Dominate the world

Chapter 874 Venerable New Moon

"Then don't worry about it, I know it well." Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, stepped out behind Venerable Xinyue, and opened his hand to grab a young man.

Venerable Xinyue waved his hand to block Jiang Xiaobai: "Little friend, can you give me some face?"


Venerable Xinyue was taken aback for a moment, and a look of anger rose between his brows. He said in a deep voice, "Young man, do you really want to become a devil?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing loudly: "Am I the devil? Old guy, you still have a bit of fairy spirit, but now it seems that you are just a dog, get out!"

With the last word, Jiang Xiaobai directly engulfed his vitality, and the rolled word was like a burst of thunder, which spread far away.

Venerable Xinyue blushed, embarrassed and embarrassing, since he became famous, he had never been insulted like this before.

"Devil, you are looking for death!" Venerable Xinyue shouted angrily, and slapped Jiang Xiaobai on the head with a slap.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his hand to block Venerable Xinyue's attack, and said contemptuously: "You're angry now, and you're going to kill someone? Don't be ashamed, you're also very hostile!"

Venerable Xinyue snorted: "Eliminating demons and defending Taoism is my vocation for a lifetime of practice. If you are such a demon leader, killing you is doing justice for the heavens."

"Old guy, the way you look shameless is really disgusting." Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and slapped him out with a raised hand.

This slap was powerful and heavy, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Slap!" The slap was loud, and Venerable New Moon's cheek was twitched, his cheek was swollen high, and the five finger marks were exceptionally clear.

"It's useless, kill me and use your skills!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted, leaning forward, waving a domineering sword.

This saber is majestic and majestic, the saber body has not yet landed, the saber energy has already attacked the body, Venerable Xinyue was stunned, he suddenly regretted that he shouldn't show up indiscriminately, and even underestimated the strength of this kid.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about the people behind him, so he jumped aside with all his might.

Ba Dao's first strike, Feng Yun's sword fell, and the dozen or so emperor-level masters who were unable to react in time behind Venerable Xinyue were all cut off.

"Aren't you going to protect them? You're protecting me now!" Jiang Xiaobai sarcastically said, using the Flowing Light Immortal Shadow technique, and quickly chased after Venerable Xinyue.

The latter seemed to be terrified, and he didn't turn around, but just fled away.His mouth was still very strong, "Boy, you killed innocent people so indiscriminately, there will definitely be retribution in the future."

Seeing that the direction of Venerable Xinyue's escape was suddenly the Emperor-level second-tier master hidden in the crowd, and the latter looked like he couldn't escape, the killing intent in Jiang Xiaobai's heart increased several times again.

Sure enough, as I guessed, the old boy didn't come here to comfort him because he couldn't get used to it at all, he was clearly waiting to cooperate with this second-level emperor-level master and plot against him.

Jiang Xiaobai chased and killed him pretending not to know, passed the second-tier master, and slashed towards Venerable Xinyue with a single blow.

Venerable Xinyue turned around abruptly, took out a crutch, shook his wrist repeatedly, stabbed back towards Jiang Xiaobai, and at the same time activated the domain, trying to block it.

With this stabbing, Venerable New Moon found that he stabbed empty, and the excited domain didn't touch anything.He suddenly realized that this was an illusion.

"Ah—" A scream sounded.

Venerable Xinyue looked quickly, but saw that Jiang Xiaobai's left arm was bleeding, but the knife pierced deeply into his old friend's dantian.

"Silver light?" Venerable Xinyue was distraught.

"Thinking about me? Old guy, I have more experience than you." Jiang Xiaobai's wrist shook, and the silver light old man's body was torn apart and fell into the sea water below.

Venerable Xinyue's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared in grief and indignation: "Devil, you will die!"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his fingers contemptuously: "Childish, I'll send you on your way, go!"

A one-foot-long golden dragon sword qi roared out, the dragon controlled the water, and the water below automatically rose in pain, converging the sword qi, forming a solid water dragon.

The water dragon groaned and rushed towards Venerable Xinyue.

Venerable Xinyue didn't dare to fight, turned around and wanted to leave, but was shocked to find that he was shrouded in Jiang Xiaobai's domain.When the latter emitted the domain, he did not perceive it at all.

But at the second stage of the Emperor Realm, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't restrain Venerable Xinyue, but in a short time, Venerable Xinyue couldn't escape either.

As a last resort, Venerable Xinyue could only turn around to resist, but saw Jiang Xiaobai wielding a long knife and beheaded him again.

"I'll block!" Venerable Xinyue had no choice but to raise the crutch in his hand horizontally.

With a click, the crutch broke, and Venerable New Moon spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards far away.

At this time, the water dragon also rushed over, and bit Venerable Xinyue into its mouth.

Bang bang bang, the water dragon dissipated, and Venerable New Moon fell on the island in a state of embarrassment. A large piece of his left arm and even his left shoulder was bitten off, and blood gushed out continuously.

The latter hurriedly stopped the bleeding, used restraint to suppress the backlash of his skills, and stared at Jiang Xiaobai who was floating in front of him hatefully.

"Aren't you going to protect them? What about them? Why didn't you protect you and ran away instead?" Jiang Xiaobai unceremoniously sprinkled salt on the old guy's wound.

Venerable Xinyue looked around blankly, the sky was blue and there was no one in sight.All the people he protected before ran away, leaving no one behind, lest they run too slowly.

"No, don't kill me, I have a secret to tell you." Venerable New Moon shouted hastily.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, this is in line with the normal rhythm.


Venerable Xinyue hurriedly said: "You promise not to kill me, nor abolish my cultivation?"

Seeing the old man's fear of death, Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said: "Yes, but I will send you to the Martial Arts Department. If you cooperate well, you can be treated as a guest. If you don't cooperate, you will be a prisoner, understand? ?”

Venerable Xinyue nodded repeatedly. He never thought that he would be able to escape Jiang Xiaobai's poisonous hands. The current result is not bad.

"Right now, the true core talents of many secret realms are not in the sect. They are all waiting for a secret realm to be opened. It is a ruin, but there is a legend that there is a chance to become a saint."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed in amazement, "Sanctification? Emperor-level ninth-dan, I'm only second-dan now, isn't it too far away?"

Venerable Xinyue said flatteringly: "Elder Jiang doesn't know something. That place is called Longxu. It came from outer space. It was born only once in a thousand years. There are many secrets in it. I only saw it in the classics, but the senior who wrote the classics I swear, there is a chance to become a saint in the Dragon Market."

"Should there be any conditions for entering the Dragon Ruins?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Venerable Xinyue nodded again and again: "Naturally, first of all, it is an emperor-level cultivation base. The higher the rank, the better. Secondly, you need a token, and the small one happens to have one here."

Venerable Xinyue eagerly handed over a bronze token.

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