, crying like a child, crying out of breath.

Everyone couldn't help being silent, indeed, Yang Zhong was the worst in terms of cultivation in the Martial Arts Department, but in terms of character, Yang Zhong was second to none.He is friendly and has no airs, even with an ordinary person, he can laugh and chat for a long time.

From top to bottom, who doesn't evaluate Yang Zhong as a good person, but unfortunately he prefers people who don't live long, and died in Qin Feng's hands.

"Elder Yang Zhong is noble and kind-hearted. He is a role model for our generation. His sacrifice is a loss to our Martial Arts Department and even the entire China." The voice of Grand Elder Xie Guanying finally sounded, and he turned around and said, "Old Duan, I'm fine." Now, you don't need to waste your energy."

The First Elder and the Second Elder flew over together, looked at Yang Zhong who had only two thighs left, and bowed together: "Old friend, let's go."

All the elders saluted.

"Great Elder, woo woo..." Yang Yi cried again.

Xie Guanying suddenly said: "Elder Yang Zhong's death really can't be forgotten like this, the elders of my Martial Arts Department are not so worthless, Jiang Xiaobai!"

At the end of speaking, Xie Guanying suddenly raised his voice.

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice, "Yes!"

"You didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of you. Can you admit that?"

Jiang Xiaobai replied again: "Yes!"

"Okay, my country's Martial Arts Department has always been a reasonable place. You will be rewarded for your meritorious deeds, and you will be punished for your deeds. At the moment when your vitality recovers, you will use your personal strength to force Lanyue back. Saving the lives of countless Li people in China is a great achievement and should be rewarded. But because of you, the Martial Arts Department suffered heavy losses, and Elder Yang Zhong died tragically.

Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly: "The Great Elder knows everything!"

Xie Guanying nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, then I will reward you first, what do you want?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked down at the half-human, half-demon Qin Feng on the ground, and said firmly, "I ask the Ministry of Martial Arts to save Qin Feng, and do everything I can. I will bear all the sacrifices required."

"Okay, there is love and righteousness, this request is approved. As for the punishment, what suggestions do you elders have?"

"Great Elder, I have a suggestion, it's not a punishment, but a test." Pan Feng said suddenly.

Jin Zhi's eyes turned cold, and he said sternly, "Pan Feng, you'd better watch your words."

Tang Shanhai echoed loudly: "Not bad!"

Pan Feng chuckled: "Two elders, don't be impatient, listen to me. Didn't Elder Jiang say before that he would take on the important task of guarding our Martial Arts Department and Huaguo? This is something very human can do, not only It requires extraordinary strength, and even more extraordinary luck. Now, the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor is hunting Elder Jiang all over the world to avenge his son. My proposal is very simple. As long as Elder Jiang does not rely on the strength of our Martial Arts Department, the After this catastrophe, the grievances and grievances in the past will naturally be forgotten!"

"Nephew Yang Yi, what do you think?" Pan Feng turned his gaze to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi was startled, hesitated and said, "This..."

Do not agree?Unable to explain to the family.agree?He was kind-hearted, but he didn't want to, so it was clear that Jiang Xiaobai was going to die, and Yang Yi was in a dilemma for a while.

"Pan Feng, hello, you are fine." Tang Shanhai said coldly, "From today onwards, I will cut off my severance with you."

Tang Shanhai lifted the hem of his clothes, tore off a long belt, and threw it on the ground bitterly.

Jin Zhi snorted: "Count me in."

Fei Yuming said coldly: "Count me in as well."

Fang Yan glanced at Pan Feng, and took a sip: "I knew you were not a good guy back then, so count me in."

Miao Ju sighed lightly: "Old Pan, I told you a long time ago that Yan'er's death was not Elder Jiang's fault. He was pampered and selfish since he was a child, and something would happen sooner or later, but you never listened to him." , otherwise why would there be such a thing now, you can ask for more blessings in the future."

The other elders didn't make any further statements, but shook their heads again and again.

Pan Feng's face was livid, he stood stiffly on the spot, completely indifferent to everyone's words, just staring at the great elder Xie Guanying.

"Great Elder, you don't have to be embarrassed, I agree." Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly.

"Elder Jiang, why do you agree, you are so confused!" Fang Yan was the first to get anxious.

A group of elders also tried to persuade them again and again, that is the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, a real emperor-level powerhouse, how could they, emperor-level masters like them, resist?

Especially just before, they witnessed a battle of emperor-level masters with their own eyes. The emperor-level masters in the eyes of outsiders couldn't even enter the aura of other emperor-level masters.


how to spell?

It is completely unilateral killing.

Pan Feng was full of surprises, he laughed wildly and said: "Okay, a gentleman's words are hard to follow, Great Elder, Jiang Xiaobai personally agreed to this, you won't reject it?"

Xie Guanying didn't speak, but looked at Jiang Xiaobai peacefully with his eyes, Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly: "Please be fulfilled by the Great Elder, this is the price I should pay."

"Okay, since you insist, then so be it!"

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