Dominate the world

Chapter 870 Killing God

"If you want to live, just listen to me, or I'll strip you off and parade you through the streets." Jiang Xiaobai threatened viciously.

The woman in palace costume looked at Jiang Xiaobai in fear, and nodded slightly.

"Okay, now I'm asking you, what's your name, you'd better tell me the truth, or I'll wash your blood in Linlangdongtian."

A trace of hatred flashed in the eyes of the woman in the palace costume, but she still lowered her head and announced her name: "My name is Yun Qing."

"Very good, follow me to the Martial Arts Department." Jiang Xiaobai said, carrying Yun Qing in one hand and flying away directly.

Half a day later, a news spread throughout the Martial Arts Department. Elder Jiang Xiaobai brought a woman back. His behavior was rude, and the woman was crying...

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Xiaobai swaggered away from the Martial Arts Department and rushed towards Jiangnan without haste.

In the Martial Arts Department, a group of elders watched Jiang Xiaobai leave, amused but also admired.

Yun Qing explained everything about Linlang Cave Heaven clearly, and even proposed a matter that made all the elders turn their faces when they heard about it.

All the people in the blessed land, the cave, and the dangerous place have their eyes on Jiang Xiaobai, because Jiang Xiaobai has a lot of luck.After catching Jiang Xiaobai, he harvested Jiang Xiaobai's luck, and at least dozens of emperor-level masters could be produced.

Although the emperor-level masters created by this kind of luck have insufficient future potential, they are also out-and-out emperor-level powerhouses. For some emperor-level masters who are already old and have a short lifespan, it is no different from a life-saving panacea.

After Jiang Xiaobai heard the news, he left the Martial Arts Department directly. In his own words, he took the opportunity to cut a bunch of leeks.

Three days later, in front of a high mountain.

The mountain is steep, the whole body is white, and it is quite miraculous. It was born after the great change of the world.The appearance of the high mountain aroused the curiosity of many local people, and many people came to climb and play.

But after a few days, a mist shrouded the mountain, and people caught in the mist were often lost for a few days, and only after suffering a lot would they find a way by coincidence.

Gradually, the wonder of this high mountain spread, and no one dared to approach it.

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai flew over by himself.

The materials of the Ministry of Martial Arts are highlighted in red, and there are definitely some secrets hidden here.

The Ministry of Martial Arts has marked a lot of places like this, and after a rough statistics of the entire Huaxia land, there are at least 300 such places.

Of course, it is impossible for every place to be a dangerous secret place, but it must have something to do with those places.

Jiang Xiaobai deliberately flew over the top of the mountain. It would be best if he could attract some people. If no one came out, he would go to the next place.

He has already flown three places like this, and he has not attracted anyone so far.

Flying all the way, there is still no movement behind.Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, ready to speed up and go to the next place.

But he didn't fly very far, he stopped, and he sensed someone coming.

The bait is finally hooked!

Six people broke through the air, blocking Jiang Xiaobai's way from six directions.

The six people are old and young, all of them are emperor-level cultivation bases, and they are not too powerful in terms of aura. The most powerful old guy has an ancient style in terms of aura, and the worst one is almost Elder Duan Hong. level.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are really brave. Are you trying to lure us out of the cave on purpose?" the strongest old man said without hesitation.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled softly: "Then you are going to arrest me?"

"Hahahaha!" The six laughed together.


The six people quickly gathered around, and fields quickly bloomed, trying to confine Jiang Xiaobai.The easiest and most direct way to face emperor-level warriors is naturally to use the domain.

Even though Jiang Xiaobai is now most famous for having the supernatural power to break through the realm of emperor-level masters, but every emperor-level master still trusts the domain most.

Jiang Xiaobai stood carelessly high in the air, throwing out the Sky Secret Mirror casually.After Tai Chi Yuanpan decoded the Tianji Mirror, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that the Tianji Mirror mainly predicts and breaks the formation, but it also has a protective magical power, which can prevent being imprisoned by other people's domains.

For emperor-level masters, this supernatural power is tasteless if there is no meat to eat, and it is tasteful to discard.But for the current Jiang Xiaobai, they complement each other.

It was also the discovery of this supernatural power of the Tianji Mirror that Jiang Xiaobai started this journey of death.

"What kind of magic weapon is that?" an emperor-level warrior asked.

"Mostly it is a magic weapon for protection, but what good things can an emperor-level warrior in the secular world have."

"Grab it and take a look."

The six emperor-level powerhouses spoke one after the other, with arrogant words, completely ignoring Jiang Xiaobai.A person flew over and grabbed the Tianji Mirror above Jiang Xiaobai's head.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his hand with a sword, and he showed no mercy in this sword, and directly used the most profound meaning of Liuhe swordsmanship.

Liuhe refers to up, down, left, right, front, back, and in terms of space, it means the entire universe. All the profound meanings of swordsmanship in the Eight Desolation and Liuhe have been integrated into this set of swordsmanship.

A sword cut out, directly sealing the opponent's front, back, left, right, up and down, leaving the opponent with no way to go to the sky and no way to go down to the ground.

The emperor-level master was shocked, he felt as if the sword had pierced into his soul, leaving him nowhere to escape, and even a hint of depression of giving up arose deep in his heart.

"No!" It took only a moment for the emperor-level master to react, but it was too late.

Jiang Xiaobai pierced the dantian of the emperor-level master with a sword, breaking the latter's martial arts foundation.

"One is destroyed, and there are five more." Jiang Xiaobai said flatly, his eyes swept over the five people one by one.

The five of them couldn't help but shuddered. In Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, they saw a cold disregard.

"Presumptuous, let's do it together." The leader of the old man shouted.

His compatriot brother is near the end of his life, and he can only survive if he breaks through to the emperor level as soon as possible, so he joined the encirclement and suppression of Jiang Xiaobai this time.

Jiang Xiaobai paid attention to the breath of the five people, and suddenly found that the five belonged to different sects, at least they did not practice the same set of exercises.

Could it be an alliance?

Jiang Xiaobai let go of his doubts and started fighting with the five of them.His physical body, vitality, and spiritual sense are not weaker than those of an emperor-level master. Now that he has the protection of the heavenly mirror, the domain of an emperor-level master is useless to him, and it makes him even more powerful, and his hard power explodes without reservation.

He was like a butterfly wearing flowers, flying lightly in the encirclement of the five people, the sword light was shining, and the saber aura was vertical and horizontal. Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaobai took out a bottle of trauma spray and sprayed it on his left shoulder. keep going.

Below, six corpses with their eyes wide open, dying with reluctance.

Three days later, seven emperor-level masters were killed.

Five days later, thirteen emperor-level masters were killed.

When Jiang Xiaobai arrived at Liu's house in the south of the Yangtze River, his reputation as a god of killing had spread throughout the entire land of Huaguo.For half a month, 53 emperor-level masters died under Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

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