Dominate the world

Chapter 843 Domain

The cauldron is obviously not ordinary, the huge carcasses of sea beasts quickly become smaller after entering the water, and Gongsun Long put three of them in a row, and they didn't take up any space at all, which is very miraculous.

Gongsun Long smiled and said: "Little fish is still young, if you want to eat these imperial sea beast meat, you need to cook it slowly and it will take some time. Xiaobai, you should have a lot of questions to ask, right?"

"Exactly, I want to know more about the strength of the emperor-level masters. Before the Great Elder fought with the holy-level divine sense, a layer of aura enveloped them, and us emperor-level masters couldn't get in at all."

Gongsun Long smiled: "You should have heard that emperor-level masters have domains, and that aura should be Xiaoxie's application of domains to protect you."

Tong Fangyuan suddenly said with emotion: "Xiao Xie's talent is actually very good, it's just a pity."

Gongsun Long nodded and continued: "The domain can save people, but naturally it can also hurt people. If you rashly break into the domain of an emperor-level master, don't have any hesitation and escape immediately, otherwise you will only be trapped in it , Until you can't struggle, this is the crushing of the realm, there is no way, don't take chances."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Understood, if I run into that Thunder Snake Demon Emperor in the future, I will run away as soon as I get wind of it."

Tong Fangyuan and Gongsun Long laughed together, and Tong Xiaoyu also giggled twice.

"That's not necessarily the case. Your physical body is extremely strong, and so is your spiritual sense. If you can find the weakness in the opponent's domain in the first place, you may not be able to get out of trouble."

Gongsun Long frowned: "Old Man Tong, you mean? No, no, that's just my theory."

Tong Fangyuan's expression suddenly became serious. He stared at Jiang Xiaobai with burning eyes and said, "If others can't do it, Xiaobai may not be able to do it."

"Grandpa Gongsun, please tell me quickly, Xiaoyu doesn't want Brother Xiaobai to die." Tong Xiaoyu begged.

Gongsun Long looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a wry smile and said, "It's not that I don't want to say it, but the hope is too slim."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Brother Gongsun, do you think I have other options?"

"That's right, okay, then let's take a chance."

Gongsun Long explained: "First of all, the emperor level and the emperor level are completely different. The deeper the background at the emperor level, the higher the start after entering the emperor level. Just like Xiaoxie, don't think I am later than him It took decades to enter the emperor class, but he can't do ten tricks in my hands."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help being awed, no wonder being able to sit on an equal footing with Tong Fangyuan is really extraordinary.

"Some time ago, when that Thunder Snake was clamoring, I asked someone to investigate its past. It also achieved the emperor level through the recovery of its vitality, but its background is average. It should be stronger than Duan Hong, but it is limited. This is to your advantage."

Jiang Xiaobai thanked him respectfully: "Brother Gongsun has a heart."

"Where, I'm still waiting for you to bring back Thunder Snake's corpse and taste what an emperor-level sea beast tastes like." Gongsun Long said with a smile.

Tong Fangyuan slapped his thigh heavily: "You can have this!"

Gongsun Long continued: "Razer's domain is destined to be small and not smooth enough, old man Tong, please show your domain."

With Tong Fangyuan's thought in mind, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a force confining his whole body, making him unable to even move a finger, and his divine thoughts were suppressed so that he could not leave his body at all.

"Take some so that Xiaobai can release his spiritual thoughts." Gongsun Long said, he casually poured a cup of tea and took a sip, as if Tong Fangyuan's domain was useless to him.

Tong Fangyuan restrained his strength a little, and Jiang Xiaobai felt his mind relax, and his mind could finally leave his body.He probed with his divine sense, only to feel that Tong Fangyuan's domain was unfathomable, yet extremely stable.

It was as if the vast ocean breath he felt after flying into the depths of the Pacific Ocean made him unable to resist at all.

"Hey, Xiaobai, your body is stronger than I expected. Could it be that you practice eight or nine profound arts?" Tong Fangyuan asked suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai said in admiration: "Brother Tong's eyes are as bright as torches. I am minoring in the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu, and now I have reached the third level."

Gongsun Long laughed and said: "The Bajiu Xuan Gong is the holy law of the demon clan, and you have snatched it, and you have cultivated it to the third level. You are really blessed, and you may be the first person to create miracles. "

"Now, you are feeling my domain."

Same as before, perhaps due to lack of spiritual sense, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't detect the difference in the domains of the two old men, they were both equally majestic and heavy.

"Don't worry, take your time to perceive." Tong Fangyuan said.

Jiang Xiaobai closed his eyes, calmed down and savored it slowly. After half an hour, he suddenly felt a shaking somewhere in the field.

Then, Gongsun Long's domain was no longer as stable as before, but became choppy, and the force of the domain on him was stronger and weaker for a while.

When it is strong, it almost makes his divine sense unable to function, but when it is weak, it allows him to move his body, and he can escape from the scope of the domain as long as he wants.

"Did you find out?" Gongsun Long said with a smile, a flash of spiritual light gathered at the tip of his finger, and touched Jiang Xiaobai's eyebrows, "This is my experience and the way to crack the domain, please understand it carefully."

Jiang Xiaobai stopped talking and realized again. An hour later, he suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to Gongsun Long: "Thank you, Brother Gongsun, for preaching, I understand."

Gongsun Long smiled and said: "It's just right, the seafood should be out of the pot. With this Shanhai Ding, Yuan Qi Lu, and of course these imperial sea beasts as ingredients, it is expected that your physical strength and spiritual will will be strengthened by half, maybe That's the winner."

Jiang Xiaobai said in astonishment: "Spiritual thoughts and physical body are half strengthened at the same time?"

"Stop talking nonsense, why are you being polite to us, let's eat!" Tong Fangyuan said with a smile, he grabbed a sea beast thigh with the palm of his hand, and started to eat it.

Both Gongsunlong and Tong Xiaoyu started to eat, and Jiang Xiaobai was no longer polite, and started chewing.Once the ingredients are not enough, Gongsun Long will add more. The Shanhai Ding is very magical, automatically separating the cooked from the uncooked, but the vitality dew in the furnace seems to be endless. Once reduced, it will automatically diffuse.

The four of them ate this delicious meal from noon to dusk, and from dusk to early morning. All the ingredients Jiang Xiaobai took out were eaten up.

Without the company of wine, the four of them still ate heartily. After all, Jiang Xiaoyu was not strong enough, so he went back to sleep at dusk.

"Two old brothers, I still have more." Jiang Xiaobai said, his face flushed red from eating, and his blood boiling.

Tong Fangyuan smiled and said, "That's enough, the efficacy of Yuan Qi Lu has been exhausted, and it's useless to eat any more. Let's go to practice, now is a good time."

Having said that, Jiang Xiaobai also felt that his soul and body were extremely strong, as if he was about to rush out of his body.

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