Dominate the world

Chapter 859 Breaking the Territory

The sound of wind and thunder on Xu Qing's sword was loud, but it was still the same as before, piercing through phantoms one by one, and Jiang Xiaobai's real body could not be found at all.

Jiang Xiaobai kept changing his figure, but he also paid attention to Xu Qing's swordsmanship, which was definitely not so simple.

The moment it flickered again, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that the space here was a little unstable, and it turned out to be a hidden space crack.

There was a soft chirp, and the space crack passed Jiang Xiaobai's arm. With the indestructible body of Bajiu Xuangong, Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid, but his sleeves couldn't resist the power of the space crack, and a piece of cloth slipped off. .

"I found it." Xu Qing gave a soft whistle, and stabbed with a sword.


This is the first time the two swords have met since they fought.

Jiang Xiaobai's body involuntarily flew backwards for a certain distance, and Xu Qing was also normal, but to the astonishment of everyone, Xu Qing flew even further before stopping his figure.

The people around are all masters, Xu Qing was the main attacker with a sword just now, and Jiang Xiaobai was the main defender. It can be said that Xu Qing took advantage of a lot of strength, but Xu Qing actually retreated further?

This only shows one problem, Jiang Xiaobai's strength is at least a step higher than Xu Qing's!

How is this possible?

Some people even shouted out in public, feeling that the three views have been refreshed, a master of the emperor's level is actually stronger than the emperor's level?

Shu Tao said casually: "How is that impossible? He practiced eight or nine mysterious skills, the top-level skills in the inheritance of monsters. Brother Jiang's physical body is definitely better than those monsters, but he is definitely stronger than us. "

Everyone in the Martial Arts Department was overjoyed. They looked at the Northwest Cang Emperor for proof, and the Northwest Cang Emperor nodded and said: "I tried to hold Jiang Xiaobai back before, but I didn't have enough strength to hold him back."

There was an uproar, and everyone was even more astonished. Can the Northwest Emperor's power be inferior to Jiang Xiaobai?

Now that he was discovered, Jiang Xiaobai stopped covering up, he punched out, and a space crack appeared in the space.

The space crack is one foot long, and the largest opening is almost three centimeters wide. The whistling wind blows out from the space crack, and the space it blows is a little unstable.

Jiang Xiaobai wiped it casually again, and the space crack disappeared.

"Of course, this is also related to the fact that the space is not strong enough. Now that the vitality is recovering, our strength is getting stronger, and the space will become more stable. After that, the emperor class will probably not be able to exert such power."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xu Qing, with a three-point tease in his smile: "Brother Xu is really extraordinary, he even ambushed space cracks in the space to find my real body, but unfortunately I will too. So, just take out your In the field, save wasting time."

Xu Qing sneered: "Okay, as you wish."

A torrential force roared out, and the elders of Penglai Xiandao and the Budo Department retreated again and again, lest they be implicated in it.

Bang bang bang, more than a dozen voices rang out, and Jiang Xiaobai's figure exploded again and again, all phantoms trapped in the field.

But at the edge of the field, there was still a figure imprisoned.The figure solidified quickly, and it was Jiang Xiaobai's real body.

"Fantastic, fast enough, decisive enough, my speed is still a bit slow." Jiang Xiaobai did not panic at all, but admired it.

Xu Qing secretly called out a fluke, Jiang Xiaobai's speed was so fast, and his physical strength was even more unimaginable to him.

The previous explosion sound was the backlash triggered by the body forcibly breaking free from the domain. As the master of the domain, Xu Qing felt it clearly. Whether it was spiritual thoughts, physical body, or vitality, Jiang Xiaobai had already crossed the emperor-level threshold.

Apart from having no field, Jiang Xiaobai is an out-and-out emperor-level master.

In an instant, a killing intent rose in his heart. Once such a genius grows up, he will definitely threaten Penglai Xiandao!

"Get up!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled violently, his body swelled up suddenly.

Xu Qing was terrified. Jiang Xiaobai still had the strength to resist at this moment?

Suddenly, Xu Qing felt a counter-shock force, which was not very strong, like a wave coming in, Xu Qing casually shot out a little vitality, and directly annihilated the counter-shock force.

But before he could take any other actions, another wave of power surged in. Xu Qing's heart skipped a beat, and instead of rushing to destroy this power, he let it hit him.

The power is weak and can't hurt him at all, Xu Qing smiled self-deprecatingly, she was frightened by Jiang Xiaobai.

The emperor level is the emperor level. Once the domain is released, it is invincible. The shock of these forces is just Jiang Xiaobai's dying struggle.

He decided to kill Jiang Xiaobai right now, for the Ministry of Martial Arts would not dare to fight against Penglai Xiandao?

But at this moment, another wave of power surged in. Xu Qing didn't care, and was ready to teleport to Jiang Xiaobai's side in a flash. With the restraining power of the domain, even the emperor-level old man couldn't stop it in time .

When this force hit her body, Xu Qing felt that the vitality in his body trembled.He couldn't believe it, how could such a slight force shake his vitality?

Could this be the mysterious domain-breaking supernatural power?

It's so powerful, it's even more weird, no, I have to kill Jiang Xiaobai as soon as possible!

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, he was already very close.While thinking about it, more than a dozen streams of power of different severity rushed towards Xu Qing, but Xu Qing just ignored him, rushed to Jiang Xiaobai's side in the blink of an eye, and slammed Jiang Xiaobai's head hard with his palm. .

"You dare!" Northwest Emperor Cang shouted, he was outraged, how dare this Xu Qing?

Duan Hong roared and rushed forward. As the head of the Martial Arts Department, he guessed Xu Qing's thoughts immediately. They didn't pay attention to their Martial Arts Department at all!

But he knew it was too late, and the only hope was Jiang Xiaobai himself. He wondered if he would be able to recover from a desperate situation like before?

Just when the palm was about to land on Jiang Xiaobai's forehead, Xu Qing suddenly felt the field vibrate violently. He secretly screamed "Oops", force through the palm of his hand, and frantically wanted to press it down.

It was just such a small distance, and he found in despair that he could no longer press it down.

An arm supported his wrist!

The arm came from below, it was Jiang Xiaobai.

"Come and don't reciprocate, take a punch!"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted, and punched out without any politeness, without holding back a bit.

Bang, there was a loud bang, blood was pouring from Xu Qing's mouth, and his body rolled over and over again and flew backwards, falling to the ground, creating a huge deep hole.

"Senior Brother Xu?" The people of Penglai Xiandao panicked. They rushed up, but they saw Xu Qing lying in the hole, with blood spurting wildly from his mouth, his chest collapsed, his face like gold paper, seriously injured and dying.

Jiang Xiaobai hovered high above the pothole, proudly said: "If you want to kill me, you deserve it!"

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