"Is there any unique trick, use it if you have it? Otherwise, there will be no chance." Jiang Xiaobai's tone was full of concern, as if he was more anxious than Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong's eyes were full of hatred, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai with resentment, and he believed that Jiang Xiaobai was plotting against him.At this moment, only Jiang Xiaobai was left in his eyes, and he couldn't see anyone else, dancing like crazy.

Qin Zhong, who was known as Tianjiao since he was a child and had never been hit by a blow, completely collapsed.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, just such a thing, Tianjiao?That's all Tianjiao!

Not to mention him, but the other elders of the Martial Arts Department, as long as they survive Qin Zhong's initial attack, Qin Zhong will definitely lose in the end.

Everyone else could see that Qin Zhong had already lost.

Jiang Xiaobai greeted Qin Zhong casually, looked at Xu Qing, as if you could figure it out.

Xu Qing's cheeks were black and blue, he had already reminded Qin Zhong not to be rash, but the latter was still conceited and wanted to compete, and even took out the soul-repelling beads that were quite precious in Penglai Xiandao.

But right now he still has to take care of it, after all Qin Zhong was brought out by him.After going back, I may not know how to explain it. I lost the soul-suppressing orb, and the mentality of a good Tianjiao collapsed?

"We admit defeat!" Xu Qing had no choice but to say, he saw killing intent in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes.

Don't look at how random they came, in fact, they have studied the people in the Budo Department long ago.If it were anyone else, they would definitely not dare to kill him, but they dare not gamble on the newly promoted Elder Jiang Xiaobaijiang who is the most popular.

This is the real killer!

Jiang Xiaobai used the flowing light and fairy shadow body technique, and now his strength has reached the peak of the emperor's level, and his speed is faster. Qin Zhong's eyes blurred and he found that Jiang Xiaobai was gone.

The next moment, he let out a scream, and a strong force came from behind his buttocks, kicking him back to the side of everyone in Penglai Xiandao.

Apology useful?

The world would be safe then.

Jiang Xiaobai thought he had never been a generous person.

"Bring it." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Qin Zhong finally came back to his senses, sweat dripping down his face, he finally realized what he had done, he lost everything!

"Brother Qing? I..."

Xu Qing sighed and stretched out her hand: "Take it out."

How could Qin Zhong be willing to give, he shook his head vigorously, stepped back step by step in the air: "Brother Qing, I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, Qin Zhong threw a piece of talisman, and with a loud cry, his body changed into a streamer, and he rushed towards the building boat outside the Martial Arts Academy.

But the talisman didn't explode at all, and Qin Zhong's body was also fixed in the air. He maintained a flying posture, but he couldn't move at all.

Anyone with a bit of experience knows that Qin Zhong was imprisoned by the domain of an emperor-level master.

The three of Xu Qing were horrified to find that not only Qin Zhong was imprisoned by this domain, but they were also shrouded in it.Feeling the power of the domain, the three of Xu Qing looked at the owner of the domain.

It was an old man, tall and mighty, with white hair. He was a bit too old, but his strength was so powerful.

Xu Qing is conceited. If there is a real fight, the two of them may need to work together, otherwise they will definitely not be the old man's opponent.

"Little friend, you must keep your word." The one who imprisoned Qin Zhong was naturally the Northwest Cangdi, and the great elder Xie Guanying retreated to heal his wounds. Now the only one with such a cultivation level in the Martial Arts Department is the Northwest Cangdi.

Emperor Cang of the Northwest grabbed his palm, and Qin Zhong immediately flew back.

At the same time, the field subsided, and everyone found that they could move again.

Jiang Xiaobai's body kept flashing in the air, as if he had separated himself one by one.These avatars collected all the talismans in the air, and then Jiang Xiaobai shamelessly stuffed these talismans into the storage ring.

"It's interest. I don't ask for much. But if you don't give me the Soul Requisite Orb, I will charge you a late payment fee." Jiang Xiaobai still smiled.

Looking around, everyone in the Martial Arts Department couldn't help laughing. Elder Jiang was so funny that he even paid a late payment fee.

Xu Qing's face was as dark as ink, Qin Zhong's actions just now had simply discredited Penglai Xiandao, and they were ashamed to stay in the Martial Arts Department any longer.

"Take it out." Xu Qing shouted, with a strong evil spirit in his voice.

Qin Zhong's spirit trembled, he was a little frightened, and it was the first time he had seen Brother Qing look so stern.He looked up, but saw that most of the people who came with him were staring at him fiercely.

And the junior sisters who used to always take the opportunity to pounce on him, now there is a bit of disdain in their fierce eyes.

For a moment, his chest seemed to be hammered, and he staggered back two steps, spurting out a mouthful of blood, but his mood fluctuated too much, and he was backlashed by vitality.

"Take it out." Xu Qing shouted again, with a hint of impatience in her voice.

Qin Zhong felt bitter in his heart, he was really hurt, not pretending!

He reluctantly took out the box of Wannian Agarwood, but was about to open it when he felt the box was sucked away by a strong force. He turned his head and saw that the box had fallen into Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

"Brother Qin Zhong's family has a great career, so you don't want to take the box back?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled shamelessly.

Qin Zhong lowered his head and mournfully said: "No."

"As expected of a person from Penglai Immortal Island, grand!" Jiang Xiaobai threw the wooden box to Duan Hong, looked at the crowd with a smile and said, "Who else wants to compete with me? If you win, you can get back the soul-repelling pearl!"

These words were like pouring salt on the wounds of everyone in Penglai, and the group all glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly.Qin Zhong's strength is just under the three emperor-level Tianjiao, Qin Zhong was defeated, and the others naturally knew that they were not Jiang Xiaobai's opponents.

"No? That's a pity!" Jiang Xiaobai looked regretful, as if he had suffered a great loss.

"I'll compare with you." Shu Tao's golden thorn sound sounded.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Are you an emperor?"

Shu Tao was very cheeky: "Elder Jiang is super powerful. He killed the emperor-level master in the late stage of the emperor's level. Now he is at the peak of the emperor's level. It is more than enough to give me advice."

Many people cursed shamelessly in their hearts, but Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, this person quite liked him.

"Brother Shu's words are insightful, no wonder he can reach the emperor level." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and called him brother directly.The corners of Shu Tao's mouth twitched uncontrollably. He is an emperor, so Jiang Xiaobai should call him senior.

But thinking about what I said before, if I refute it, wouldn't it be like slapping myself in the face!

"Hmph, I don't use domains." Shu Tao said proudly, "Of course, I bully the small with the big, and you won't take your lottery if you win, is that okay?"

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it pretentiously: "Well, life has to be a bit of a challenge, but what are you going to compare with me?"

Shu Tao laughed back angrily, does this kid really think he can win?

He clapped the epee in his hand, and said loudly: "I lost, this giant imperial weapon is yours!"

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