Dominate the world

Chapter 869 Get Mirror

"Quick, everyone overlaps the domain and traps him." Gu Feng roared, his face ferocious.

The other three emperor-level masters in Linlang Cave were stunned for a moment, and finally came to their senses, and quickly released the domain to suppress them.

"Hahahaha, boy, do you really think that we will join Huaguo and your Martial Arts Department? Hmph, in the eyes of our blessed land, you are just a bunch of vulgar people, and you are worthy of fighting with us?"

Seeing the success of the plot, Gu Feng no longer hides it, his face is full of arrogance like a villain's success.It's just that he couldn't help being ecstatic when he thought of reviving the Linlang Cave with the help of two treasures.

Han Yi exclaimed in surprise: "Brother, are you pretending?"

"Of course." Gu Feng agreed without hesitation.

The others also praised without saying a word, and repeatedly despised the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo, yelling that we are all brothers and sisters, how can we not avenge our nephew Han!

"Boy, hand over the treasure, we can give you a whole body, let the Huaguo Martial Arts Department go, or let your Martial Arts Department bleed like a river!"

"Really? Fengyun strikes, cut!"

A voice suddenly sounded, but it came from behind the crowd.

The six people outside Gufeng all turned their heads to look in astonishment, only to see that the person behind the voice was Jiang Xiaobai.He held a cold knife tightly in both hands, and the light of the knife was condensed to four or five feet, the power was earth-shattering, his figure was almost at the top, and he unstoppably slashed towards Gu Feng's back.

Gu Feng didn't dare to look back, he felt a fierce murderous intent that could wipe out his life and death, and the tyrannical saber force enveloped him in all directions, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Although he couldn't see the beauty of this knife, Gu Feng knew that he couldn't stop it.The saber energy has not come yet, but the piercing killing intent has chilled his mind and soul.

And in front of his field of vision, Jiang Xiaobai, who was trapped in the domain of the four of them, turned into a green energy and disappeared.

He was played!

But now is not the time to pursue this. Gufeng instinctively wants to activate the domain protection, only to realize that the domain has already been used. As a last resort, he can only hope that the heavenly mirror above his head can help him resist this.

The Tianji mirror is not a defensive protection, but it is his last resort at this moment.At the same time, Gu Feng crazily concentrated all his vitality on his fist, and punched forward, hoping to blast a space channel and escape Jiang Xiaobai's one-shot.

A flash of light erupted from the Tianji Mirror, covering Gu Feng, as if putting on a battle armor for Gu Feng.

But just in an instant, the light was split into two by the piercing saber energy, and Jiang Xiaobai's Feng Yun arrived.

"Pfft!" Gu Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was split in half just a little bit.He rushed forward with all his strength, and rushed into the space crack that was blasted open.

"Want to leave?" Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward and plunged into the space crack that Gu Feng had penetrated.

"Haha, looking for death." Han Yi laughed happily, "This kid is not an emperor, but he dared to rush into the cracks in the space. If he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured. Let's protect the space quickly. Once Senior Brother Gu rushes out, we will take the opportunity to kill that kid."

But as soon as she finished speaking, a rift in space was torn open in front of them, and Jiang Xiaobai walked out holding Gu Feng's half body.

"Elder Gu?"

"Brother Gu?"

The people in Linlangdongtian were all stupid, Jiang Xiaobai was covered in blood, but they couldn't tell that it was Gu Feng's blood.

In contrast, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be intact, not even the corners of his clothes were cut by space cracks.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you go on your own." Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

He has always kept an eye on these people, so in the previous competition, he pretended to charge forward, but forcibly moved the Immortal Shadow of Flowing Light, leaving behind a phantom, while the real body ran away.

Unexpectedly, these people didn't even put on a show, and they were exposed on the spot.

With a flick of Jiang Xiaobai's wrist, Gu Feng's body turned into a rain of blood and fell one after another.

"Run!" The old man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks like a big horse shouted, turned his head and ran away.

The others also reacted abruptly, even Senior Brother Gufeng is dead, they are still Jiang Xiaobai's opponents, if they don't run now, when will they wait.

"Ah—" a woman in palace costume screamed, but Han Yi gave her a sword.

There was a sneer on the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth. It's a joke that such a bullshit sect wants to compete with the Martial Arts Department!

What else is there besides intrigue and intrigue?

He smashed open a crack in space with one punch, and went straight through the air, and came to Han Yi's side, without using any vitality, he directly slapped the latter's head into his body.

With a wave of his hand, an inch-long Golden Dragon Sword Qi shot out, beheading a cultivator at the peak of the Emperor.Jiang Xiaobai used the Flowing Light Immortal Shadow technique, and once again came to an emperor-level master.

The latter's reaction was not slow, and he directly displayed his domain, trying to trap Jiang Xiaobai.Jiang Xiaobai is not afraid at all, now that he has cultivated 99% of his domain-breaking supernatural powers, there is no need to trap him in ordinary domains.

Jiang Xiaobai punched out directly. This punch gathered the power of his vitality, the power of his mind, and the power of his body. The three kinds of power were almost blended, but there were some flaws in some places.

He punched heavily on the domain of the emperor-level powerhouse, and the latter didn't dare to stay at all. He just fled frantically after displaying the domain, and he didn't care whether Jiang Xiaobai was trapped or not.

But he had only flown tens of meters before a strong force came back.He spat out a mouthful of blood, and turned around blankly, only to see that his domain was shattered.

The next moment, the fist that shattered his domain blocked all his sight.With a loud bang, he felt like his soul was being torn apart, and then he didn't feel anything anymore.

"Senior Brother Wang?" The woman in palace costume who was stabbed by Han Yi screamed, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Noisy." Jiang Xiaobai casually shot out a burst of vitality, sealing the vitality of the woman in palace costume.

The other two escaped tens of kilometers away. Jiang Xiaobai punched open the space, beheaded them easily, searched their storage equipment, and flew back.

In the sky, a round of bronze mirror was floating. Without its owner, it also lost its control. Its brilliance was restrained, and it looked very ordinary.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and grabbed at the Tianji mirror.The Tianji Mirror suddenly burst into dazzling light, and was about to escape, but at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt a sense of power gushing out from the Tai Chi disc, covering the Tianji Mirror.

The Tianji Mirror shook twice, then stopped moving, letting Jiang Xiaobai keep it in his hands.

"Hehe, you're so good!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled with satisfaction, and glanced up at the woman in palace costume.

The body of the woman in the palace costume trembled violently a few times, and she put her hands on her chest: "What are you going to do?"

"Bah!" Jiang Xiaobai felt a little disgusted, he was such a person!

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