Dominate the world

Chapter 845 Confrontation

The East China Sea, the estuary of the Yangtze River, since the revival of vitality and the great change of the world, the East China Sea has given birth to islands, scattered all over the sea, starting from the delta of the Yangtze River and spreading to the depths of the ocean.

Most of the islands are occupied by sea beasts, but some are also controlled by humans.On weekdays, humans and sea beasts often fight for resources and energy.

One fight every three days, one tough battle every five days, where the swords and soldiers go, the blood stains the dusk.

On this day, there was a sudden silence. The sea beasts went ten miles deep into the ocean, and the humans stopped on the shore, facing each other tens of miles away.

In the afternoon, the strong wind suddenly surged, and the huge waves turned up to hundreds of meters high, forming a huge tsunami, as if it was going to destroy the world.

In the huge waves, emperor-level sea beasts swarmed one after another. When they reached the shore, the sea water suddenly collapsed, revealing the huge bodies of the sea beasts, and then the sea beasts quickly spread out to both sides, with an incomparably overbearing coercion Charged like a broken bamboo.

The imposing manner bombarded the shore, the waves roared, and boulders flew.The seabirds were so startled that they wailed, flapping their wings and flying away, and the warrior on the coast was so shocked that he could no longer stand up, and he knelt down on the ground.

The one who came was the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor. It had a huge body and was at least one kilometer long. The snake's head was hanging high on the shore, and its tail was still buried deep in the water.

On its head, there is a tall and bulging bag, with thunder flashing on it, purple and black intertwined, and with a slight crackling sound, space cracks are constantly annihilated and regenerated.

At this moment, a huge martial arts warship smashed through the clouds in the sky, and suppressed it like a thousand pounds.

The torrential momentum forced every emperor-level sea beast to back away, and only the emperor-level powerhouse at the head remained motionless, glaring at the suppressed martial arts warship.

"I human beings kneel to the sky and kneel to my parents, but I never kneel to monsters, get up!"

In the martial arts warship, a handsome voice was full of unrestrained self-confidence, and the heroic voice resounded between the heaven and the earth.

The grief-stricken people on the beach suddenly felt that the force of their suppression was greatly reduced. One by one, they gritted their teeth, roared, or groaned, and all stood up.

Even if they were powerless and their legs were broken, they supported each other and still stood upright.

On the martial arts warship, figures landed one after another, and they were all the people who came all the way from the capital.

"Hahahaha, human beings, I thought you were really brave, but now it seems that it is not worth mentioning." The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor below roared a little sternly, it did not expect so many people to come from the human side.

If I had known earlier, it would have notified some emperor-level old friends.

It's just that what I thought before was to fight a human being with the strength of an emperor. It is natural to win, but if I lose, I will be ashamed to face others, so I only summoned some emperor-level monsters.

Now seeing that there are many people coming from humans, and people from afar are still coming, and the power is getting bigger and bigger, it is a little flustered.

"Go, hurry up and invite all the emperors to come." The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor sent a sound transmission to a little imperial demon, who nodded repeatedly and left quickly.

Jiang Xiaobai landed on the ground, although he was used to seeing the big world, he was still shocked by this scene.Starting from the beach, all the way to the city, no matter on the ground or in the sky, there are people everywhere.

Either holding a flag, or shouting loudly, or just beating the beat, Jiang Xiaobai could feel the support and hope of everyone for him.

Inexplicably, he felt a force rising in his heart.Unable to restrain himself, Jiang Xiaobai bowed deeply to the crowd behind him.

"The God of War must win!"

A burst of noisy voices sounded from the crowd in a mess, but they quickly became orderly. The voices became louder and brighter, and then turned into a mighty shout: "The God of War must win!"

Followed over and over again, over and over again, the sound spread hundreds of miles.

The fierce tide seemed to be suppressed, the sea became calm, and then receded, exposing the bodies of sea beasts.

Involuntarily, a sea beast retreated quietly, and gradually turned into a whole, retreating tens of feet together.

The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's eyes shot fiercely, but he had to retreat several tens of feet, the momentum of human beings was too strong.

"Hahahaha——" Humans couldn't help laughing, their pride surging.

At the corner of the crowd, some Tianjiao masters who came from foreign countries frowned with pride. How should they fight against such a Huaguo?

Jiang Xiaobai was a little bit stuck at the moment, with so many people watching, he just slipped away without a fight, it really couldn't be justified?

"Xiaobai, are you okay?" Zhao Chong and the others crowded over and asked with concern.

Jiang Xiaobai said without hesitation: "No problem!"

Zhao Chong took out a set of armor and handed it over: "This is the battle suit I have been researching all the time. The materials contributed by the teachers and students of the whole school are powerful. Because of the rush of time, it is a bit crude, but it is more practical. I Please ask the emperor-level senior of the dark net to test it, he said that he can withstand the full blow of the emperor-level master, but after the blow, the battle suit is also useless."

This is timely help!

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but hugged Zhao Chong tightly, and said gratefully: "Good brother, thank you very much."

Zhao Chong whispered in Jiang Xiaobai's ear: "If you lose, you can leave immediately. It's no big deal. Everyone knows that you were forced to do nothing."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I understand."

Kong Xuan and Lin Xiao walked over together, looked at each other and laughed together.

"You first?" Lin Xiao said.

Kong Xuan was not polite either, he took out a pair of scrolls respectfully, and opened them lightly, but there was only one word - disease!

"The owner asked me to give this to you. The copybook left by the ancestor. Before you fight, if you tear it, your speed will be increased by 10%, and the time limit is [-] minutes. I heard that the Martial Arts Department cannot help you. Fortunately, our Confucius Institute is not the Ministry of Martial Arts, shall we help you not break the law?"

Kong Xuan smiled, and put the copybook in Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

Jiang Xiaobai clasped his fists and bowed, then accepted the copybook, his voice choked up: "Brother Kong, thank you."

"It's nothing. You stand out for the human race. As a member of the human race, our Confucius Institute should help you. Otherwise, it's no different from rape. Come on, I believe in you, and you will definitely win."

As Kong Xuan said, he stepped back.

Lin Xiao stepped forward, and it was also a copybook, but with the word "shi".

"The method of use is the same as Kong Xuan's copybook. This word will enhance the power of your moves. It also takes 10 minutes. The power will be increased by [-]%. Come on."

Jiang Xiaobai clasped his fists and bowed again, his heart was full of heat, and his heart, which was still a little uneasy, finally calmed down. With the blessing of these treasures, he might not be able to fight against the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor!

At this time, terrifying auras roared from the depths of the ocean. Human beings looked in horror, and they were obviously emperor-level sea beasts, the number of which was no less than a hundred.

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