Dominate the world

Chapter 881 Medicine Garden

Zhao Chong said with concern: "Xiaobai, are you okay? Does your look look weird?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the seven people suspiciously, and quickly asked, "You guys gathered here after you came in, and didn't you encounter any weird things?"

"No, following the beam of light, everyone landed here, and then we found out that you were not there. If Li Chan hadn't insisted, we would have left too. We have been waiting for you for an hour."

"One hour?" Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed in amazement, he must have stayed in that place for a month before, but he didn't expect the outside world to have only passed an hour.

The girl suddenly said: "Brother Han, have you entered some secret realm? But it's not right, there is no record in the classics that you will leave the secret realm when you enter the Dragon Market?"

The girl's voice lowered, and she almost whispered the words behind.

Secret realm?

Hearing this word, no one cared about what the girl said later. The six of them became interested and stared at Jiang Xiaobai eagerly.

That is a legendary secret realm, a place where adventures can occur, where one can get treasures, spiritual herbs, and even magical secret books that are not available in the outside world, or encounter the inheritance of senior masters.

Looking at the eyes of several people, Jiang Xiaobai knew that these people were thinking wrongly, and he said angrily: "The benefit of having a fart, I didn't get anything, and I almost died in it."

He explained what happened before, and said depressedly: "Maybe I am unlucky, I don't have that chance."

All six of them looked resentful and full of pity.

The girl comforted: "Brother Han, you don't need to be upset. According to you, that place may be relatively high-level. You are now at the second stage of the emperor, and your strength is indeed not enough."

Jiang Xiaobai responded to the girl with a smile: "Thank you for your comfort, I feel much better. Did you get scared just now? Don't be afraid. They are just worried about me. They are actually good people."

The girl glanced at Li Chan fearfully, and said flatteringly, "Well, I know, all brothers and sisters are good people."

"By the way, what's your name? When I was outside, I only knew that you were from Shuiyuedongtian, but I didn't know your name?"

The girl's eyes turned red, and she said timidly, "My name is Xue Ling'er."

Jiang Xiaobai said softly: "Then you should follow us from now on. It's relatively safe. Of course, if you want to leave, you can leave at any time."

There was a flash of emotion in Xue Linger's eyes, and she asked in a low voice: "Will it cause trouble to Brother Han?"

"Trouble?" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly, "I'm not afraid!"

Bai Yu laughed loudly: "That's right, we are troublesome people, and what we do is troublesome things. What's more, we are born as human beings, and we should only follow our heart in doing things. What's the point of being afraid of this and that? A gentleman can do something. Do nothing!"

Kong Xuan clapped his hands and shouted: "That's right, it's what a gentleman does and what he doesn't do. Xiao Ling'er, you can rest assured to stay with us. With us, no one can bully you."

Li Chan apologized: "Sister Xue Ling'er, I'm sorry for scaring you before, but I was a little concerned and it got messed up."

Xue Linger quickly said: "It's okay, it's Linger who caused trouble for all brothers and sisters. Just now I was worried that Han Qianyu was lost because of me."

When she said that, everyone laughed.

"Okay, everything is said and done, let's continue on the road." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "We have wasted a lot of time."

Xue Linger quickly took out a map and suggested: "I know a place where there is a medicine garden with many precious herbs. After 1000 years, they should be able to be picked again. If brothers and sisters don't have anything Where we have to go, we can go and see."

Jiang Xiaobai frowned, and comforted him: "Sister Ling'er, you don't need to curry favor with us, this should be your sect's treasure, right?"

Xue Ling'er bit her lip, and said with a weeping expression: "It used to be! But this place itself has no owner, and now I am the only one left in Shuiyuedongtian, and I can't keep the medicine garden at all, so Ling'er hopes to share with everyone. Brothers and sisters share together."

"To be honest, we really need these things, so we won't be polite to you. Of course, your share is indispensable." Jiang Xiaobai was not a hypocritical person, so he agreed.

Xue Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief, and also showed a happy smile. The smile was sweet and very cute.

Guided by Xue Linger's map, the group of eight barely made any detours, but carefully guarded against waves of people who secretly tried to plot against them.

Three days later, eight people came to a chaotic rock.

"Is this an illusion?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were burning, and since he entered the fourth level of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Xue Ling'er hummed, and typed out several secrets in succession, a mist dissipated, and then a medicine garden covering an area of ​​three mu was revealed.

Xue Ling'er said anxiously: "Everyone come in with me, there is only two breaths."

After she finished speaking, she flew downward rapidly, and her figure passed through a faint light.

"Follow." Jiang Xiaobai and the others hurriedly followed and got in together.

Immediately, an extremely strong medicinal fragrance rushed over, and everyone understood that if the medicinal fragrance spread out, Yaoyuanzi would definitely be exposed.

"Ling'er, are there any taboos? For example, what can't be picked, how many years are needed for those, to be honest, we don't know much about these." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Xue Ling'er looked at Jiang Xiaobai curiously, but she didn't doubt him, and said sweetly: "Then brothers and sisters, follow me to pick. It is true that some herbs are not old enough and cannot be picked, and some need special care. Otherwise, if the method is wrong, it will die immediately."

"This Sanyang flower needs to be packed in a black ice box, otherwise it will not be able to cover the yang energy of the Sanyang flower, resulting in a great loss of medicinal properties."

"This Linghua grass needs to be picked with vitality to lock the root, otherwise it will automatically transform its medicinal properties, from a life-saving thing to a poisonous medicine that hurts people."

"This seven-star grass must be picked with a fire-attributed utensil, otherwise it will directly turn into a pool of black water and cause a curse. It's terrible."


In the medicine garden, Xue Ling'er changed from being cautious and awed before, as if she had returned home, and transformed into a happy elf, obviously this is her nature.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others were eye-opening. If they came here in person, even if they had a chance, it would be wasted.

"Xiaobai, before, I thought you played the trick of being a hero saving the beauty, but now it seems that good people are rewarded with good rewards." Zhao Chong said with a smile.

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