Dominate the world

Chapter 867 Counter-persuasion

"Seal him!" the black-bearded man shouted.

Four emperor-level masters launched their domains at the same time, trying to imprison Jiang Xiaobai in their domains.

Jiang Xiaobai's body flickered, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a fluttering butterfly, with his wings fluttering, flashing nimbly between the heaven and the earth.

When the four people's domain was closed, the people in Linlang Cave were shocked to find that Jiang Xiaobai was not trapped at all.

"Such a powerful movement." The black-bearded man shouted, he motioned for everyone to look, and the others dispersed, lest Jiang Xiaobai escape.

"Old man Gufeng, in the past 300 years, I have seen countless geniuses. Your Excellency, you are the most amazing. So, I will give you a way out, join me in Linlangdongtian, let the past be forgotten, how about it?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly: "I think your Linlang Cave Sky is very average, there are only a few crooked melons and cracked dates. Your strength is not bad, but the others, hehe, are far behind. Especially the big Mahou, how many tricks do you think he can hold under my hands?"

The old man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks yelled: "Do you dare to say that I am like a horse monkey? Boy, do you know how to respect seniors, I..."

"Shut up!" Gu Feng shouted.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked old man glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, but he didn't dare to disobey Gu Feng's order and stopped talking.

Gu Feng said: "Indeed, our Linlang Cave Sky's strength is not high, but our Linlang Cave Sky has a long heritage and has many exercises. It's just that my younger generations are not talented enough to practice top-notch exercises, but Mr. Jiang is different."

"Senior Brother Gu!" The woman in palace costume called Han Yi roared reproachfully, didn't she come to kill people, why did it become solicitation?

Gu Feng said in a low voice, "I have my own plans."

Like the old man with the big horse monkey, the woman in the palace costume responded and dared not speak any more, but her eyes were full of resentment when she looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Then thank you for your kindness, but I, Jiang Xiaobai, am not ready to change my identity, but I have a proposal, we can cooperate completely. I know a lot of Tianjiao, I have One identity is still the dean, there are many talents in the academy, as long as it does not violate freedom, you are free to choose."

Gu Feng snorted: "Our Linlang Dongtian is not training your children."

Jiang Xiaobai said sincerely: "I'm very sincere, Elder Gufeng might as well think about it carefully. Today's world is no longer the era of caves and paradise, dangerous places and secret places, but the era of the country, the era of the Ministry of Martial Arts. Under the general trend, Whoever dares to go against the trend is doomed to be smashed to pieces. But if you follow the trend, with the help of our Martial Arts Department, your Linlangdongtian can grow stronger, and even reproduce the glory of the most prosperous time of the year."

He also came up with this idea suddenly, this Linlang Dongtian was really mediocre, and looking at the level of the people who came out to intercept him, he knew that Linlang Dongtian was just mediocre.

But such a force is exactly the partner that the Martial Arts Department needs most at the moment. They don't have the strength to jump around, but they know a lot of secrets.Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the seven people in Linlang Dongtian with enthusiasm.

"I'll kill you!" A sword light suddenly struck, but it was the woman in palace costume named Han Yi.Seeing Jiang Xiaobai talking eloquently, while the Great Elder Gu Feng was silent and thinking seriously, she became anxious and wanted to make it a reality.

Once fighting with Jiang Xiaobai, it's better to let the other party kill a few more people, so that the relationship between the two sides is solid, and Gu Feng will not be able to balance the interests of the relationship.

"Senior Sister Han Yi?" The other two women called out, hesitated for a moment or flew out.The two of them were not stupid, and they didn't want to get into trouble. They kept glancing at Gu Feng, waiting for the elder's reply.

The other three men also called out, but Gu Feng didn't speak, as if he was lost in thought.Seeing that the elder was noncommittal, the others slowly backed away, leaving only the resentful Han Yi who looked like a madman, and frantically rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart lit up, there is something to play!

Although this woman entered the emperor rank, her strength was really mediocre. After a few tricks, Jiang Xiaobai understood that she was probably a newly promoted emperor rank, and her domain had not yet been consolidated.

In terms of real strength, he might not even be as good as Pang Le, a rookie from Penglai Xiandao.

Jiang Xiaobai's body flickered, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and rushed directly to Han Yi.Han Yi displayed the domain without hesitation, and laughed wildly: "Boy, you are not dead yet!"

Gu Feng also raised his head, Han Yi really trapped Jiang Xiaobai in her domain.

"Go to hell!" Han Yi roared, stabbing Jiang Xiaobai's dantian with a sword, "I will destroy your martial arts foundation first, and then slowly torture you, so that you can't live or die!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, and at the moment when the long sword came, one side of his body lightly moved away from Han Yi's long sword, clasped her wrist, handed over her long sword, and threw her away go out.

The other six people in Linlang Dongtian were all stunned, their faces full of disbelief.They clearly saw that Han Yi imprisoned Jiang Xiaobai in the domain, but they didn't imprison Jiang Xiaobai at all, and Jiang Xiaobai turned against him instead.

"I don't want to kill her, there's no need, this is my sincerity, Elder Gu Feng, what do you think?" Jiang Xiaobai said.

Han Yi stood on the side in despair, her wrists trembling. She kept thinking about the previous scene, but she couldn't figure it out.

"Also, I think you guys know better whether I killed Han Qianyu or not. If he begged me for help, I might have saved him, but he wanted to plot against me, so he couldn't be forced to blow himself up. It's not my fault, is it?"

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the people in Linlangdongtian, some avoided their eyes, but some took it seriously.Especially the three people at the peak of the talent emperor level, they naturally have their own ideas.

Han Yi is an emperor-level master, but it turned out that he was no match for Jiang Xiaobai at all. If it wasn't for his intention to recruit, Han Yi would have died just now.

Even if the seven of them work together to capture Jiang Xiaobai in the end, who can guarantee that they will not be killed or injured? It is not worth it to avenge Han Qianyu and risk his own life.

What's more, can you really catch people?

Gu Feng sighed softly, he never expected the situation to evolve to this point.The previous plan to kill Jiang Xiaobai now seems to be a complete joke.

But he was a little bit unwilling to let him retreat.Others don't know, but as the Great Elder, he knows very well that the Heavenly Mystery Mirror is a top-level magic weapon at the emperor level, and the one that can block the Heavenly Secret Mirror is definitely a treasure of the same rank, or even a holy-level treasure.

Come out this time to avenge Han Qianyu?Forget it, the Han family was very powerful in Linlang Cave back then, but now it has long since weakened, and now there is only Han Yi left.

For her alone, to implicate this Linlangdongtian, of course he would not do such a loss-making business.

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