Dominate the world

Chapter 848 Can't catch up!

The emperor-level masters present were all shocked, only those who possessed the domain knew the strange shaking of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's body just now.

That was in his own domain. It is an exaggeration to say that the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor is a god in his domain, but he was shaken by an external force!

"what happened?"

The human side was finally alarmed. They all looked at Jiang Xiaobai, their eyes full of hope. Could it be that the turn of events turned around and Jiang Xiaobai was rescued from desperation?

In the sky, in a hidden place, three people are hiding, two old men, and a child with a horn tied.Seeing this scene, the three breathed a sigh of relief, it was Tong Fangyuan, Gongsun Long and Tong Xiaoyu.

"Boy, it's such a dangerous situation, I can't help but want to take action." Tong Fangyuan laughed loudly.

Gongsun Long's wrinkled white eyebrows finally relaxed, and he sighed: "It's so dangerous, I didn't expect this little snake to be a different species, and the domain is a bit weirder than I calculated. Fortunately, Xiaobaiji has his own sky, otherwise the old man Doomed to regret for life."

"The two grandparents are the best, of course Brother Xiaobai is the best." Tong Xiaoyu said happily.

Gongsun Long and Tong Fangyuan burst out laughing.

The place where the three of them are is their own space, and other people can't perceive the location of the three of them at all.

Jiang Xiaobai twisted his body, and walked out of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's realm step by step while everyone was stunned.

"How is it possible?" Countless emperor-level and emperor-level masters exclaimed.

The land of domains is the exclusive supernatural power of emperor-level masters. It is the most direct, effective and overbearing means to suppress emperors. The gap between emperor-level and emperor-level is called a natural moat. The biggest reason is domains.

But now, there is finally an emperor-level master who broke through the domain of emperor-level masters, broke the legend, and created a miracle.

"Dean Jiang is mighty and domineering!" Master Qi Luwu and his students yelled loudly, with tears streaming down their faces and weeping with joy.

"God of War is invincible!" The young people roared, their hearts were so full of pride that they couldn't control themselves.

Compared to the cheers of humans, the sea beasts were completely stupid, and then they roared and cursed, cursing Jiang Xiaobai, but most of them scolded the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, calling the latter a waste, Lei The race of the snake clan is inferior, and some sea beasts even clamored to expel the Razer clan, which completely embarrassed the sea beasts.

The black skin of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor was flushed red, and he didn't dare to look backward, but he could sense the anger of the sea beasts from those vicious eyes.

If Jiang Xiaobai is not killed today, the Thunder Snake clan is destined to be exterminated by the supreme being in the center of the ocean.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I'll kill you." The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor roared, frantically pumping his vitality, and killed Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and ran away, but in the eyes of everyone, he is no longer fleeing in despair.Jiang Xiaobai even taunted loudly, spreading hatred.

"Reptile, I'm going to use a trick, and I'll fight you for three hundred rounds, but this place is not convenient, how dare you come? Of course, if you can't catch up with me, then forget it."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he quickly flew towards the unnamed deserted island. There was a large formation of stars and stars arranged on the deserted island. As long as the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor entered the formation, it was time for him to counter-kill the emperor-level masters.

"Thunder Snake, kill him!" The cold voice became more and more gloomy, full of deep anger, and the face of the sea beast was completely thrown away by the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor.

The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor hastily said yes, and then frantically chased after him.

A group of demon emperors and beasts all caught up and quickly chased towards the center of the sea.

On the human side, everyone was amazed, and even more astonished, why did Jiang Xiaobai fly towards the center of the ocean, which is the territory of sea beasts.

"Let's go too, get on the warship!" Xie Guanying shouted loudly.

After seeing that Jiang Xiaobai actually broke through the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's domain, Xie Guanying knew it must be the means of the two former elders, Tong Fangyuan and Gongsun Long.

The two have always been legends in the Martial Arts Department, but because of their temperament, they hardly show up. Except for a few elders in the Martial Arts Department, that is, he and Duan Hong know their existence.

Humans cheered loudly, except for the emperor-level masters, everyone flew onto the warship one after another. They found helplessly that with their speed, they couldn't catch up at all.

"My friends at the imperial level, please help me." Xie Guan responded to the request.

The martial arts warship of the Martial Arts Department is only flying at the speed of an emperor-level master, so naturally it cannot catch up.

"Okay!" More than 40 emperor-level masters supported the martial arts warship together, and with their help, the martial arts warship flew away.

"What kind of movement is Jiang Zhanshen? It's too fast, and it's so handsome, it's as if a god is taking a picture."

On the Martial Arts Battleship, everyone was chattering about the previous competition, discussing Jiang Xiaobai's fighting skills and supernatural powers, in full swing.

"But, does Jiang Zhanshen really have the strength to fight against the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor?" Amidst all the praises, many people also raised concerns that made them feel uneasy.

Before, the God of War Jiang also beat the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, but after the time for the copybooks in the Confucian Mansion and Jixia Academy ran out, he was imprisoned by the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor with one move. They were worried that the God of War Jiang would repeat the same mistakes.

"No, Jiang Zhanshen must have someone else behind him."

"That is, Jiang Zhanshen can break even the realm of emperor-level masters. I believe Jiang Zhanshen can definitely kill the old Thunder Snake."

"Even if the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor traps Jiang Zhanshen again, I think Jiang Zhanshen will still be able to turn the crisis into safety and turn defeat into victory."

In the battleship, everyone's confidence was high, and their eyes were full of excitement.

Outside the warship, a group of emperor-level masters were also discussing, and they were all amazed by the scene where Jiang Xiaobai broke the domain before.Although some people think that Jiang Xiaobai has little hope of victory, more people think that victory is possible.

"That kid is very clever and weird, and he obviously looks like he has left behind. I boldly speculate that Thunder Snake will die!" Northwest Cangdi laughed loudly. He is already very old, and his seniority is still above Xie Guanying. He tried his best to save Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai gave him a big surprise.

"Your Martial Arts Department has done a good job."

Xie Guanying thanked him repeatedly, and invited Emperor Cang to go to the Ministry of Martial Arts to have a talk when he had time, and the latter readily agreed.

Jiang Xiaobai ran the Flowing Light Immortal Shadow body technique with all his strength, and the speed was so fast that he left a series of fairy shadows in the sky.The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor tried his best to catch up, but found that it would take some time to catch up.

And Jiang Xiaobai kept flying weird golden dragon sword energy, the power was extremely strong, especially the golden dragon was born to suppress the Thunder Snake, so he had to use his skills to resist, so he was pulled some distance away.

It originally thought that an emperor-level master would not be able to maintain his vitality for long under the pursuit of an emperor-level master. Who knew that this chase would last from noon to dusk, and the distance between it and Jiang Xiaobai was still one field away.

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