Dominate the world

Chapter 853 Jiang Xiaobai is upset

The person who spoke was a young man in his early twenties, with a tall and straight figure and a handsome face. Obviously, he was well-known among the visitors. Following his words, many people laughed out loud.

Especially the few young girls who were accompanying the young man looked at the young man with love like a tide, and the waves were thicker than the waves, so thick that it almost overflowed.

There were also some sporadic laughter from the surrounding audience, and the eyes of the elders of the Martial Arts Department were a little more disapproving.

Many young people proudly showed their cultivation, which is impressively at the imperial level.

Duan Hong's cheeks were slightly red, he was a little uncomfortable facing these young people, and now he was ridiculed by these people, it was really embarrassing.

The faces of all the elders were extremely ugly. Although they were talking about the second elder Duan Hong, it was only because they were not valued at all, not even the emperor rank.

"Qin Zhong! Don't be rude, the outside world is weak, and it can't compare to Penglai Immortal Island." Xu Qing scolded the arrogant young man, and bowed to Duan Hong, "I made Elder Duan Hong laugh!"

What Xu Qing said didn't have much sincerity, but it was still an explanation. Duan Hong cupped his hands, expressing that he was fine.

"Hmph, what I said is the truth, besides, they are all laughing."

Qin Zhong's voice was not high, but it was like a slap on the faces of all the elders.

During this period of time, the Martial Arts Department has had a lot of glory, but they are all concentrated on Jiang Xiaobai. Their elders have made slow progress in their cultivation, and they have even been overtaken by many younger generations.

There were already some critical voices in the market, but under Jiang Xiaobai's limelight, they were suppressed.It was precisely because of this that Grand Elder Xie Guanying anxiously invited Emperor Cang of the Northwest as a guest, trying to persuade the latter to join the Martial Arts Department, so as to strengthen the prestige of the Martial Arts Department.

The sudden arrival of Penglai Xiandao completely disrupted the plans of the Ministry of Martial Arts, but a casual sentence happened to tear open the fig leaf of the elders mercilessly.

Jiang Xiaobai is on fire!

What kind of big-tailed wolf is this bastard pretending to be?

What are those onlookers laughing at?

He took a step forward and strode towards the people. The Northwest Cang Emperor was standing beside Jiang Xiaobai. Seeing that something was wrong, he quickly reached out to grab Jiang Xiaobai.

That is Penglai Xiandao, the legendary fairy mountain, with a long history of inheritance and unfathomable strength, it is not something the current Martial Arts Department can offend.

But the next moment, he was shocked to find that he couldn't hold back.

Jiang Xiaobai's body was as solid as a rock, and his strength made him, a veteran emperor-level powerhouse, shocking.He recalled that before Jiang Xiaobai said that apart from having no domain, he was good enough to fight against an emperor-level powerhouse. It turned out that this statement was really meaningless.

Jiang Xiaobai came to the people in a few steps, saluted Duan Hong, and stood beside Duan Hong side by side.

Duan Hong's heart warmed up, but he was stunned. He suddenly felt that this was going to cause trouble?

Regarding Jiang Xiaobai, he had discussed it with the First Elder many times. He is a person who makes loved ones happy and smells painful.It is more important to be responsible and bold, but it is often the most troublesome.

Sure enough, I saw Jiang Xiaobai staring at the young man named Qin Zhong, and gave a slap in the face: "You are really right, Penglai Xiandao is not as famous as it is to meet!"

Isn't it just a map gun?Who is afraid of whom!

Just because you despise my Huaguo Martial Arts Department, why can't I despise you Penglai Xiandao?

So what about Penglai Xiandao?

So noble?

What noble airs are you putting on?

Just want to expose it with a light word?

You really think you have face, right?

Everyone in Penglai Xiandao present, one person counts as the other, all changed countenance, and glared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily.

Without any fear, Jiang Xiaobai stared back unceremoniously.

He pointed at Qin Zhong and said, "Qin Zhong, right? Let me tell you, just a bitch like you, if you put him in the Huaguo Martial Arts Department, you're not one of them! What's wrong with the old man? Every old man has a time when he was young, right? Every young man can live to be old!"

"And you!" Jiang Xiaobai pointed to Xu Qing, who was leading the team, and said, "Don't be conceited, you Penglai Xiandao has no dignity at all in front of our Martial Arts Department. A light sentence is not an apology, this beam can't be exposed .”

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai turned to face the elders, officers, and disciples of the Martial Arts Department, as well as all the curious people in the capital who came to watch the spectacle.

"I want to say something, but before I say these words, I want to bow deeply to the elders of the Budo Department."

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai bowed deeply to all the elders!

The elders were at a loss for a moment, and quickly helped Jiang Xiaobai up.

Jiang Xiaobai hammered his chest heavily, facing everyone's ridicule, disdain, surprise, or indifference eyes, shouted loudly: "I respect and worship the elders of the Martial Arts Department, and I am even more proud to be their leader." a member."

This sound was like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, with such awe-inspiring momentum that everyone present were involuntarily stunned for a moment.In the capital, many people were startled, and then recognized that it was the voice of Elder Jiang Xiaobaijiang, the god of war in Huaguo, but the voice was suppressed with deep grief and regret. Uncontrollably, countless warriors frantically rushed towards the Ministry of Martial Arts. go.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed, and then slowly said: "Why? Look at them, they are already very old, their cultivation base is not very high, and their potential seems to be far from enough. Such people are also suitable for me, Jiang Xiaobai. White admiration and adoration?"

"Recall, everyone, is it true that in today's news media, it is reported from time to time that a certain genius has appeared in some place, and a certain genius has had some extraordinary adventures. There are many, many. But in comparison, the Ministry of Martial Arts The elders here were at the imperial level back then, and they are still at the imperial level now, so it seems that they have never been promoted, why? Aren’t they Tianjiao? Aren’t they talents?”

At the end, Jiang Xiaobai's voice rose again, and under the blessing of surging vitality, his voice spread far and wide, shaking the whole city.

"I can tell you that every elder in the Martial Arts Department is one of them. Their talents are high and their talents are not inferior to me, Jiang Xiaobai, only stronger but not weaker."

"But why are they silent now that their vitality has recovered? The reason is simple. They have paid too much, and they have sacrificed too much. Each of them is a hero who was killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​​​blood, in order to protect us. , guarding the country of Hua, the foundation has been worn down in one battle after another, the potential has been exhausted, and even the fuel has run out."

People gradually quieted down, and the atmosphere became extremely heavy. They looked at the elders of the Martial Arts Department with a lot of admiration and guilt.

The eyes of all the elders of the Martial Arts Department were red, Jiang Xiaobai's words filled their lives.

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