The emperor-level sea beasts charged forward with roars, surging huge waves, and slammed straight down towards the humans.

"When I am a human being without an emperor?"

Xie Guanying let out a long roar, flew out with a long body, stood proudly in the air, and slapped towards the biggest huge wave with a slap.

With a bang, the huge waves scattered, and an emperor-level sea beast was crushed and fell into the sea, in a state of embarrassment.

At the same time, voices and shadows flew into the sky, palming the incoming tide in unison. There were at least dozens of people.Although there are not as many emperor-level sea beasts, they are all extraordinary in strength. Many of them are one against two. After some confrontation, they are evenly matched.

Amidst the rumbling sound, huge waves shattered, and emperor-level sea beasts appeared one after another.

"It's the ancestor of the Jiangnan Wang family."

"It's the head of the Feng family in the capital."

"It's the old man Cangdi of the Northwest. I didn't expect that the old man is still alive."


The crowd below recognized the emperor-level powerhouses in the sky one by one, shouting their names with joy and excitement, cheering for them.

Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes involuntarily, they were blood red, and he was very excited. He didn't expect so many emperor-level masters to come to help him.

"Seniors, junior Jiang Xiaobai is very grateful!" Jiang Xiaobai's voice choked up.

"Grateful? Go to the underworld to be grateful, Thunder Snake, kill this kid, or I will destroy your entire Thunder Snake!"

A sinister voice suddenly sounded, the voice was sharp and sinister, but it resounded clearly in everyone's ears, making people tremble uncontrollably, unable to resist at all.

Even the emperor-level masters in the air all changed their faces. Just hearing its voice, they knew how powerful this sea beast was, and they were no match at all.

"Hey, is the old whale still alive? Don't hurt yourself when you're so angry! If you leave some hidden wounds, it won't taste good."

A voice full of ridicule sounded, but Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up. It was Tong Fangyuan's voice.

As soon as the sound came out, human beings immediately felt their spirits warm up, and their fears were a little less.Everyone looked left and right, wanting to see the person who made the sound, but they had no clue at all.

"Hmph, if you want to eat my meat, let's talk about it after becoming a saint." Yin Han said.

"Don't worry, maybe the next time my vitality recovers, I will become a saint." Tong Fangyuan said.

The owner of the cold voice snorted: "I'm afraid you don't have that kind of luck."

Tong Fangyuan let out a hehe: "Why don't we fight now, it's been a long time since we've done it, it's very itchy?"

The cold voice snorted, and changed the subject: "Today is a battle between two juniors. It's better for the two of us not to overwhelm the host. Let's get back, we're here to watch the battle."

Hundreds of demon emperors heard the order, and none of them dared to disobey the order, and they all retreated. On the human side, a group of emperor-level masters also retreated, giving up the middle ground.

"Elder Xie, do you know who this senior is?" An emperor-level expert came over and asked in a low voice.

Xie Guanying looked shocked, and he shook his head in embarrassment: "I never thought that there are such masters in Huaguo, who guard us in secret. My Martial Arts Department calls itself the patron saint of Huaguo, which is really too shameless."

The emperor-level expert stared closely at Xie Guanying, but found that he could not see the slightest clue.He hummed approvingly: "Thanks to this senior, otherwise I would be in danger today."

Xie Guanying's voice was neither loud nor small, but it was enough for the emperor-level masters present to hear it.Jiang Xiaobai laughed to himself, he didn't expect the elder's acting skills to be so good.

If he hadn't known Tong Fangyuan, he would have believed Xie Guanying's words.

"Boy, don't hide, come out." The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor roared. It was completely frightened, but it was just going to call some familiar emperor-level sea beasts. A senior came in person, making him secretly complain.

Fortunately, he is confident that Jiang Xiaobai is definitely not his opponent. The gap between the emperor level and the emperor level is really too big, and no one can cross this natural barrier.

Jiang Xiaobai walked out carelessly, and waved at the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor: "What's your name, are you waiting to be my appetizer?"

"Hahahaha." The human laughed.

The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor sneered and said, "Boy, no matter how clever you are, you can't change your fate of being devoured by me."

"That's not necessarily the case, the human race will win!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly, quickly put on the battle clothes Zhao Chong sent, tore open the copybooks sent by Kong Xuan and Lin Xiao, and displayed the Flowing Light Immortal Shadow Body Technique, appearing On top of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor.

He held the Tai Chi Star Sword tightly with both hands, and slashed down on the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor.

"Quickly, what kind of agility is that?"

"Tch, didn't I just say that, that's the power of the Confucian Mansion's 'Ji' character copybook, and the movement skills have been improved by [-]%."

"Then can it be that fast? I think it's almost the same as an emperor-level master. It's clearly the God of War himself."

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai made a move, it aroused everyone's discussion, and during the time of everyone's discussion, Jiang Xiaobai and the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor had already fought dozens of times.

Naturally, Jiang Xiaobai wasn't naive enough to be able to make meritorious deeds with one blow. He kept wandering around the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, waving the Tai Chi Star Sword just like a blast.

Anyway, after 10 minutes, he is destined to escape. If you don't hurry up and beat him up now, isn't it a waste of other people's treasures?

The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor was furious, he didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would really dare to attack it, and Jiang Xiaobai seized the opportunity when he couldn't defend himself.Although it didn't suffer any injuries, it was also ugly and embarrassing, which made it lose face.

"I hit, I hit, I hit, hit, hit..."

Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly, slashing wildly with the Tai Chi Star Sword.Taiji Xingchen sword is extremely sharp, piercing armor and piercing gang are the best. After the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor suffered a loss at the beginning, he had to resist, and thus fell into Jiang Xiaobai's rhythm.

After using a set of Liuhe swordsmanship, Jiang Xiaobai directly changed to Ba Dao Dao Dao. The Taiji Xingchen Sword is so powerful that it is used as a sword, and its power does not seem to be weaker than Liuhe swordsmanship.

And when he took the time, Jiang Xiaobai was a golden dragon sword energy, which interrupted the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's rhythm, forcing it to change its moves.

The human race shouted loudly for Jiang Xiaobai, even though they knew that the God of War would not be able to maintain his current strength in 10 minutes, but the current scene was just a relief to watch.

On the side of the sea beasts, the emperor-level sea beasts looked ashamed, and the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor had completely disgraced their emperor-level sea beasts.

And the Thunder Snake clan lowered their heads, and even faced other sea beasts facelessly. Even if their patriarch defeated Jiang Xiaobai, they would not be able to hold their heads up when facing other imperial sea beasts in the future.

Jiang Xiaobai slashed again with his sword, cutting off a piece of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's scales, he turned around and ran, and 10 minutes had passed.

"Boy, you run to you, just stay for me!" The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor was disgraced and rotten at the moment. Although there were no serious injuries, he looked extremely embarrassed.

When the 10 minutes were up, seeing Jiang Xiaobai wanted to run, he activated his domain magic without hesitation.

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