Zhang Chulan snorted arrogantly: "It's not ashamed at all." It's just that the swollen red eyes revealed his worry.

People who were acquainted with each other rushed over, saying words of admiration and admiration, but tears flowed while talking, feeling uncontrollable.

After finally getting out of Qilu Wu's master and student, Jiang Xiaobai found that his clothes were soaked through.

"Brother Jiang, you have a good demeanor. I, Kong Xuan, am not convinced, but I admire Brother Jiang from the bottom of my heart." Kong Xuan walked over, bowed deeply to Jiang Xiaobai, and said sincerely, From the heart.

Lin Xiao and Bai Yu stepped forward together and bowed to Jiang Xiaobai together: "Brother Jiang, you are very human!"

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly returned the gift, gratefully saying: "Without your help, I would have lost without a doubt. I will never thank you for your kindness. I, Jiang Xiaobai, will never forget your sacrifices."

Lin Xiao said: "Brother Jiang, if you are free in the future, please come to my Jixia Academy."

Kong Xuan also hurriedly said: "That's right, if Brother Jiang is free, you must come to the Confucian Mansion in Qucheng."

"Don't dare, Xiaobai has long admired the two holy places of Jixia Academy and Confucian Mansion. If something happens here, he will definitely come to the door in person."

Countless young people, some of the emperor's or king's level, and even some of them were just masters, all came here one after another, hoping to chat with Jiang Xiaobai and find acquaintance.

Jiang Xiaobai did not neglect at all, and exchanged friendly greetings with everyone, until the long night passed and the red sun rose, and the small island gradually quieted down.

"Go home!" With Xie Guanying's shout, the warship of the Martial Arts Department slowly accelerated, carrying everyone back to the inland.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help looking back at the small island. The island was still desolate, but there was an extra stone tablet on it, with four big characters written - the human race must win.

He was in a hurry when he came, and he was slow when he returned. Along the way, monks came to visit and give gifts.Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to flatter him for a day, but he couldn't bear it any longer, so he and the great elder Xie Guanying reported and went back early.

"Brat, why did you come back so slowly? We couldn't help but eat the Thunder Snake!" Tong Fangyuan scratched his ears anxiously, and after noticing Jiang Xiaobai's trace, he quietly appeared and dragged him into Yuxu Palace.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly and said, "There are too many people here, it's too troublesome to deal with."

Gongsun Long nodded again and again: "That's right, I can deal with people in one day, where there is time to practice, hurry up, the old man is also very greedy."

Jiang Xiaobai took out a bottle of vitality dew and said with emotion: "This is given to the boy by the Cang Emperor of the Northwest. The old man didn't tell me what it is, but just asked me to pour it in when stewing meat, which will help improve my vitality." strength."

Tong Fangyuan smacked his mouth and said: "Old Cang is indeed very courageous, but it is a pity that he was seriously injured by an emperor-level monster when he became emperor, and his foundation was damaged, otherwise he would not be so old. Boy, if you find the Taoist scriptures in the future The fifth volume can allow him to comprehend, and perhaps heal the root cause of his illness."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded heavily, keeping it in his heart.

"Okay, let's cook!" Gongsun Long shouted.

Tong Fangyuan laughed, took out the Shanhai Cauldron, poured in Yuan Qi Lu, put in the corpse of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, and started to cook.

During the cooking time, Gongsun Long gave Jiang Xiaobai some advice on the various minor problems encountered on the way of cultivation.Jiang Xiaobai admired him more and more. Tong Fangyuan was amazing, but Gongsun Long was admirable. He was a comprehensive genius.

Three hours later, when the cooking was finished, the stove was opened, and the smell of meat was overwhelming.Jiang Xiaobai sniffed lightly, and felt indescribably comfortable, as if all the pores of his body were open, and he was able to breathe out his vitality to his heart's content, feeling extremely happy.

"Let's eat!" The four shouted at the same time, and the eight claws grabbed the delicacies in the Shanhai Cauldron together.

After all, it is an emperor-level monster, and it takes time to digest it. In order to take care of Jiang Xiaobai and Tong Xiaoyu, Gongsun Long and Tong Fangyuan also ate it unhappily. On the tenth day, the warship of the Martial Arts Department finally flew back, and the four of them finally ate. Finished Razer's flesh and blood.

The Ministry of Martial Arts released the news that Jiang Xiaobai had retreated.

Everyone knows that Jiang Xiaobai's strength will definitely rise to a higher level after leaving the customs.

In Yuxu Palace, Jiang Xiaobai's strength has quietly advanced to the peak of the imperial level. Under the leadership of Tong Xiaoyu, he came to the residence of Xianhe.

Tong Xiaoyu had a great time playing with a baby crane, and Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands at a pair of adult cranes, who seemed to be the parents of the baby crane.

After paying the price of more than 200 imperial-level sea beasts, Jiang Xiaobai was finally not driven out, but the two adult cranes were still unhappy with his appearance.

"You have already reached the peak of the emperor level, and you have obtained the star soul by chance. Just follow the steps to achieve the emperor level. Why come to us?" asked the mother crane.

She felt the great luck in Jiang Xiaobai's body, but also found that the luck spread and entangled a lot. Such a person is destined to be the protagonist of the era, and the people around him will change one crop after another, and how many can go Last?

Being used to a peaceful life, she really didn't want the Crane Clan to get involved with Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned, if Tong Xiaoyu hadn't been thinking about the crane, he really didn't want to come here at this time.

Even these cranes have extraordinary origins, but there is no need for him to rush to be hurt.

What's more, in terms of chance, Tai Chi Yuanpan is many times more mysterious than this so-called crane, so why should he bow down to others for a little chance, even if it is a so-called crane?

"I haven't seen it before, so come and have a look. It just so happens that there are some ingredients for emperor-level sea beasts. The boy said you like it, so I brought it here." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

The female crane flapped its wings angrily, and stared at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely.

The male crane quickly grabbed the female crane, he saw more clearly, Jiang Xiaobai's luck is now dozens of times stronger than that of a month ago, such a person inherits the luck of heaven and earth, even if they can't make friends, they must not offend up.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, the little girl is growing up, and these imperial sea beasts are very helpful to her."

Jiang Xiaobai calmed down a bit, and his tone became kind: "This is all Xiaoyu's wish, I just did it with a little effort."

Gong Xianhe said politely: "Young Master Jiang, you are being polite. We should accept this love. In fact, our Xianhe clan has indeed done some research on chance. Young Master Jiang is now in the prime of his luck, but he is a little erratic. The appearance of coveting will inevitably be calculated by the villain in the daytime, so be careful to Mr. Jiang."

"As for the opportunity that Mr. Jiang is looking for, after this catastrophe, there will be catastrophes everywhere, but there will also be opportunities everywhere. It is very critical, but it is bound to bring huge rewards. It all depends on Mr. Jiang's choice."

Jiang Xiaobai's expression became strange: "You mean, I'm going to fight this way?"

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