Five days later, the high mountains in front of me looked like a high wall, blocking the front view and forming a vent.

The eight people descended to their bodies. This is a one-line canyon. If you want to enter the central area, this is the safest way.The top of the mountain is full of countless space cracks, even with their strength, they can't pass through.

After the eight people passed through the first-line gorge, two ugly-looking men jumped out.

"Which force do these people belong to? Shisan, why did you hold me back just now?"

"Fourteen, I'm saving you, so don't be ignorant. The guy in the lead should be Han Qianyu from Linlangdongtian. He fought against Tuoba Ying from the Tuoba family before, and he won easily."

"What, defeated Tuobaying easily? That's really a master. Thank you, brother thirteen. Unfortunately, I still want to search for some benefits. Now it's a waste of time. Let's go, it's been half a month No one will come anymore. The elder sister has been urging me for a long time, if I don’t go there, I’m afraid I will be chained and smoked again!”

Both of them shuddered together, put away all kinds of ambush traps resentfully, and flew into Yixian Gorge.

Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his divine thoughts. The two ugly guys are not weak, both of them are second-tier emperors. They obviously have extraordinary backgrounds. Since they didn't make a move, Jiang Xiaobai is not willing to make more enemies.

A day later, the eight people came to a huge basin, not so much a basin as a huge pit.

"This is the dragon's nest?" Zhang Chulan swallowed and spit, he was completely shocked.

The big pit in front of them was as vast as the vast ocean that everyone had seen before, and the edge could not be seen at a glance. Just as the divine sense came out, a magical force blocked their detection.

And in the ears, it seemed that the sound of dragon chants resounded slightly, subtly suppressing their spirits.Standing on the edge of the pit does not feel obvious, but it is conceivable that once it goes deep, it will be deeply affected.

"I don't know either. What is described in the classics is completely different from what I saw with my own eyes." Xue Ling'er was also a little confused.

"Don't worry, since we're here, we won't come back empty-handed without exploring some more, let's go down and have a look." Jiang Xiaobai said, and jumped into the huge pit, and everyone quickly followed.

It seemed that they had fallen into countless spaces, and the gravity became stronger the further they went down, and that force pressed on everyone, making them fall faster and faster.

Fortunately, now that the vitality can circulate freely, there is no need to worry about being thrown to death.But everyone also understood that in this dragon's nest, the requirements for the physical body and spiritual thoughts were probably too high.

This makes sense, after all, it is Shenlong.

After falling to the ground, everyone straightened their bodies and gradually got used to the pressure.

"It's no wonder that people at the second stage of the emperor level are required to come in. If it's still at the previous stage, I'm afraid it will be difficult." Zhao Chong said with emotion, and everyone nodded repeatedly.They have just broken through the second stage of the emperor level, and they are still a little uncomfortable. They are used to sensing the current situation with their previous feelings, and they are instinctively a little nervous.

"There seems to be a palace in front, let's go and have a look." Li Chan suggested.

Everyone flew over, only to realize that this is more than just a palace, it is clearly a group of palaces, on the top of the big pit, it looks like a low layer, like mud, and only after falling into the bottom of the pit did they realize that there are many magnificent palaces standing here. hall.

The doors of some halls have been opened, obviously they have been entered first, but the doors of some halls are closed, obviously they have never been patronized.

"Needless to say, these unopened gates must be full of dangers, but there are many treasures hidden inside, so let's try separately." Kong Xuan said, and he flew towards a magnificent palace.

The eight people also dispersed separately, but Xue Ling'er walked with Li Chan, taking care of each other.

Jiang Xiaobai flew high in the sky, looking at the main hall below. There are at least tens of thousands of them, with different shapes and styles. God knows where the giant dragon moved them from.

There are more open halls ahead, and the deeper you go, the more closed halls inside. Overall, it seems that only [-]% of the total halls are opened.

In the depths, Jiang Xiaobai finally saw some Tianjiao monks, and they were each looking for a way to open the hall.After feeling Jiang Xiaobai's divine sense, they all stared back impatiently.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't take it seriously either. He paid attention to the movement of several people and chose a hall.

This is a grand hall that looks like an ancient Hua Kingdom, but Tongtian is built of stones, and it looks full of primitive simplicity.Jiang Xiaobai put his hands on the door and pushed hard.

The gate of the main hall remained motionless.

He put in more effort, and the door moved slightly just now. He stepped up without hesitation, until the door was finally pushed open when he had seven successes.

"Guys, I'll be one step ahead." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, seeing that no one else could enter yet.

He only entered with his front foot, and found that the door of the main hall closed automatically, blocking outsiders from outside.

"Oh, that's not bad, it eliminates many dangers." Jiang Xiaobai praised.

Just like the simplicity seen from the outside, the inside of the main hall is equally desolate and even more rudimentary.The floor is pure boulders. Although the hall is huge, there is basically nothing and it is very empty.

On the contrary, there is a big cauldron in the center, and the fire is still burning at the bottom, which is calcining the big cauldron above.

"Could it be a pill?"

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, and came to the cauldron, but unfortunately there was no scent of elixir, but there was indeed something buried under the cauldron, but it was dingy, looking like the residue of alchemy.

Jiang Xiaobai took out the Taiji Star Sword, stabbed at the bottom of the cauldron, and with a snort, the flames in the cauldron burst into flames, almost burning Jiang Xiaobai's hair.

But the cauldron was already very broken, and was pierced through by the Taiji Xingchen sword.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled speechlessly, and was about to leave. It seemed that there was nothing to see in this hall.But at this moment, the cauldron shattered, and a piece of glowing red metal fell to the ground.

Jiang Xiaobai's ears moved, something was wrong, this piece of metal was empty.

Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the metal block with his palm, and slashed it with a sword. The metal block broke into two pieces, and an orange air flow flew up, and then turned into a screen. On the screen was an old man making alchemy.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly memorized the elixir used by Lao Dao, as well as the alchemy techniques and various methods of alchemy, and then the elixir was released one after another, and Lao Dao put away the elixir.

The old Taoist chuckled: "You little dragon, what kind of alchemy do you have, go and play."

Covering it with a hand, the image on the screen disappeared, and then the screen turned into an orange airflow again, dissipating in the air.

Is Xiaolong recorded?Could it be the memory of Shenlong when he was a child, and this old man is the owner of Shenlong?Jiang Xiaobai felt terrified thinking about it carefully. If his guess was right, what kind of cultivation would that old man be?

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