Dominate the world

Chapter 872 Heavenly Tribulation

It was hard to choose a place, but I chose this place, which made the people who followed me feel a little panicked.

Is this Jiang Xiaobai mocking them, will they be plotted to death by Jiang Xiaobai just like the former Thunder Snake?

"Everyone watching the battle, it's better to go a little farther away, otherwise there will be a fight all at once, and be careful of being killed by mistake!"

Jiang Xiaobai sat in front of the stone tablet, his voice was clear, and his voice spread everywhere.

In an instant, the monks gathered around slipped away, and the crowd thinned out.In the sky, the east group and the west group were left behind large and small forces.

There are nearly ten of these powerful people, and no more than two or three small people, floating around the island, pointing at Jiang Xiaobai on the island.

Seeing their sullen expressions and hatred in their eyes, many people have already guessed their identities, and they should be relatives and friends of the emperor-level master who was beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai before.

Suddenly, the wind rose and the clouds began to surge, and the waves began to surge, and the mountains and rains were about to come.

"Hey, look at the sky."

Finally, someone discovered the strangeness of the sky. It was astonishingly that thunderclouds gathered together.And above where the thunderclouds gather is exactly where Jiang Xiaobai is.

"Could it be that it's really a catastrophe?" An old man with white beard and hair said quietly, which immediately attracted many people to look over curiously.

Soon, someone called out the old man's identity. It was Situ Qing, who was greedy and dangerous. It was rumored that the old man's son died at the hands of Jiang Xiaobai.

Situ Qing didn't make a fool of himself, he said slowly: "According to the book, there was a period of ancient times, which was the peak period of martial arts practice, and the earth was revered as a holy place. It can become a spirit, a mountain can become a monster, a dragon swims in the three worlds, and a phoenix dances in the nine heavens."

Unable to help, everyone fell into longing. According to Situ Qing's description, it was undoubtedly the fairyland.

"At that time, the human race was far from being strong, oppressed by ferocious beasts, and threatened by monsters. Although there were not many people in the tribe, there were many arrogant people. It is rumored that the peerless Tianjiao at that time would attract thunder from the sky because they were too against the sky. robbery."

As if a thunderbolt exploded on the dry land, everyone looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was sitting cross-legged on Xiao Daoxing in horror. Could it be that it was really a catastrophe?

Everyone shook their heads, looked at the sky for a while, and looked at the people for a while, unwilling to believe it, but they gradually believed [-]% in their hearts.

Is Jiang Xiaobai a genius?


The emperor level reversed the emperor level, there has never been such a thing since it was recorded, and Jiang Xiaobai is still No.1.

"Hmph, so what if he is a genius? Heavenly Tribulation is not easy!" a young man shouted dissatisfied.

"This man is right. The power of the catastrophe is not something that ordinary people can easily resist. Even if they can survive it, they will definitely be seriously injured. We happened to take advantage of it."

"Good idea, exactly as it should be!"

Many people laughed and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with gloating eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the sky in surprise, he didn't expect that there would be a catastrophe, and he only realized it after hearing what Situ Qing said.

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed in his heart, he understood that not only was his path to becoming an emperor not wrong, it might be the most correct path.

To become an emperor-level powerhouse does not need the blessing of luck at all. Whether it is created by oneself or absorbed by others, relying on luck itself has already brought the practice to the bottom.

In fact, in ancient times, human beings relied on themselves to cultivate martial arts, conquering all the way and going against the sky.It's just that this road is too difficult and dangerous, and non-absolute geniuses can't walk it, so someone in later generations created a road to advance to the emperor's rank by relying on luck.

Later, the road of luck became popular, but no one took the road of genius, and it was gradually forgotten in the long river of history.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai made a mistake and once again broke into the road of genius!

Jiang Xiaobai heard the words of the surrounding audience clearly, and he was not in a hurry, but just remembered the physical appearance of these people one by one in his heart.

It seems that killing is not enough!

The thundercloud in the sky has finally gathered momentum, and the whole shape is like a funnel. At the bottom of the funnel mouth, two Tai Chi fish flicker, one white and one black, forming a circular Tai Chi diagram.

Jiang Xiaobai's mind was shocked, the so-called thunder catastrophe map was almost printed out of the same mold as the Tai Chi disc in his body.

"Could it be that there is a connection between the two?"

Before Jiang Xiaobai could think about it, the first thunderstorm had already struck.

It was a bright white divine thunder that was as thick as a bucket, and it directly hit Jiang Xiaobai's head.

The Shenlei directly submerged Jiang Xiaobai, and it lasted for two or three seconds before finally receding.

Everyone panickedly looked at Jiang Xiaobai's position, and saw a figure sitting there, seemingly intact.But someone with a heart found the rock beside Jiang Xiaobai, and it was still turned into dust.

There was no trace of the latter on the stele made of special materials.

This scene surprised many people. How could it be possible? How could Jiang Xiaobai's physical body be so tyrannical?

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his head, feeling a little pain, completely unexpected, Shenlei smashed down.It is also fortunate that his physical body is now extremely tyrannical, otherwise he would probably be bleeding from the head.

The second tribulation thunder just paused for a moment and then struck again. Jiang Xiaobai was prepared and took it easily.This time he consciously savored the power of Lei Jie, the numbing current flowed through his body and merged into his muscles, removing some flaws that he didn't even realize.

Then came the third, fourth, and sixth times, Jiang Xiaobai finally raised the Tai Chi Star Sword, the power of the Thunder Tribulation increased too fast, and he just relied on his physical body to carry it hard, most likely he would be injured.

"He can't bear it anymore!" An old monk shouted excitedly, his eyes full of covetousness.

Jiang Xiaobai waved a golden dragon sword energy, and shot at the talking old guy.

To Jiang Xiaobai's surprise, his Golden Dragon Sword Qi hadn't arrived yet, but Lei Jie had arrived first.The latter froze in place, completely unaware that Lei Jie would envelop him.

With a soft pop, the body of the elderly monk was directly vaporized, turning into a cloud of black smoke.

"In this case, you all come to taste the taste of thunder calamity." Jiang Xiaobai moved his body and came to a small team of nine people. The thunder calamity came down, and the nine people suffered together.

Three people died on the spot, five people were seriously injured, and only one person was slightly injured, but he also sprayed blood, and his body was covered with thunder.

Jiang Xiaobai used the Flowing Light Immortal Shadow technique, and quickly jumped around, starting a trick.


The monks were terrified, but here, they were like hungry wolves without claws, passively being bullied by Jiang Xiaobai.

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