Down below, the spirit of human beings is greatly boosted, and the sea beasts are silent, forming a sharp contrast.

And Jiang Xiaobai, who was stiff in mid-air, started to move suddenly. He had already explored the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's domain once, and he was naturally familiar with it now.

Secondly, the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor was trapped in the Zhoutian Xingchen formation, and the domain that was out of control was naturally easy to crack.Even so, the crowd and demons were still horrified to see that Jiang Xiaobai was able to move again in just half a minute.

Jiang Xiaobai bowed to the crowd in the sky, without the rushing formation of the crowd, he was alone and alone, even if he trapped the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, he could only let him out obediently.

"Boy, you did a good job and won honor for my human race."

"God of War is invincible!"

"Emperor level destroying emperor level, Dean Jiang is No.1 in creating the world."

There were cheers and excited voices, mixed with some flattering voices, which made Jiang Xiaobai blush a little.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient, let the boy chop this monster first, and then we will peel its skin, constrict its tendons, drink its blood, eat its flesh, the flesh and blood of the demon emperor, hehe, no common!"

The human side laughed loudly, which was clearly Jiang Xiaobai's response to the previous punishment of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor.

"Hmph, human being, be careful, don't fall into my hands in the future." That gloomy monster voice suddenly sounded, full of threats.

Jiang Xiaobai shouted without showing any weakness: "Don't worry about your Excellency, I will break through to the emperor level soon. At that time, you and I will compete, and who will win and who will lose is not yet known?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you." The cold voice went away in an instant.

Many demon emperors also left, and as for the trapped Thunder Snake demon emperor, none of the sea beasts cared.And the sea beasts of the Thunder Snake family ran around, fearing that they would be wiped out by other sea beasts.

Jiang Xiaobai roared: "This is a sea beast, cold-blooded and ruthless, even if it is powerful, how can it be the opponent of my human race? Do you think so?"

"Yes!" Countless human masters responded.

Jiang Xiaobai shouted again: "Our human race rose from the wilderness, defeated the strong with the weak again and again, defeated the powerful enemy, and established a tribal country. We have never been the strongest, but we will always be able to turn defeat into victory, and we will always be able to win. The reason why we survived from adversity is that we are united and working for a common goal."

"Therefore, the older generation dedicated themselves willingly. No matter how hard or difficult it was, they held up the sky for us. No matter how difficult or embarrassing our brothers and friends were, they were still willing to block the enemy's attack for us with their flesh and blood. , That’s why we have made great strides forward, and our human race is stronger than the previous generation, and the human race is invincible, and the human race must win!”

"The human race is invincible, and the human race must win!"

At this moment, almost everyone couldn't help shouting loudly.Jiang Xiaobai spoke the most proud and purest voice in their hearts.

The shouting continued for a long time before it gradually subsided.

Jiang Xiaobai pressed his palm, and everyone gradually quieted down.

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "Now is the time to enjoy, let us enjoy our spoils - Emperor Razer. What I just said, I am not lying, the flesh and blood of this old Razer, everyone present has a share. Vitality After recovering, there will only be more and more emperor-level monsters and sea beasts, and future conquests may be more dangerous, but even if we die in battle, we can still proudly declare, what about emperor-level sea beasts? We have eaten emperor-level sea beasts. Meat, we drank the blood of emperor-level sea beasts!"

At the end, Jiang Xiaobai roared loudly.

"Okay, drink the blood of emperor-level sea beasts and eat the meat of emperor-level sea beasts!"

People laughed, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand again to signal everyone to be quiet. He landed on the small island and said with a big smile, "Hey, old reptile, have you been fooled by me? I told you that there is a Zhou Tian below." You just don’t believe in the star array, so I have no choice but to invite you in to feel it.”

People laughed again, and the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor roared in hatred, but trapped in the Zhoutian Star Formation, everything it did was in vain.

"Oh, I want to blew myself up. I'm sorry, but in my formation, you can't even blew yourself up." Jiang Xiaobai pinched the spell, and the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's growl gradually became muffled and reduced to a painful whimper.

The Thunder Snake Demon Emperor was finally afraid, and begged: "Don't kill me, Jiang Xiaobai, Mr. Jiang, I am willing to serve you as the master and become your guardian beast..."

"Unfortunately, I don't need it." Jiang Xiaobai snapped his fingers, and with a soft crackle, the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor's voice stopped abruptly.

Then there was a soft chirping sound, and the mold of Zhou Tianxing's formation emerged on the small island below.A ball of flames emerged from the mold, burning the Dazhen mold to ashes.

"Hey!" Many emperor-level masters sighed deeply.

A huge Thunder Snake appeared on the small island, lost the confinement of mana. The Thunder Snake was no less than tens of thousands of meters long, and its round waist was nearly a hundred meters thick. It was like a mountain of meat. With a strong power and influence.

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands high in the sky and said, "Thank you, Senior Senior, without your deterrence, the boy would definitely die today, please cut off half of the demon body."

Anyway, in order to strip off the relationship and avoid suspicion, Jiang Xiaobai directly gave him the title of Supreme, which he could afford even with Tong Fangyuan's cultivation.

"Hahahaha, the boy is very generous, half is too much, one third is enough." A sky knife cut down from the sky, intercepting one third including the head.

"Boy, you are fine. You will become an emperor in the future, but come to Buzhou Mountain to find me." After leaving a sentence, a stream of light in the sky shone and disappeared into the void.

None of the people present objected, let alone dared to object.Anyone with a little intelligence would understand that if it wasn't for that senior, no matter how many of them there were, they would just be delivering food to the sea beasts.

Moreover, the Razer is too big, even if the remaining half is enough for them, let alone two-thirds.

Some emperor-level and even emperor-level masters secretly remembered the name of Buzhou Mountain, which appeared repeatedly in the myths and legends of Huaguo, and searched for it after thinking about it.

"Grand Elder, I invite you to sit in charge of this matter of dividing the flesh." Jiang Xiaobai flew to Xie Guanying's side and invited him respectfully.

Xie Guanying is an emperor-level powerhouse, and also the great elder of Huaguo Martial Arts Department, so he is naturally the most suitable candidate.

Jiang Xiaobai flew back to Qiluwu all by himself, and was surrounded by teachers and students, who were crying and laughing.

"Good brother, I knew you would not lose." Zhao Chong punched Jiang Xiaobai hard, tears streaming down his face.

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