Dominate the world

Chapter 873 Achieving Emperor Level

Jiang Xiaobai fired a shot to change places, and the thunder and calamity rumbled continuously, so he ran non-stop. In just one minute, hundreds of emperor-level powerhouses suffered a big loss.

More than [-]% died on the spot, and most of the rest were seriously injured, with only a handful of minor injuries.

Sensing that the thunder calamity was getting stronger, Jiang Xiaobai also restrained his mind and started to cross the calamity with concentration.In his field of vision, there was no one to see.

The continuous blast of thunder robbed Jiang Xiaobai's body, strengthened his mind, and purified his vitality. When practicing, Jiang Xiaobai consciously kept the three forces moving forward in parallel, not letting any one Aspects become short boards.

"Evil thoughts?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a different kind of thought rise in his heart, making his blood boil with killing intent, wishing to kill all the people who were his enemies.

However, just as the evil thoughts arose, Jiang Xiaobai's Lingtai regained its clarity, and the spiritual thoughts of the person who carried the thunder light swept away the evil thoughts.

"Hmph, I kill people to save and protect people. I kill people who deserve to be killed. I have never felt guilty, let alone regretted it. My heart is firm and my thoughts are pure. Even a little devil wants to harm me, wishful thinking."

Crackling, Jiang Xiaobai's body suddenly exploded like beans bursting, and his figure became louder and more orderly.

Then it finally turned into a sound, as if a certain restriction had been opened, Jiang Xiaobai flew into the sky with a long roar, and his violent vitality rushed down, suppressing all the surrounding waves, and then gathered into a bigger wave. The waves, with the small island as a dot, roared in all directions.

"Sure!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted, a force was sent out along with the divine sense, and quickly enveloped the whole body hundreds of feet away.

The high and rising tide was imprisoned in the air, and the splashed water droplets were suspended motionless, and all affairs within the domain were frozen.

With a heartbeat, Jiang Xiaobai said: "Turn!"

The falling waves suddenly went upstream, rebounded into the sky, and then formed a huge water ball, spinning non-stop.

"Pavilion, pavilion, red sun, silver moon." Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly, as his words fell, all kinds of things appeared one after another, like a mirage.

"It's gone." Jiang Xiaobai said, the waves swirling in the sky, the red sun, etc. all disappeared, they were just illusions.

Jiang Xiaobai looked up, and the dark clouds in the sky had receded, and the sky was clear and blue.

Jiang Xiaobai called out the character attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Boundary: Emperor-level [-]nd dan (Leapfrogged [-]st dan, a total of [-] dans)

Cultivation method: Taoism Volume 100 ([-]%, please search Taoism Volume [-])

The fourth stage of Bajiu Xuangong (20%)

Technique: Streaming Immortal Shadow (100% to be promoted)

Liuhe Swordsmanship (100% pending promotion)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi One Foot (8%)

Domineering Sword (34%) is waiting to be understood, the second sword is the common people's sword

Avatar: Domain (20%)

Broken domain (100% will be discarded soon)

Jiang Xiaobai nodded secretly. After reaching the emperor level, his strength has improved significantly, and he even passed the first stage and advanced to the second stage.

Especially the eighty-nine profound arts, which directly entered the fourth level, Jiang Xiaobai could feel clearly that the strength of his physical body is at least double that of before.

Generally speaking, the strength has increased greatly.

Putting away the attributes, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the people who flew back. Although there were more than a hundred of them, most of them were in a state of distress, their breath was sluggish, and they were seriously injured. The eyes looking at Jiang Xiaobai were full of resentment.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you're going to die today." More than a dozen people cursed bitterly. They were seriously injured, and some of them were still shaking.

"I gave you a chance to escape, but if you don't hurry up, then stay here." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, punching through the air, and in the next second came to the dozen or so people who were talking.

He activated the domain directly, and at the same time, the dozen or so people reacted quickly and activated the domain together.The fields collided, and there was a bang, bang, bang, blood spurted out of the mouths of a dozen people, and their breaths drifted away.

Their domain was completely insignificant in front of Jiang Xiaobai, as if a dilapidated wooden fishing boat collided with a steel battleship and was directly smashed into pieces.

Jiang Xiaobai showed no mercy, and sent the dozen or so people on the road together as soon as Liuhe swordsmanship came out.

"Everyone went together, he just survived the catastrophe, so he must be lacking in vitality. With so many of us, we can kill him with one effort." Some people mobilized.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart. Because of the existence of domains, there is a huge difference between the confrontation of emperor-level powerhouses and emperor-level. It cannot be said that there are too many people useless, but the advantage of numbers is greatly reduced.

Jiang Xiaobai hung proudly in the sky, let go of the domain, and let these people rush.Among these people, except for an old man who has hidden his cultivation and has reached the second stage, everyone else is only at the first stage and has just started.

The scope, sensitivity, and control of the field are far inferior to Jiang Xiaobai's.When they sensed Jiang Xiaobai's domain, they activated the domain in fear, but they were destined to hit the stone with an egg and ask for trouble.

Puff puff……

Jiang Xiaobai didn't move, but these people vomited blood and were injured one after another. They were so frightened that they turned around and ran away in a panic.

"You, you have already reached the second stage of the emperor?" Finally, someone reacted and called out.

This sound saved the lives of many people, and the people who were eager to try and prepare to attack quickly backed away.The emperor level is divided into nine stages, and it is the stage with the greatest leap in the entire practice process.

The strength between the two ranks can be described as the difference between heaven and earth. Generally, the emperor-level powerhouses refer to the emperor-level ranks. Therefore, there is a saying in the practice world that it is easy to become an emperor and difficult to enter a rank.

After Jiang Xiaobai crossed the catastrophe, he actually directly crossed the first stage of the emperor level and achieved the second stage of the emperor level, which is even more shocking.


The emperor-level masters present at the scene were finally scared, and they couldn't afford to covet the slightest bit. No one cared about others anymore, so it was important to run for their lives and seek the protection of the sect.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, show mercy." Jiang Xiaobai was about to catch up, when a voice came from afar.

It was a crane, the whole crane was worshiped, but there was a smear of vermilion on its forehead, which was particularly eye-catching. Sitting on the crane was an old man, dressed in sackcloth, with a childlike face, long sleeves fluttering, and looked like a fairy.

"Little friend, please be merciful." The old man spoke again, and his figure had already approached.

"It's Venerable New Moon!" The old man was obviously very famous, and he was recognized quickly.

And all the people who had fled frantically before gathered behind the old man in unison, full of the joy of surviving after the catastrophe.

"This old man comes from the Changtian Secret Realm. His dao name is Xinyue. He is a few years older, so he is called Venerable Xinyue." The old man said kindly, "Can you give this old man a face and forgive them? Too much, after all, is against the harmony of heaven."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and said sarcastically, "Then according to what you mean, only they can kill me, and I can't kill them?"

Venerable Xinyue shook his head: "No, no, it's just that my little friend is too hostile, and I'm afraid there will be great troubles in my future practice."

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