Dominate the world

Chapter 842 Re-entering Yuxu Palace

"It's a matter here, everyone go away, there are still many things to do." Xie Guanying waved and said, "Elder Jiang will stay here for now."

All the elders responded in unison, all of them looked unhappy.One can imagine the commotion caused by such a incident in the Martial Arts Department, and they will be in a hurry for a long time to come.

Pan Feng went away with a smile on his face. He already believed that Jiang Xiaobai must die, even if he didn't die by his hands.

"Old Duan, go and practice. Now the Martial Arts Department is full of internal conflicts and external crises. You will be needed for a long time to come."

Duan Hong nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, just leave it to me."

He and Jiang Xiaobai nodded and left quickly.

"Great Elder, I owe you an apology, if not for..."

Xie Guanying smiled calmly: "It's nothing, this kind of thing will come sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. Elder Jiang, you have also heard the words of that divine sense. rely on you."

"Elder, don't worry!" Jiang Xiaobai promised.

"Then bring Qin Feng, let's go to Elder Tong and see if he can do anything. If the old man can't do it, then no one can save Qin Feng, let's go."

The three of them entered Yuxu Palace again, and Tong Xiaoyu was already waiting at the entrance. He saluted and said respectfully: "Grandfather already knows everything, please take him over with Great Elder and Elder Jiang." He turned to Jiang Xiao Bai quietly blinked his eyes, and licked his lips greedily.

Jiang Xiaobai gave a look and followed.

On the mountain where they met before, Jiang Xiaobai once again met the two former elders, Tong Fangyuan and Gongsun Long.There was still a chessboard in front of the two of them, but what happened in the Martial Arts Department made it difficult for the two of them to concentrate.

After seeing Qin Feng, Tong Fangyuan made a move with his palm and grabbed Qin Feng.

Jiang Xiaobai and Xie Guanying hurried forward to pay a visit, Gongsun Long waved his hand, indicating that there is no need for these red tapes.

After careful investigation, Tong Fangyuan rubbed his beard distressedly and said, "One piece of good news, one piece of bad news."

Gongsun Long rolled his eyes: "What's the matter, tell me quickly."

Tong Fangyuan blew out his beard in displeasure, but he was not trying to keep it a secret: "The good news is that the divine sense of the holy level was born ahead of time, and for a long time, that divine sense will not come out again. It’s time for the fate to change. The bad news is that the holy-level divine sense has fused more deeply with his soul, and it is no longer possible to eradicate it with external force. If you want to get rid of the holy-level divine sense, you can only rely on yourself.”

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while. This news is not good, but it is not bad. After Qin Feng reaches the emperor level, there may be new opportunities.

"We also know the agreement between you and the Ministry of Martial Arts. This kid will stay in Yuxu Palace from now on. We may not be able to save him, but with me and the old man Gongsun watching, this kid's practice will not be good either." If something goes wrong, with his talent, he is enough to safely enter the emperor class, and then we will see his fortune."

Jiang Xiaobai was satisfied enough, he cupped his hands in thanks and said, "Then I will trouble the two seniors."

"Why are you being polite? Didn't I tell you to call me brother?" Tong Fangyuan said impatiently.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Xie Guanying embarrassingly, but saw the latter smiled helplessly: "Senior Tong has a loose temper, and we don't follow the rules of etiquette. Let's call each other our own."

"Look, it's so boring to talk to such a person. It's not convenient to chat with him. It's okay, if you have something to do, go first. Let's talk to each other."

Xie Guanying saluted: "The Martial Arts Department still has something to do, so Guanying will go first."

"Hurry up." Tong Fangyuan pushed him away rudely.

Xie Guanying smiled wryly and flew away, as if he had long been used to it.

Gongsun Long laughed and said: "Little guy, with such a strong evil spirit, I'm afraid he killed hundreds of emperor-level masters. Only in the ocean can there be so many masters. The emperor-level sea beast meat is very delicious. Take it quickly." Come out, today is just a good time to eat."

Tong Fangyuan waved away the chessboard, pushed out a cauldron, and took out a small crystal bottle with great care.A drop fell gently into the furnace, and suddenly there was a loud noise, like a rising tide, and the water in the furnace quickly overflowed, filling the entire furnace.

Tong Fangyuan opened his mouth and sprayed, a stream of purple fire rose up, and within a few seconds, the clear water boiled.

A breath of pure spirit floated out from the furnace cauldron, which was refreshing.

"Take out the seafood quickly and see if there are any good ingredients?" Tong Fangyuan gave the stunned Jiang Xiaobai a look and urged.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and looked at the two elders who turned into foodies. He was not stingy, and directly took out half of the corpses of the monsters. More than 200 emperor-level sea beasts were spread out, and the two emperor-level masters were dumbfounded.

"Good boy, you have guts!" Gongsun Long praised.

Tong Fangyuan looked at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes with a little more appreciation: "Yes, you have courage, insight, and means. Ordinary people can't do this. I heard that you want to fight the emperor-level monsters. Originally, I wanted to I will give you some benefits, but I don't want to take advantage of you."

Jiang Xiaobai was a little puzzled, but he saw Gongsun Long pointing to the clear water in the cauldron and saying: "This is not ordinary clear water, but the vitality dew that Old Man Tong has refined for hundreds of years. There are only three drops in total. One drop It is used to forge the emperor's armament, and one drop is used to help Xiaoyu cleanse his muscles and bones, and this is the last drop."

"Brother Tong, I'm ashamed of myself." Jiang Xiaobai felt embarrassed.

Tong Fangyuan stared at the sea animal ingredients with bright eyes, and waved his hands indifferently: "It's nothing, isn't it just a drop of vitality dew, nothing compares to a delicious meal."

Gongsun Long joked: "Since it's not important, how about I call Xiaoyu over?"

Say it, Gongsun Long raised his voice and shouted: "Little smart ghost, hide it well, what does it mean to show a foot for your grandfather to see, and it keeps shaking, come and eat together. "

Tong Fangyuan glared at Gongsun Long, and was about to stop him, but Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said, "Brother Tong, please don't stop him. Speaking of which, Xiaoyu mentioned to me that I can have these ingredients, otherwise I wouldn't have bought them." I want to collect so many."

Tong Xiaoyu ran over viciously, his eyes narrowed into a line from a smile.

"Hee hee, hello grandpa grandpa, grandpa grandpa, and brother Xiaobai."

Tong Fangyuan stared and wanted to reprimand, but patted Xiaoyu's head lovingly: "Sit down."

Tong Xiaoyu giggled, and sat beside Jiang Xiaoyu, swallowing hard.

Gongsun Long is obviously an expert in food, and after a short while, he found three sea beasts at the peak of the imperial level, cleaned them up briefly, and put them in the stove to cook.

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