Dominate the world

Chapter 844 Global Vibration

It was dusk again, and Jiang Xiaobai woke up from his trance.

He looked around, only feeling that his vision was a little clearer, and he knew that this was the powerful effect of divine sense.Facing the void, Jiang Xiaobai punched out, and a crack in space appeared, which lasted for two breaths before dissipating.

"Okay, we've made a lot of progress!" Tong Fangyuan's voice sounded, and then he and Gongsun Long also appeared beside Jiang Xiaobai.

"There is news from outside that the Thunder Snake has learned that the Ministry of Martial Arts will not take action, and is going to attack you personally. It will land tomorrow, so you can go."

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his fists and said, "Both brothers, then I'll go first."

After leaving the Martial Arts Department, Jiang Xiaobai saw seven or eight elders headed by Elder Jin Zhi waiting at the entrance of the Martial Arts Department. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's arrival, he said in unison: "I wish Elder Jiang a victory and return."

"Thank you all elders for your blessings, Xiaobai will definitely live up to everyone's expectations."

Miao Ju's face was full of embarrassment: "Elder Jiang, Elder Pan, he spread the news that you are going to fight alone with the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor. We are trapped by the promise and cannot go to Luezhen. We can only rely on you .”

"Remember, don't be brave, run as long as you can, and leave the green hills behind without worrying about no firewood."

"Yes, you are still young, wait until Emperor Cheng returns."

All the elders persuaded Jiang Xiaobai one by one, hoping that Jiang Xiaobai would dispel his thoughts.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly, not surprised at what Pan Feng did, and was deeply moved by the true feelings of the elders.

"Elders, you don't need to say any more. I've made up my mind, and I can't escape this battle. Otherwise, what's the reputation of my Martial Arts Department? I, Jiang Xiaobai, can die, but I can't retreat!"

"Well said, this is the grandson-in-law of my Liu family!" A rough voice sounded, and a burly old man descended from the sky, but it was Liu Doudou's grandfather, Liu Zongyuan, the imperial master of the Liu family.

Liu Zongyuan's aura was strong, and he showed it unceremoniously in front of everyone. He was already at the peak of the emperor's level, and his aura was sometimes deep and sometimes deep, which was obviously a sign that he was about to break through to the emperor's level.

"Grandpa Liu, why are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted happily, "At this moment, are you trying to break through?"

Liu Zongyuan smiled boldly: "My grandson-in-law wants to fight at the emperor's level and the emperor's level, how can I, an old man, miss it!"

"Brother, I'm here." A joyful scream sounded from the air.

Jiang Xiaobai looked up and saw a martial arts fighter plane suspended in the air. Wang Lin stood on the martial arts fighter plane and waved his hands vigorously, then jumped down suddenly.

"Brother, catch me!" Wang Lin screamed in the air.

Jiang Xiaobai flew up funny, and caught the yelling Wang Lin. At this time, Wang Lin had also reached the peak of the king level.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai patted Wang Lin's shoulder heavily, feeling indescribably moved.

Since leaving Qilu, he has offended countless families along the way, but unexpectedly got a real brother.

Wang Lin raised his neck: "My eldest brother is going to be at the emperor level and destroy the emperor level. How can I miss it as a younger brother."

"That's right, brother Jiang is going to fight, how can I miss it. A little brother of the king's level dares to go, what are we afraid of!" A clear voice came from afar, and then figures flew down from the sky.

Jiang Xiaobai took a closer look, and saw that they were all the younger generation of the Martial Arts Department who had fought in Luo City before. Judging by their current cultivation, they have all become emperors.

Bai Yu walked over with a smile: "Brother Jiang, wait for a while, there will be more people coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, sword shadows flickered in the eastern sky, and his culture was rippling, but they were from Jixia Academy and Qucheng Confucian Mansion, and behind them an upgraded martial arts flying boat came through the sky.

"All the teachers and students of Qilu Martial Arts University wish the dean to kill the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor!" In front of the flying boat, Zhao Chong brandished a big ax and let out a loud roar.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes turned red, he couldn't help himself, these are his good brothers and friends.

In the rear, on a tall building in the Ministry of Martial Arts, Xie Guanying and Duan Hong watched this scene with smiles, their cheeks filled with relief.

"Who says the younger generation can't do anything, all they need is a banner." Xie Guanying said with emotion.

"That's right, Elder Jiang has already taken care of him, and the future is destined to belong to the younger generation."

Xie Guanying's eyes froze, and he made a decision: "We can't let Xiaojiang's heart get cold, let us inform you, start the martial arts department to seal the city, and let everyone stand up. We will be the elders who support us."

"Hahahaha!" Duan Hong laughed loudly, "I have been waiting for your decision for a long time."

The order spread quickly, and in front of the people who came from afar, the members of the Martial Arts Department, who had been somewhat depressed, finally raised their eyebrows.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head abruptly, only to see Xie Guanying and Elder Duan Hong coming hand in hand.

Jiang Xiaobai hurried forward to meet him, surprised in his heart, but heard Xie Guanying say with shame on his face: "Being trapped by the promise, we can't make a move, but it doesn't mean we can't watch the battle. Don't worry, the Martial Arts Department will always be your backing!" "

"Xiaobai understands!" Jiang Xiaobai clasped his fists and said with a warm heart.

"Okay, all spectators, get on the ship!" Xie Guanying shouted, and his voice spread hundreds of miles away.

A huge martial arts warship slowly flew up, suspended in the air, and everyone flew up again and again.Those who were not strong enough were taken by the elders and landed on the warship.

The warship can accommodate 10 people, and it is almost full. Following Xie Guanying's order, the warship flew towards the East China Sea in a mighty manner.

Watching the warship fly far away, an old man with gloomy eyes came out from the darkness, it was Pan Feng.

Before, he was about to taunt twice, but who knew that Liu Zongyuan would appear, and then other people came, so he had to hide.

"Hmph, just be so arrogant, spoil him like a baby, wait for him to die, and see how you end up." Pan Feng snorted, and followed him alone.

On the warship, Jiang Xiaobai kept saying hello to everyone and listening to their words of encouragement.Some people are sincere, some people are fake, and they don't even hide the sarcasm in their eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai just smiled indifferently, showing his grandeur, making it hard for people to see the reality.

The warships of the Ministry of Martial Arts were not moving fast. People kept boarding the ship along the way, and even the ship was full. Some flying boats and fighter planes accompanied the warships of the Ministry of Martial Arts and followed them to the East China Sea.

The prestige is strong, which makes people look sideways.

The incident quickly fermented, and soon, countless powerful people in Europe, America and other places, Neon Country, Nanyang and other places learned of the grand event in Hua Country.

The No. 1 young generation of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department, the number one God of War in Huaguo praised by the whole country, will fight against the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor with the strength of the late emperor level.

Countless emperor-level masters, even emperor-level masters rushed towards Huaguo one after another. Similarly, countless martial arts fighters and warships rushed towards Huaguo carrying the talents of all countries.

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