Dominate the world

Chapter 871 Liu Douer Was Taken Away

Once again, Jiang Xiaobai became so popular that he shocked the whole world.

At the beginning, the Huaguo Martial Arts Department was still a little worried, Duan Hong and Northwest Cangdi carefully followed behind, in order to secretly support, and then when the two saw Jiang Xiaobai, they crushed the whole way like destroying the city. , The two of them flew back to the Martial Arts Department in amazement.

Emperor Cang of the Northwest sighed that young people are awesome, and announced that he would directly join the Martial Arts Department.After Duan Hong handed over all the affairs of the Martial Arts Department to Tang Shanhai, he announced that he had gone to retreat for practice.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai's achievements were reported, and the elders of the Martial Arts Department were overjoyed and shocked. After that, the Martial Arts Department directly learned from the Confucian Mansion and Jixia Academy, vigorously promoted the younger generation, and they retired early , went to retreat to practice all the time, and vowed not to come out unless he reached the emperor level.

The Martial Arts Department quickly completed its rejuvenation. The younger generation of the Martial Arts Department headed by Bai Yu became the new elders. Although Jiang Xiaobai was not around, he was publicly elected as the Great Elder, and it was unanimously approved without any objection.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai finally came to the Liu family's sphere of influence.

Fighting all the way, Jiang Xiaobai is only one step away from the emperor level. His vitality, body, and spiritual sense have all been honed to the peak. As long as he wants, he can step into the emperor level at any time.

Jiang Xiaobai wasn't in a hurry, and was going to play tricks on a few more people, after all, the really powerful guy hadn't appeared yet.He knew very well that most of those people were waiting for the moment when he was promoted to the emperor rank, and then they would kill with one blow.

Liu Zongyuan led the Liu family to put up a huge formation, and the whole family came out to greet them a hundred miles in advance. The grand momentum attracted the attention of all the major families in the south of the Yangtze River.

Before, Liu Rufeng supported his daughter and rejected the marriage proposal of the Cao family, the head of the five major families in the south of the Yangtze River, and chose to be engaged to Jiang Xiaobai, a rising star who was only slightly famous at the time. As a result, the alliance between the Liu family and the Cao family broke down, and then there was a split within the Liu family. , Liu Qian ran away from home with one, making the Liu family a big joke.

After the sea beast landed, all the big and small families in the south of the Yangtze River headed by the Cao family avoided fighting, allowing the Liu family to fight to the death, which completely broke the Liu family with the major families in the south of the Yangtze River.

If it weren't for the full support of the Martial Arts Department and the sacrifice of Elder Li Jingtang's life, the southeast route would have been lost, and the Liu family might have been wiped out.

Everyone said that the Liu family made an extremely wrong decision, but now Jiang Xiaobai has soared to the top and became the well-deserved god of war in Huaguo, and Cao Ying, the pride of the Cao family, died in battle. The Cao family suffered heavy losses, and the younger generation lost nearly half of it.

At present, although the Cao family still maintains the name of the five major families in the south of the Yangtze River, it has already ranked second. When the younger generation grows up, the Cao family will only be left further behind.

Looking at it now, the seemingly desperate decision of the Liu family back then has become their wisest choice.And because of the correct choice, today's Liu family has once again become the head of the five major families in the south of the Yangtze River.

Seeing Liu Zongyuan greet him personally, Jiang Xiaobai was startled and flew over quickly.

"Congratulations to Grandpa Liu, you have finally broken through the emperor level and achieved the emperor level."

Liu Zongyuan waved his hands with a smirk: "I'm a so-so emperor, I don't dare to be arrogant in front of you."

Hearing Liu Zongyuan making fun of his style along the way, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and changed the subject.

"Grandpa Liu, why did you greet him in person, and put on such a big display?"

Liu Zongyuan patted Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder heavily, and laughed triumphantly: "How dare the Liu family show off when the number one God of War in Hua Kingdom is here?"

"Grandpa Liu, you are joking again. No matter how powerful Xiaobai is in the future, you are also my Grandpa Liu, and the Liu family is my family."

Liu Zongyuan nodded in satisfaction, and led Jiang Xiaobai back to the Liu family residence.In the crowd at the back, Jiang Xiaobai saw Liu Qian and Liu Xu with a flattering face, and behind the Liu family were the Cao family and other major families, and after that were several small and medium families that had briefly surrendered to him under his pressure .

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's eyes glance, one by one hurriedly bowed and saluted, boasted loudly, praised loudly, but their foreheads were sweating, and their hearts were disturbed, lest Jiang Xiaobai would settle accounts with them.

Jiang Xiaobai was noncommittal, withdrew his gaze, and walked past calmly.

In the previous confrontation with the Cao family and the battle with the monsters, Jiang Xiaobai completely saw the faces of these people. They were just a group of grasshoppers whose interests were paramount. The so-called warrior's backbone and family and country feelings did not exist.

"Grandpa Liu, where's Dou'er?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but asked after he still didn't find any trace of Liu Dou'er after returning to Liu's house.

Liu Zongyuan's expression was embarrassing and angry at the same time. He gave a wry smile: "Xiaobai, to be honest, Dou'er should have been taken away by someone from a dangerous and secret place. But where and by whom, we don't know." No idea, just found a note in her boudoir."

Liu Rufeng said: "I don't know if it's to comfort us, but I just said that I went to practice."

He took out a piece of paper from his bosom sadly, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at it, but it was Liu Douer's handwriting.

After carefully observing the note, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "Grandpa Liu, Uncle Liu, it's all right, Douer left a secret note, and only she and I know. It wasn't coerced to leave, it was indeed After practicing, it will return naturally after a certain achievement.”

"Really?" Liu Zongyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Jiang Xiaobai's heart burst into murderous intent. He had never made secret notes with Liu Dou'er, but it was just to comfort them.

"Xiaobai, what are your plans for the future? Now those places are gradually opening up, and you are their number one enemy." Liu Rufeng asked.

Jiang Xiaobai said flatly: "It's time to become emperor."

Liu Zongyuan said seriously: "We will summon guards as soon as possible to help you..."

"No need." Jiang Xiaobai declined Liu Zongyuan's kindness, "Don't bother the Liu family, I'm going to plot another wave of people."

Liu Zongyuan shook his head again and again with a funny face: "You kid, you'd better be careful."

"Don't worry, I know."

Jiang Xiaobai stayed at Liu's house for a day, exchanged some experiences with Liu Zongyuan and Liu Rufeng, and flew away.

Soon, a news spread from the Liu family that Jiang Xiaobai was going to become emperor.

As soon as the news came out, the world changed.

Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation became a mystery after it was continuously reported that another emperor-level powerhouse was beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai.

Some people say that Jiang Xiaobai has already broken through the emperor level, some people say that he has not, but now, there is finally a conclusion.Killing the emperor with the emperor, Jiang Xiaobai is a well-deserved No.1.

Three days later, Jiang Xiaobai landed on a small island. Coincidentally, people discovered that this small island was the island where Jiang Xiaobai killed the Thunder Snake Demon Emperor.

There is a stone tablet built by the Ministry of Martial Arts on the island, with four big characters written on it - the human race must win.

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