Dominate the world

Chapter 847 Suppressed

The emperor-level masters present had already seen that Jiang Xiaobai was already a strong crossbow, and he couldn't hold back the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, but they didn't expect the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor to be so shameless that he directly used the signature supernatural power of the emperor-level masters.

An invisible, intangible, but perceivable force field emerged, quickly spreading towards Jiang Xiaobai like a sea tide.

One second, Jiang Xiaobai was still flying rapidly, and the next second Jiang Xiaobai's body was imprisoned in mid-air, still maintaining the posture of flying at extreme speed, as if time had been paused, and this scene was frozen.

"Hmph, you won't be at the emperor level, but you will end up as an ant. If you want to use me, the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, to show your prestige, you are too ignorant of human beings." The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor wiped off the blood on his body, boasting proudly.

The sea beasts were very popular, especially the Thunder Snake Clan. Seeing that the ancestor finally won back the face for the Thunder Snake Clan, they boasted loudly, praising and blessing them shamelessly.

On the human side, the excited atmosphere gradually subsided, and most of the emperor-level masters were silent. They had already expected this result, and they came all the way just for the hope in their hearts.

Now, as soon as the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor domain came out, Jiang Xiaobai was immediately trapped, and they realized that the emperor's anti-killing emperor was just an unrealistic fantasy after all.

"Humans, you'd better not do it!" The cold voice from the sea beast before suddenly exploded in the sky, full of warning.

Some emperor-level masters, even emperor-level masters, changed their faces. They did have that plan. Although Jiang Xiaobai was defeated, they saw the hope of the human race in the latter.

On the side of Qilu Wuda University, their encouragement and cheers for Jiang Xiaobai never stopped, because they have repeatedly fought monsters and beasts, and the total number of teachers and students in Qilu Wuda University now is only 3000, but the [-] people shouted in unison But he roared with the momentum of thousands of troops.

Listening to it, it makes people feel refreshed and fighting spirit.

"Confucius, raise the drums and bless the God of War Jiang." Kong Xuan roared loudly.

Dong dong dong, the sound of heavy and vigorous war drums sounded, as if resounding in the hearts of everyone, the younger generation felt it most intuitively, as if there was a force rising from their hearts, making their blood boil.

"Jixia Academy, play Xiao, and play a battle song for Jiang Zhanshen." Lin Xiao also did not hesitate.

The next moment, in response to the sound of the drums and the cries of Qilu Wuda, a tragic but heroic battle song was played. The solemn Xiao sound was slightly low, but it seemed to awaken the pride in people's hearts.

Uncontrollably, the younger generation shouted loudly along with the teachers and students of Qilu Wuhan University.

"God of War Jiang, come on, God of War Jiang, come on!"

The older generation was calm and self-sustaining. Although they were encouraged by the sound of war drums, they fell silent.But looking at the fighting spirit in the eyes of the younger generation, and the ferocious face that roared on their cheeks, they still kept shouting, but a smile gradually appeared on the corners of their mouths, and the children finally grew up.

It was Jiang Xiaobai who awakened them and promoted their growth, but it was a pity that he paid his life.

"Hahahaha, human beings, you are really naive. Is it useful to shout a few words, beat the drums, and blow the whistle? Such a race will be wiped out by my sea beast sooner or later!"

"Hehe, it might be useful. Isn't there a saying in human beings called beating chicken blood? Look at that kid's cheeks are flushed."

"No, fortunately we are sea beasts, if we are human, we will be ashamed!"

On the side of the sea beast, there were voices of ridicule and disdain, which made the human race extremely indignant.

The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor clasped his fists at the surrounding sea beasts again and again, it felt that this was the most glorious time in its life, even when it became an emperor, it was not so glorious.

It is conceivable that after today, he Thunder Snake Demon Emperor will become famous in the vast army of sea beasts.

It arrogantly came to Jiang Xiaobai's side, looked at Jiang Xiaobai whose cheeks were flushed, and roared loudly: "Boy, you kill my son and insult my reputation as a Thunder Snake clan, damn it! But I won't let you die so badly!" Easy, the old man heard that there is a punishment in your human race, called a thousand cuts."

"Despicable, shameless!" One after another roared from the side of the human race.

The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor didn't hear it at all, and smiled like a villain: "So, today, in front of all sea beasts and all races, I cut you with a single knife, and let you shameless human races who are known as the spirit of all things see , what kind of virtues are you guys!"

"Okay, Little Thunder Snake is good at tricks. I like it."

"Haha, let human beings take a good look at how their geniuses are crying and begging for mercy under the knife of our sea beasts. Thinking about it will make the beast happy!"

"Hey, when Little Thunder Snake cuts meat, give this old man a slice. I really want to taste the difference in the meat of this human genius!"

"That's right, let's try it all, hahahaha!"

The sea beasts laughed wildly, waved their bodies, and the turbulent sea water rolled, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

On the side of the human race, morale plummeted.

It's fine for the sea beast to defeat Jiang Xiaobai, but they want to chop their genius into pieces in front of their faces?Want to eat Jiang Xiaobai's meat?

Many people couldn't stand it, and some young people who respected Jiang Xiaobai and regarded Jiang Xiaobai as an idol in their hearts even went crazy with red eyes and burst into tears.

"Come on, Dean, come on, Dean..."

In the bleakness, only the people from Qilu Wuda were still shouting, their voices already contained countless cries, choked up, full of tragedy.

"Father, did Jiang Zhanshen really end like this?" A young king blurred his eyes and asked the emperor's father beside him.

The old man's eyes were also red, and he explained: "It's probably the case, but someone will help Jiang Xiaobai out soon."

"Well, he is a hero, he shouldn't end up like that."

The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor Jie Jie laughed loudly, he raised a small knife high, and gouged out Jiang Xiaobai's left eye.

"Don't worry, I will leave you an eyeball, so that you can clearly see the sadness and pain of the human race from beginning to end, so that you will never forget it."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor with burning eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor was still a heterogeneous species, and a trace of thunder power was bred in the domain. It took him a little more time, but he still found a loophole in the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's domain.

As estimated by Gongsun Long, the stability of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's domain is far from stable.Jiang Xiaobai kept running the domain-breaking art taught by Gongsun Long, testing the domain of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor bit by bit, and seducing it bit by bit, and finally detonated the hidden dangers of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's domain in advance.

"What are you laughing at, go to hell!"

But at the next moment, the body of the Thunder Snake Monster suddenly shook, and its palm tilted, stabbing in the air.

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