Dominate the world

Chapter 857 Convinced Oral

"Emperor soldier? So-so, come on." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and slowly took out the Tai Chi Star Sword.

Shu Tao snorted: "I thought Elder Jiang was still empty-handed?"

There was a trace of pity in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes: "You really should come out more and take a look, and then you will understand. This world is cruel, you can't get what you want, So don't mess with what you think, what I think, is useless."

In the Martial Arts Department, laughter erupted, and even the elders couldn't help laughing out loud.Shu Tao's words and Jiang Xiaobai's words have completely different meanings, but they match up cleverly.

And such a match, with a strong sense of ridicule, can't be covered.

"Elder Jiang is really eloquent, but I don't know if he has real kung fu, or just can blow it?" Shu Tao shouted, flicking his finger on the epee, and the heavy buzzing sound swept towards Jiang Xiaobai with a strong murderous aura go.

Jiang Xiaobai wielded the Taiji Star Sword confidently, and performed the Liuhe swordsmanship, lightly putting aside the murderous aura.

"Oh, great swordsmanship!" Shu Tao said in surprise.

Everyone in the Martial Arts Department was even more surprised. They had seen Jiang Xiaobai perform Liuhe swordsmanship in the Battle of the East China Sea, but at that time, he was far from as light and freehand as he is now.

"Elder Jiang learned all his sword skills from your Martial Arts Department?" Northwest Emperor Cang couldn't help asking.

Duan Hong blushed. Speaking of it, Jiang Xiaobai hadn't learned anything from the Martial Arts Department at all except the Taoist scriptures.Even in the Taoist scriptures, it seems that their Martial Arts Department took advantage of Jiang Xiaobai.If it wasn't for Jiang Xiaobai, they would have regarded the Taoist scriptures as imperial books!

"No, this is Elder Jiang's own chance!"

Northwest Cangdi also saw Duan Hong's embarrassment, smiled and stopped talking, and watched Jiang Xiaobai and Shu Tao's fight intently.

On the side of Penglai Xiandao, everyone was dumbfounded.

They have seen too many times the performance of emperor-level masters pointing to emperor-level martial arts, but the current scene completely refreshed their cognition.

It is no exaggeration to say that the two are evenly matched, but in the eyes of several emperor-level masters, Jiang Xiaobai is slightly better.After analyzing this result, they were completely dumbfounded.

Xu Qing and Pang Le are naturally very clear about Shu Tao's swordsmanship. It is the emperor-level swordsmanship of Penglai Xiandao, Longjiang Swordsmanship.There is a winding river on Penglai Xiandao, which was named Longjiang by the seniors on the island, and then another senior created a set of swordsmanship in Longjian, hence the name Longjiang Swordsmanship.

Longjiang swordsmanship is ghostly and mysterious, with many changes, killing swords one after another. Because of its powerful power, all emperor-level powerhouses on the island have practiced Longjiang swordsmanship for a long time.But because of too many changes, it was extremely difficult to specialize, and it was easy to injure the enemy and oneself. Later, this sword technique was gradually shelved.

Shu Tao is tough, with a slightly aloof temperament, but he loves this set of swordsmanship, and with this set of swordsmanship, he is quite famous among the younger generation.

In particular, Shu Tao chose an epee, which perfectly combined with the strange changes of Longjiang's swordsmanship, and its power increased even more out of thin air.

But with such a set of swordsmanship, Jiang Xiaobai's sword didn't take much advantage, and it was a [-]-[-] split.

What sword technique did Jiang Xiaobai use?

How could the Huaguo Martial Arts Department have such a sword technique?

On the side of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department, all the elders were also dumbfounded. The more they watched, the more they admired. This set of swordsmanship shone with dazzling brilliance in Jiang Xiaobai's hands. It's heartbreaking.

"Excellent swordsmanship!" Northwest Cangdi couldn't help admiring.

Shu Tao's face was dark and embarrassing, he knew that what people praised was naturally not his swordsmanship.The more he fought, the more surprised he became. Jiang Xiaobai's swordsmanship can be wide open and closed, and it can change a lot. Sword skills are all included in it.

"What kind of sword technique is this?" Shu Tao couldn't help asking.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Liuhe swordsmanship!"

"Good name, good swordsmanship." Shu Tao said, "In terms of swordsmanship, I lost, but I can't lose, be careful."

As Shu Tao said, the huge sword in his hand blew loudly. He buffed his vitality and wanted to use his strength to defeat the cleverness.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, and the Taiji Star Sword in his hand suddenly became heavy. Thunder was mixed with the sound of the wind, and the rumbling sound resounded imperceptibly, frightening.

The heavy swords of the two kept colliding with each other, and their body skills kept exchanging. They both went forward without any defense at all. After bombarding hundreds of swords in a row, the two of them retreated just now.

Shu Tao's wrist holding the epee trembled slightly. He only felt that the power coming from Jiang Xiaobai's long sword was extremely violent, which made him feel like he was facing a wild beast.With that pure power, he couldn't take advantage of it at all.

"Your strength is good." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "However, I have practiced eight or nine profound arts, and my physical body is stronger than monsters."

Jiang Xiaobai's chest also heaved for a while, but he felt extraordinarily happy, and he looked at Shu Tao with more approval.This guy's voice is a bit ugly, and his face is also a bit ugly, but he is a real man with enough blood, so he also said a few more words.

Shu Tao was surprised and said: "You practice the skills of monsters? How is it possible?"

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice: "When your school is facing the attack of monsters, tens of thousands of people will die if they can't resist. In order to be strong and protect their lives, let alone the skills of monsters, it is to become a monster. I will do all the beasts!"

Everyone in Penglai Xiandao gasped in unison. They heard the supreme determination from Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, and even more inexplicably felt an extremely cold killing intent.

"The God of War must win!"

Uncontrollably, everyone in the Martial Arts Department below shouted in unison.

"Don't think I'm joking. One of my Tianjiao seniors did this. He was only an intermediate warrior at the time, but he lured away more than 5000 monsters and won us precious time. His name is Qin Feng."

Shu Tao straightened his face, respectfully, bowed his hands and said: "He is a hero!"

Jiang Xiaobai said loudly: "For all the warriors in China, the purpose of practicing martial arts has never been to live forever, nor to cultivate immortals, but to protect family members, friends, and China. This is our martial arts."

"Elder Jiang, well said!" Duan Hong praised loudly.

All the elders bowed their hands to Jiang Xiaobai, and these words also made them heartbroken.

Shu Tao sighed: "What a Jiang Xiaobai, what a martial artist, what a martial arts department, what a Huaguo. There is no need to fight anymore, I lost, and I was convinced."

As Shu Tao said, he glanced at the giant que in his hand with nostalgia, and threw it at Jiang Xiaobai without hesitation.

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