Gong Xianhe laughed loudly: "Young Master Jiang is worthy of being the number one God of War in the Hua Kingdom, with endless fighting spirit, but to be honest, it really makes sense."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed too: "That's really my favorite thing!"

Under Gongxianhe's intentional and gentle manner, Jiang Xiaobai and Xianhe's conversation this time can be regarded as a happy meeting. After some more greetings, Jiang Xiaobai took Tong Xiaoyu and left.

The next day, the Ministry of Martial Arts announced that Elder Jiang Xiaobai had successfully broken through to the peak of the imperial rank. The whole country was amazed and the whole world was shocked.

Another news came out, but it was only circulated within the Martial Arts Department. Elder Pan Feng was ill, but in fact he was beaten with a sap and was seriously injured.

Everyone in the Martial Arts Department applauded loudly, Pan Feng's reputation in the Martial Arts Department had long been stinky, and everyone was shouting and beating him.

Today, the Ministry of Martial Arts is entertaining distinguished guests, Emperor Cang of the Northwest is here, and following the wishes of the Great Elder, he intends to invite Emperor Cang to become the elder of the Ministry of Martial Arts.

While all the elders of the Martial Arts Department were excited, they all stepped up their practice.The effect of vitality recovery gradually became apparent, and more and more families had emperor-level masters, including some juniors.

However, as the elders of the Martial Arts Minister, they are still at the level of the emperor, which is already somewhat insufficient.After two battles between the Holy Spirit and Donghai against the enemy, one sentence was completely regarded as the standard by the elders.

If you don't become an emperor, you will end up as an ant!

Once Northwest Cangdi is willing to join the Martial Arts Department, these imperial elders will really hide their faces and leave.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai had successfully advanced to the peak of the imperial rank, Emperor Cang of the Northwest was even more gratified.Jiang Xiaobai greeted respectfully, this is a real elder.

"Report!" A long voice rushed into the room, and an imperial master came in with a greeting card.

"What's going on, it's not big or small." Duan Hong asked, Xie Guanying retreated to heal his injuries, and now it is the second elder Duan Hong who is in charge.

The person who came was a junior, not very old. He apologized: "Huang Wei pays respects to the Second Elder, sees Senior Cangdi, sees the God of War, pays respects to all the elders, someone pays homage to the mountain."

He respectfully submitted the card, with a flash of embarrassment on his face, and said, "I found this at the door, but we couldn't open it."

"Oh?" Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and took the greeting card.

This looks like an extremely ordinary greeting card, but it is only through careful observation that one can find that there is an extremely pure vitality inside.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand to untie it, and suddenly felt an obscure force stop him, the force was as strong as a mountain pressing down on a small invitation card.

"Get up!" Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly, mobilizing [-]% of his strength, and he already understood that this simple invitation was blessed with emperor-level strength.

There was a clicking sound, and Jiang Xiaobai forcibly opened the greeting post.

A haughty voice came from the open invitation: "I heard that Jiang Xiaobai, the newly promoted elder of the Martial Arts Department, killed the emperor-level sea beasts in the East China Sea, raising the prestige of our human race. It coincides with the revival of vitality and the emergence of geniuses in large numbers. It is fortunate for martial arts. The younger generation After hearing the news, if you want to compete with Huaguo God of War, I hope your ministry will make it easier for you."

"Hehe, I'm really arrogant." Jiang Xiaobai heheed.

Duan Hong grasped falsely with his palm, and grabbed the greeting card in the air. He was startled when he saw the place where the signature was signed, and said in surprise, "Penglai Xu Yu!"

Duan Hong handed the greeting card to Northwest Emperor Cang, who inspected it intently and then passed the greeting card to the elders.After the elders saw it, everyone's expressions became serious.

Tang Shanhai took the lead and said: "There have been rumors in Huaguo since ancient times that there are fairy mountains in the East China Sea, Penglai, Yingzhou, and Fangzhang. Could it be that Penglai here is the legendary three fairy mountains?"

Northwest Cangdi said: "It should be true, it is the three fairy mountains."

Because of his relationship with Pan Feng, Elder Miao Ju has always felt guilty towards Jiang Xiaobai. He shouted indignantly: "Even if it is the three fairy mountains, this Penglai is too arrogant. What is a little convenience? His family's imperial class The arrival of the elders is almost the same, and the arrival of the children is also worthy?"

All the elders opened their mouths one after another, and Li Yu's tone was really unpleasant.

"They've arrived." Northwest Cangdi suddenly raised his head and said intently.

A few seconds later, Duan Hong also nodded: "These people are really here. They are guests. These people can be arrogant. We represent the image of Huaguo, but we can't be rude. Come out to greet me."

A group of elders quickly followed and walked out quickly.

Jiang Xiaobai was at the end, and Northwest Cangdi sent a voice transmission to chat with him.

"Does my little friend have the strength of an emperor now?" Northwest Cangdi asked.

For this admirable old man, Jiang Xiaobai didn't hide anything, he nodded lightly: "In addition to not having a domain, he has the strength to fight against the emperor."

"Good, good, good." Northwest Cangdi said three good words in succession, "At any time, one's own strength is the most reliable."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the old man's concerned eyes, and couldn't help but said: "Senior, junior, please join the Martial Arts Department. The resources in the Martial Arts Department are rich enough to help you suppress your injuries. When I become emperor, I may be able to get a martial art. can heal your wounds."

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness, but my injury is not so easy to treat." Northwest Cangdi said.

Jiang Xiaobai also smiled: "Senior, you can trust me, my exercises are not that simple."

"Oh, I'm interested after hearing what you said." Northwest Emperor Cang said with a smile, "Forget it, let's not talk about this for now, let's go out and have a look."

The two walked out of the conference hall and flew high into the sky. A building boat flew towards them in the distance, and the sound of silk and bamboo zither came from the building boat, which was quite pleasant.

The buildings and boats are luxurious, full of wealth and honor, the materials are very exquisite, and the formations arranged are even more extraordinary, making all the elders of the Martial Arts Department secretly sigh, people are really incomparable!

Compared with ordinary people, the rich resources of the major families are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.But compared to the Ministry of Martial Arts, the major families are not worth mentioning, and now only with this one building boat, the background of the legendary Immortal Island is only a little superficial, but it has already made everyone sigh.

The building boat stopped, the sound of the zither stopped, and figures floated down from the building boat.Most of them are young people, not very old, but their realm is appallingly high, even those who sail the boats are all emperor-level masters.

The three people in the lead are all emperor-level cultivation bases, and judging from their age, they are in their early thirties at most, which is too young.

Most of the people behind them were at the peak of the imperial level, and almost all of them were at the late stage of the imperial level.Each of them is full of charm and mellow, revealing a refined and extraordinary family demeanor.

"Everyone is the elders of the Martial Arts Department. I'm Xu Qing. These two are Pang Le and Shu Tao. They are the leaders of the team this time. I have met you all and are polite."

Duan Hong stood at the front and bowed politely.

But at this moment, a burst of laughter rang out: "You are so old, and you just entered the emperor level, the Huaguo Martial Arts Department really is not as famous as it is to meet!"

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