Dominate the world

Chapter 855 Challenge Jiang Xiaobai

What he said, many elders couldn't help laughing out loud, it was sinister enough to hurt people on both sides.The girls of Penglai Xiandao naturally didn't understand, and after a while of retorting, Yingyingyanyan's words were pleasant to hear.

Qin Zhong blushed, but he didn't know how to refute. If he refuted, wouldn't it mean that he admitted that he was the so-called "gold and jade"?

But don't refute, obviously the other party is alluding to him!

"Hey, Brother Qin Zhong, why is your face flushed? Could it be that you caught the cold and got angry?" Jiang Xiaobai teased casually.

Qin Zhong snorted, and said arrogantly: "I am already at the peak of the imperial level, half a step of the imperial level, how can I have a fever?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Really, if you say yes, then so be it."

Qin Zhong was taken aback, but he didn't expect to refute Jiang Xiaobai's words. After being pleasantly surprised, he sat back in his seat full of complacency.

But seeing Jiang Xiaobai's haha, he reacted suddenly, and immediately lost his temper.He stood up abruptly, glared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily, and said in a deep voice, "Elder Jiang is well-known in China and is revered as the number one God of War in China. Qin Zhong wants to learn from him!"

Everyone in Penglai Xiandao looked at Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's reply, but Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

"Hehe, why, Elder Jiang doesn't dare?" Qin Zhong said proudly.

Jiang Xiaobai said hehe: "I even killed an emperor-level master, so I am afraid that you are a peak emperor-level?"

"Then fight me."

Jiang Xiaobai continued to chuckle: "I heard that there are many fairy arts on your Penglai Xiandao, why don't you give me two copies?"

Xu Qing said in a deep voice, "Isn't Elder Jiang overstepping this request?"

"Why?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Xu Qing proudly said: "There are many reasons, but in simple terms, the law should not be passed on lightly."

Jiang Xiaobai slapped the table heavily and said, "For the same reason, you are not my opponent. Why should I fight you to help you improve your strength? Will it open your eyes? The law should not be passed lightly, unless?"

"Unless what?" Qin Zhong cried impatiently.

"Unless there is a lottery!" Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand speechlessly, this is not obvious.

Qin Zhong snorted: "What do you want?"

"Materials, treasures, exercises, cheat books, I like them all, it depends on what you can give."

Qin Zhong took out a golden sword with a wave of his hand, and said loudly: "This is an imperial soldier named..."

"Too many times!" Jiang Xiaobai said carelessly, "It's not even emperor level, so it's worthy of gambling?"

Qin Zhong smiled angrily: "What can you come up with?"

"Too many! For example..." Jiang Xiaobai took out a demon pill casually, "an emperor-level demon pill?"

This is exactly the demon pill of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor, and there is still a thunder light shining on the demon pill, it cannot be faked at all.

A hint of covetousness flashed in Qin Zhong's eyes. One of the purposes he wanted to compete with Jiang Xiaobai was to get that Emperor-level Demon Pill. Taking it back was enough to refine an Emperor Yuan Pill, and he swallowed it after he reached the Emperor-level. It can stabilize the realm the fastest, and more importantly, it is of great help to control the field.

Not only Qin Zhong, but also the other disciples of Penglai Xiandao were short of breath.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, perhaps the value of this emperor-level demon pill was still higher than he estimated.

Jiang Xiaobai really didn't know that emperor-level monsters were indeed not that easy to hunt. With the existence of the domain, even in one-on-one situations, even if they couldn't beat them, they were enough to escape.

And once the sea beasts are hunted on a large scale, there is really no escape, and the emperor-level sea beasts will naturally explode their demon cores, so even for the blessed places such as Penglai Xiandao, emperor-level demon cores are still rare treasures.

"How is it?" Jiang Xiaobai put away the Emperor Demon Pill.

Qin Zhong's face was full of hesitation, as if he was making a difficult decision.

"Qin Zhong, don't be impulsive. Elder Jiang broke through the domain of the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor. His strength may not be inferior to yours." Xu Qing reminded.

Qin Zhong took a deep breath and said seriously: "Brother Qing, I know, but I have confidence."

As he spoke, Qin Zhong solemnly took out a wooden box, the box was simple and full of Dao rhyme, exuding a condensed fragrance, and after taking a sip, he was refreshed.

"Is this ten thousand year agarwood?" Northwest Cangdi suddenly called out.

All the elders of the Martial Arts Department lamented in unison that such a treasure was only used to make a box, and the precious items in the box can be imagined.

Qin Zhong opened the agarwood, and took out a bead that was slightly fluorescent.

"Is this the soul-suppressing pearl?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly called out.

"Huh, you know?" Qin Zhong exclaimed in surprise.

Jiang Xiaobai took out a bead, which was quite imaginable with the bead taken out by Qin Zhong, but the breath was a thousand miles away.

"Hmph, your soul-suppressing bead was crudely made. At its peak, it was only at the king's level. This one is at the emperor's level, and it has not been used yet. It has extraordinary effects. Wearing it for a long time is enough to strengthen the soul, and it will not be attacked by foreign enemies during cultivation. invaded."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, wouldn't this soul-suppressing pearl be of great use to Qin Feng?

Qin Zhong became more arrogant: "Especially when you are promoted to the emperor level, you can stop the demons in your heart."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Martial Arts Department at the banquet couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Xiaobai, it's fine." Duan Hong reminded excitedly, and directly called out Jiang Xiaobai's name.

Jiang Xiaobai's murderous intentions are heavy, others don't know, but he and Xie Guanying know it best.When advancing to the emperor level, the inner demon must be extremely powerful. If there is such a soul-suppressing pearl, Jiang Xiaobai's road to the emperor level will be no more bumpy.

"Second Elder, can this soul-suppressing bead save Qin Feng?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Duan Hong took a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai, smiled wryly and said, "Yes, but you have to be clear, the soul-suppressing pearl is infected with other people's soul breath, and it is useless to you."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed: "That's enough."

He turned his head to look at Qin Zhong and said: "No problem, let's bet, let's go to the martial arts field."

A group of people rushed towards the Martial Arts Field of the Martial Arts Department. When the people of the Martial Arts Department learned that Elder Jiang was going to fight with the people from Penglai Xiandao, they frantically rushed over to wave the flag for Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai and Qin Zhong faced each other and stood still in the sky, Qin Zhong held the horizontal sword in his chest, it was the golden sword.Jiang Xiaobai was unarmed and did not intend to use any weapons.

"Hmph, arrogance!" Qin Zhong sneered, but he was overjoyed in his heart. Just be so arrogant, it's good to lose.

"Look at the sword!" Qin Zhong shouted, stabbing Jiang Xiaobai's heart with a sword.

All the elders of the Martial Arts Department watched the battle between the two intently. They were eager to see the tactics of Penglai Xiandao.

Jiang Xiaobai knew it well, in fact, he also wanted to learn about Penglai's skills, so he simply let Qin Zhong attack, only defending but not attacking.

Qin Zhong screamed arrogance in his mouth, but he was ecstatic in his heart, and his hands were even more fierce, vowing to cut Jiang Xiaobai under the sword.

Half an hour later, Qin Zhong's eyes were full of panic, he knew he was doomed.For half an hour, he didn't even touch Jiang Xiaobai's clothes.

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