"I need to think about Elder Jiang's proposal," Gu Feng said slowly.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled broadly: "That's natural, the matter is important, and naturally we need to think twice. Of course, there is no righteousness in buying and selling. Now I solemnly invite everyone to visit the Huaguo Martial Arts Department."

"Of course, you don't have to worry about what we will do? Our Huaguo Martial Arts Department is upright, and we will definitely not do such things. Moreover, we will cooperate with more caves in the future, and naturally we will not ruin our name. head."

"Besides, I think it is necessary to remind you. I don't know how many caves, or holy land families, etc. in the current world, but I can be sure that you are the first, the first and the later treatment, I I think Elder Gufeng should be very clear about it."

Jiang Xiaobai directly took out his trump card to lure him, so he didn't believe that Gu Feng would not be tempted.

Gu Feng didn't express his opinion, but the faces of the others became serious.

Jiang Xiaobai secretly laughed in his heart, this is psychology.It's not your own, and you don't feel bad if you don't get it.But it is very painful to feel that what should belong to oneself has not been obtained.

"Senior Brother Gu, is it okay to go and have a look?" A female cultivator said with some emotion.

Gu Feng thought for a while, looked up at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "I have a treasure in Linlang Cave, called Tianji Mirror, which is the scene when it spied into the cave. I also know that you have a treasure on you. I hope to fight with you." If you win, the seven of us will go to your martial arts department, and if you lose, you will pay us your treasure."

Without waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to speak, Gu Feng quickly said: "Of course, I know this is a bit unfair, but you are eager to know the news about our hidden paradise, aren't you?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "You're right, but that's not why you threatened me. I usually behead those who threaten me."

Gu Feng didn't look embarrassed at all, and he still talked freely: "But this is the reality that Elder Jiang needs to face. We know a lot, a lot! For example, we appeared after the recovery of vitality, but why are there more than two people now? It's been a month, but no one has come out?"

"I can tell you this question for free. It is because the various sects are lifting the ban, but half a month ago, the imprisonment of the major forces has been completely untied, and you have missed the best time. As for their current movements Is it? We also know something, if you want to know, you need to pay the price."

As Gu Feng said, he stroked his long beard and laughed, with a somewhat cunning look.

"Elder Jiang said before that the Martial Arts Department is an opportunity for our Linlangdongtian, so why are we not an opportunity for the Martial Arts Department?"

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai responded in one gulp.

He really wouldn't have dared to go before going to the Confucian Mansion, but now Jiang Xiaobai is full of confidence.

He checked the current attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation level: peak imperial level

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 99 ([-]%)

Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu third level (99%)

Tactics: Streaming Immortal Shadow (99%)

Liuhe swordsmanship (99%)

One inch of Golden Dragon Sword Qi (99%)

Ba Dao (33%) comprehended the first sword, Fengyun Yidao

Supernatural powers: Spiritual thoughts become a network (99% is about to evolve)

Domain Breaking (99%)

Jiang Xiaobai is very satisfied with his current attributes. Sure enough, his skills are about to be perfected, and once the fourth volume of the Taoist scriptures and the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu are completed at the same time, Jiang Xiaobai knows that it is time for him to be promoted to the emperor level.

The tactics are also about to be perfected, but the Tyrannical Sword surprised Jiang Xiaobai. In addition to Fengyun's sword, there are actually two swords.

There is actually an extra field breaking in the supernatural powers, and it has reached 99%. It should be that he comprehended the principles of the field in the Confucian Mansion and evolved into his unique supernatural powers.

Gu Feng wanted to take advantage of him at this time, but it was just a dream.

On the other side, Gu Feng looked at the smile on Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, and frantically suppressed the coveting in his heart.

Hmph, what is the Martial Arts Department?

A thing that can't even be said to be a rising star, is it worthy of them to seek refuge in Linlangdongtian?

No matter how unbearable Linlang Dongtian is, she doesn't even bother to take refuge in the government!

If you are a genius, you must be frivolous and conceited. Don't say that others take it seriously. Han Qianyu is like this, and Jiang Xiaobai is like this, and the ending of the two is bound to be like this.

Sure enough, he agreed to such an unfair duel after a few words of flattery. After all, he was young and inexperienced!As long as he can seize the secret treasure from this kid, Linlang Cave Sky will rise again, and no one can stop him, and he will become a legend alongside the founder of Linlang Cave Sky!

Both sides were thinking about their calculations, and stood in the middle of the circle surrounded by people. After saluting each other, Jiang Xiaobai waved the Tai Chi Star Sword, and Gu Feng took out a mirror.

"Elder Jiang, please!"

"Elder Gu, please!"

The two men with ulterior motives shot at the same time.

"Go!" Gu Feng threw out the Tianji Mirror, which automatically suspended in the sky, and a ray of light shone towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure flickered again and again, and the Liuguang Immortal Shadow body technique that was about to reach its full level was displayed with all his strength. Everyone in Linlang Cave looked blankly at Jiang Xiaobai's figure in their field of vision. It's Mami.

With a flick of Gu Feng's beard, he cast a spell, and the brilliance of the heavenly secret mirror in the sky flashed, and the power of the light increased instantly.

Just like the green smoke dissipating, once Jiang Xiaobai's figure was illuminated by the Tianji Mirror, it turned into a cloud of green smoke and disappeared.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai's figure decreased sharply, and then settled on a figure, and Gu Feng waved a horned dragon staff and quickly hit it.

Jiang Xiaobai dodged quickly, and he glanced at the astronomical mirror in the sky in surprise, and actually found his real body.After being shrouded, there was obviously a pressure to suppress him, at least [-]% of his cultivation was suppressed.

"Sure enough!" Jiang Xiao sighed, calling out to Brother Pan in his heart, "Brother Pan, help!"

But the Tai Chi Disc did not move.

Gu Feng laughed loudly: "Elder Jiang, if I'm not wrong, the treasure in your body hasn't been activated yet, it will only protect you when your life is in danger, and it's not under your control at other times, yes Bar?"

"So, I just used a little bit of the magical power of the Tianji Mirror, so as not to cause the treasure in your body to backlash. In this way, Elder Jiang's biggest support cannot be used. I am afraid that I will lose this competition."

Jiang Xiaobai said casually: "Sure enough, I admire you. You guessed it all. I can't use that treasure now."

"Then invite Elder Jiang to taste the power of my domain, be sure!" Gu Feng called out, and the light on the Tianji mirror flashed quickly, and then dimmed.

Jiang Xiaobai felt his body froze, and was trapped by a surging field the next moment.

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