Dominate the world

Chapter 858 Pass Me First

"Shu Tao, you? Why bother?" Xu Qing said with a dark face, full of dissatisfaction and blame in her voice.

Shu Tao shrugged casually and said, "I don't care about your affairs, I just came out to practice. I don't represent Penglai Xiandao, nor can I."

After finishing speaking, Shu Tao calmly walked back to the formation and stood alone on the side.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Shu Tao more and more pleasing to the eye, he waved at Shu Tao: "Brother Shu is really temperamental, it suits my taste very much. Why don't you play in my martial arts department for a while, I will introduce some brothers to you. "

Shu Tao responded immediately: "Okay, I have been a bit cold-tempered since I was a child, and I don't have many friends. I like to read strange heroes, and I like the heroes in books the most."

Jiang Xiaobai said proudly: "Don't worry, they may not be very powerful, but they are all real heroes. You said you are cold-tempered, and I don't think you have met like-minded people. With your mind, you will quickly get along with me." will be with us."

"Oh, that really makes me yearn for it." Shu Tao hoped.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai seduce the people from Penglai Xiandao like no one else around, Xu Qing's face finally calmed down, and he started to twitch.He coughed lightly again and again, but found that Shu Tao didn't give face at all, and just chatted with Jiang Xiaobai on his own, but he had no choice but to speak.

"Elder Jiang's talent is rare in the world, which makes people heartbroken, and his heart of martial arts is noble, which is even more admirable. It is really the right time for me to come to Huaguo Martial Arts Department during my trip to Penglai Xiandao. It really opened our eyes. Elder Jiang's two fights made my hands itch."

Xu Qing turned her eyes, but looked at Duan Hong, cupped her hands and said, "Elder Duan Hong is the second elder of the Martial Arts Department. His strength and reputation are obvious to all. Please advise."

What he said was well-founded, but he also played a trick, intentionally burning Duan Hong on the fire.Compared with Jiang Xiaobai, who is at the peak of the emperor level, but mysterious and unpredictable, Duan Hong, who has a higher status in the Martial Arts Department and a higher realm, is more obvious at a glance.

Moreover, Duan Hong is the person in charge of the Martial Arts Department. If he beats him, he will naturally be able to suppress Jiang Xiaobai's limelight.

Many people in Penglai Xiandao nodded secretly, their faces were filled with joy, as expected of Brother Qing, if they didn't make a move, they would hit the martial arts department seven inches straight.

The faces of all the elders of the Martial Arts Department changed slightly, and they looked at Duan Hong nervously. The time for the second elder to advance to the emperor level is too short, the realm has not yet been consolidated, and the most important field may not be well controlled. The odds of winning are slim.

Duan Hong's drooping long sleeves trembled slightly, but he clenched his fists resentfully. The Ni Bodhisattva still has a temper!

Xie Guanying is not here, he is the person in charge of the martial arts department, he should be the strongest, but he is regarded as a link to save face.

But he knows his own situation, the domain has not been completely controlled, and once the battle is defeated, he will undoubtedly lose.

Taking a deep breath, Duan Hong took a step forward and said with a smile, "Please."

After finishing speaking, Duan Hong bowed to the elders, took a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai, and then bowed deeply to the Northwest Emperor.

In an instant, the hearts of all the elders were shocked. They had known Duan Hong for nearly a hundred years and were very familiar with him. Duan Hong's expression seemed relaxed and indifferent, but they could see Duan Hong's will to die.

The second elder is going to die, for his dignity, for the glory of the Martial Arts Department.

"Elder Jiang, stop the Second Elder quickly." Tang Shanhai hurriedly said, "Old Duan is going to fight to the death."

Jiang Xiaobai was not too familiar with the Second Elder, and he was still wondering about the meaning of the Second Elder's look. Hearing Tang Shanhai's sad voice transmission, he suddenly realized that it was so.

Jiang Xiaobai leaped out one step at a time, using the Flowing Light Immortal Shadow technique, and came first, he cupped his hands at Duan Hong and said, "Second Elder, you are the head of the Martial Arts Department. If you want to accept your advice, you have to pass my test first. Otherwise, you have taught without discrimination, but you have paid the wrong effort, isn't it a pity?"

The Northwest Cangdi flew over, grabbed Duan Hong's shoulders, and nodded in agreement: "Elder Jiang is right, let the younger generation play in the rivers and lakes right now, what are we old guys getting involved with?"

Pulling and tugging, Emperor Cang of the Northwest dragged Duan Hong back.After all, it was Emperor Cang of the Northwest, so Duan Hong had no choice but to give him this face, so he flew back on the spot with half push and half push.

A group of elders hurriedly surrounded him, their eyes full of concern and reproach.

There are twelve elders in the Martial Arts Department. They naturally have various factions, and they usually have some suppressive calculations, but at this moment they put aside their prejudices without hesitation, and twisted into a rope to fight against powerful enemies.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "Brother Xu, please."

Xu Qing took a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai, and said coldly: "Elder Jiang is really brave, but I'm not Shu Tao."

Jiang Xiaobai let out a chuckle: "Brother Shu Tao is benevolent and generous. I, Jiang Xiaobai, sincerely admire him. I am already satisfied to meet such a person, and I dare not expect more."

"Let's unleash the sword." Xu Qing clenched her fists and said with a sneer, "I want to learn about Elder Jiang Xiaobai's domain-breaking supernatural power."




Below, everyone in the Martial Arts Department cursed in unison, but Xu Qing just turned a deaf ear to it, staring at Jiang Xiaobai with scorching eyes, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head secretly, this guy is indeed difficult to deal with!

"Okay, I'll show you."

Xu Qing's figure flashed, and then a sword grew out, breaking through the space directly, and coming to Jiang Xiaobai's body, it was the emperor's teleportation supernatural power.

Jiang Xiaobai had been on guard against Xu Qing's movement for a long time, and his spiritual thoughts were scattered all around. The moment he sensed the vibration of the space, he moved away lightly, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.

Xu Qing stabbed with a sword, only to realize that it turned out to be an afterimage. He reacted very quickly, and without thinking, he stabbed backwards. At the same time, the space in front of him vibrated and moved away.

Jiang Xiaobai also pierced the air with his sword, but he was already prepared in his heart, and he was not surprised at all. Liu Guangxianying's body skills were running at full speed. At this moment, he was like a butterfly wearing a flower, hiding in the flowers, disappearing from time to time. Now.

Xu Qing stabbed with the long sword, but there were phantoms. He let go of his divine sense and found that he couldn't tell the difference between these phantoms.

"It turns out that this is the whole body of this set of movements. The virtual reality is unpredictable, and it is worthy of the streamer fairy shadow." Northwest Cangdi said with emotion.

Shu Tao yelled loudly, he was not wronged when he lost, it turned out that Jiang Xiaobai hadn't used all his strength before.

Qin Zhong watched from the side thoroughly, his cheeks were flushed, and the hatred in his eyes became more and more crazy. It turned out that this bastard has been playing with him!

Duan Hong secretly felt ashamed. With this set of body skills, he has supernatural powers in the field of emperor-level cultivation. What's the use if he can't catch Jiang Xiaobai?

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