Jiang Xiaobai took out a Dragon Ruins Token, and saw a ray of light shining from the ruins in the sky, covering him directly.

There is a suction in the light, as long as he is willing, he can immediately fly up and enter the Dragon Market.

Because they were not sure whether they could gather together after entering the Longxu, the six formed in pairs to support each other, and Jiang Xiaobai formed a group by himself.With his strength, if he is alone, at least he has enough power to protect himself.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't fly into Longxu in a hurry, but looked at the six people, and he was relieved when he saw that the six people were all right.

"Let's go!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

The six nodded in unison, turning into three rays of light and rushing up, Jiang Xiaobai was also about to leave, when a anxious girl's voice rang in his ears.

"Brother Han Qianyu of Linlangdongtian, can you take me a ride? I am willing to offer 5 yuan stone? Please take me a ride."

At the same time, a hand reached out, toward the light.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly suppressed the power of Feisheng. Last night, the three major forces made a special confession.Once the token holder is shrouded in light, other people should not try to take advantage of it and rush into the light. Otherwise, if the token holder thinks, the part of the intruder shrouded in light will be annihilated. Can't stop.

It was a soft-looking girl who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, her vitality was a little impetuous, but she had just broken into the emperor level, and in terms of overall strength, she might still be inferior to Zhao Chong.

She bowed anxiously, but looked back from time to time. Jiang Xiaobai followed the girl's eyes, but there were two strong men with exactly the same appearance, and they were staring at him fiercely.

"Boy, don't worry about chasing the traitor disciples in the Gemini Secret Realm." The two strong men said in unison, as if they were in the same heart, they said exactly the same words without any change in tone. Yes, very weird.

"No, Mr. Han, don't listen to them. I'm not from the Gemini Mystic Realm. I'm a disciple of Shuiyue Cave, and my father is the master of this Shuiyue Cave. After destroying our Shuiyue Cave, I escaped by chance, please help me."

The girl begged, kneeling as soon as her knees gave way.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly pulled the girl into the beam of light, and comforted him softly: "This junior sister of Shuiyuedongtian, don't be afraid, with me, you will be fine. Although my Linlangdongtian is weak at the moment, I can It’s not the cowardly people who are afraid of getting into trouble.”

When Jiang Xiaobai used the name Linlangdongtian in the first place, Jiang Xiaobai thought about the idea of ​​operating the name of Linlangdongtian, which might play an unexpected role in the future.

At this moment, I have obtained the Dragon Market Order, and I can enter the Dragon Market to find opportunities. Naturally, there is no need to hide my strength and bide my time as before, and it is a good time to raise hopes.

The girl cried out in surprise, and quickly took out the primordial stone and was about to hand it to Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai quickly refused: "No need, I only do things based on my heart, but I never care about benefits. Hurry up!" Me, let's go."

The girl thanked her repeatedly, grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's sleeve with some restraint, and flew into the Longxu with Jiang Xiaobai.

"Boy, you'd better die in the Dragon Ruins, or wait for the revenge from our Gemini Secret Realm!" The voice below became more and more faint, and Jiang Xiaobai gradually couldn't hear it, and his vision changed quickly, and he had already entered the Dragon Ruins.

The light gradually faded, and Jiang Xiaobai found that he was in a hill, and the little girl beside him had disappeared.He flew up in the air and looked around, only to find that he was the only one in the big space around him.

"It seems that they will be separated when they enter here. I hope Zhao Chong and the others will be fine." Jiang Xiaobai said to himself, but it was useless to worry any more at this moment. He chose a place and flew forward slowly.

A month later, Jiang Xiaobai beheaded an emperor-level monster with a sword, hid in a cave, and lit a bonfire for barbecue.

This month has been a nightmare!

He has seen too many monsters. These monsters are extremely powerful. The worst ones are the first stage of the emperor level. The second or third stage of the emperor level is just normal, and there are even many monsters that are beyond the third stage. .

The first moment he saw the monster, Jiang Xiaobai hid, not daring to show his face at all, for fear of revealing his aura and being discovered by the monster.

It's nothing more than a tyrannical strength of these monsters, and they are a large group when they come and go. If it weren't for extreme caution, Jiang Xiaobai would have died countless times.

He was basically hiding all the way, embarrassed and extremely aggrieved. In order to avoid a group of berserk monsters a few days ago, he had no choice but to deviate from the direction again.

In the end, he ran into a tornado that swept people into the air inlet. The wind was sharper than the wind in space, and it was like sword qi piercing his body. Jiang Xiaobai escaped after a narrow escape.

Last night, the tornado finally stopped, and he found that Jiang Xiaobai finally ate his first hot meal in a month after fighting for a third-stage monster that was alone.

"Where the hell is this place?" Jiang Xiaobai bit the monster meat fiercely, full of displeasure.

If this Dragon Market is so terrifying, then why not explore it, it is clearly death.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned around and looked back. Just now, he felt something flashing in the hole.

"No way, isn't the plot in the novel made up, and the survivor went into the cave and found an adventure?" Jiang Xiaobai laughed at himself, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

When he entered this cave, he searched carefully, and there should be no danger in this cave.But obviously, if there is really something weird hidden, it must be another life and death escape.

A ray of light burst out from the wall at an extremely fast speed, shining with a dark green light, and penetrated into Jiang Xiaobai's body.

"Brother Pan, what is that?" Jiang Xiaobai yelled in horror, frightened for a while, this Longxu is too weird.

Taiji Yuanpan didn't explain it, but at the next moment, Jiang Xiaobai found a green light covering him and took him away.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, and found that he was still alive, and he felt that his back was already soaked through fear.

Fourteen strange eyes were staring at him, it was Zhao Chong and the other six, and the little girl from before was also there.

"Xiaobai, where have you been?" Li Chan asked worriedly.

Zhang Chulan shouted angrily: "Where did you go again? You almost scared us to death. This little girl is almost going to tear this little girl into pieces."

The girl's eyes were full of horror and fear, and then she held her mouth, and tears flowed out.

Li Chan's cheeks flushed, she pulled out her long sword three inches, and stared at Zhang Chulan with awe-inspiring killing intent.

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